Build confidence in your prayers

November 3, 2021 | 33 comments

Do you ever wonder whether your prayers will bring healing?

Prayer does not have to be an iffy proposition. There are rules to follow that bring good results. In this video, I share ideas on how to find and follow these rules and build confidence in your prayers.

This vlog was filmed in Twin Falls, Idaho, when my wife and I traveled through with our RV camper in May of 2021.

33 thoughts on “Build confidence in your prayers”

  1. I love this Evan…I think we often feel a bit as if prayer might be a bit “hit and maybe I’ll miss”? but OUR prayer , though just human thought, is aimed to the most almighty power ever!
    We may not trust our own thoughts but it isn’t our ego or thoughts that heal . It is the reality of God’s presence and power and why would we doubt that?

    1. I’ve been thinking, “God gives us His spiritual ideas”……but He does not just leave us there to understand and demonstrate them on our own. His power and ever-presence are ONE with those ideas, and as God’s spiritual reflection; we have the immediate understanding of those ideas.

        1. C. That quote “God is not separate from the wisdom he bestows” S&H 6:5-6 Was in our lesson several weeks ago and it stuck with me. We are that wisdom! We are not separate from God and neither are our thoughts and prayers. It’s all God’s wisdom. Let’s accept it!

      1. D.P. Right! We have the immediate understanding of those ideas, for we are God’s self expression. We are not a human struggling to connect with God. If we want to feel and understand this, we need to accept it as Truth.

  2. We can never doubt our confidence in God, since we know him to be ever omipresencd Love.
    Thanks Evan for all your wonderful, and inspiring suggustions in how to pray for healing results.

  3. Sharing in this forum always uplifts. Here is felt togetherness, inspiration, confidence, loveliness, commitment, spiritualization. I always gain confidence here with the leading subject and then all great and caring comments. I always look forward to this meeting place. There is only one mind expressed and that Mind heals. Gratitude for today.

  4. Having made a number of parachute jumps myself, I know this is a perfect analogy to trusting God to heal us, as taught in Christian Science. It’s so easy to forget that we’re NOT simply jumping blindly into an abyss in spiritual healing; rather, we are invoking real laws — God’s laws — to help us. And they do! Thanks for this vivid reminder, Evan, that CS is not blind faith, but is truly scientific — meaning it is based on divine law and is effective!

  5. Thanks, Evan, for that great reminder and inspiration for further CS work and study.

    I’ve driven over that bridge at Twin Falls several times and have never caught the hang-gliders in action as did you and your wife.

  6. These vlogs are so helpful; another example of the flawless blending of imagery and message. As a pilot, I never had the urge to jump out of a perfectly functional airplane but also there the principles you speak of apply – fear overcome by confidence in engineering principles, procedural principles and above all confidence in the principle of the secret place of the most high.

  7. The base jumpers in freefall made me think of jumping into the loving arms of God. Not that we are ever actually out of His arms. But sometimes we get distracted and seem to forget that we can never be separated from our God, good.

  8. I’ve been reading, listening, to Deborah Huebsch’s article on “Confidence in Healing” maybe Angie can find it!.
    Thanks Evan.

      1. Thank you for the link. I have bookmarked it in JSH-Online for future reference. I think I read it when it was first published.

  9. Love this video and analogy Evan. Taking a stand for spiritual healing can sometimes feel like jumping off a cliff into a strong reverse wind. The universally accepted beliefs of the human mind can offer up a mighty resistance to our unconventional practice of relying on the laws of God for healing. But through our study of Christian Science, spiritual growth and experience we develop the confidence to trust these unwavering laws, and the effect is a greater sense of freedom, dominion, and a sure expectation of healing. With each challenge we face, – each time we take that leap, the ride becomes more exhilarating and rewarding. Thank you for posting this beautiful vlog.

  10. Evan thank you for the analogies they make for simple understanding. Now I find myself looking for and finding them everywhere in life also. I had a couple I was thinking of sharing in my society’s Wednesday testimony meeting tonight. I love the Science of Christian Science. There is no room for chance or haphazardness, it’s clean, clear and certain.

  11. Thank you Evan, once again for your inspiration!
    Oh God, hear my cry….at times may be the beginning of my prayer. But I have found to “act” on what I hear is just as important. God may say, sing a hymn or feel my loving arms around you, or don’t buy into that lie.
    I’m grateful to be a student of this magnificent truth that our leader brought to us.
    Grateful to all of you who participate in this blog.

  12. Loved the imagery. We lived across from a small mountain and saw hang gliders daily. It is not a free fall but a guided intelligent knowledge of windcurrents and distance judgement. Brings back memories but
    The joy and inspiration of living the rules of Christian Science bring the
    same joy. Thanks again for the uplift!

  13. Thanks for your video Evan and your wonderful thoughts. Enjoyed everyone’s comments today, too!

  14. Some quotes by others:
    – When “What if?” starts to reel us in – stop. Replace it with “What is.” Use spiritual sense – that humble receptivity and inspired reasoning we’re all capable of – to acknowledge what is. What is present? God, the great I am. What is going on? Infinite good. What is my situation? I’m under the wing of the Almighty.
    – Right in the midst of the malfunction or dysfunction, God’s work is already done. It has to do with grasping more about God’s law of flawless function.
    – As we pray, we can let the one divine Mind lift our thought out of matter and into Truth, even if we are confronted by beliefs contrary to Truth.

  15. Besides just rules to follow, A relationship with God and knowing who and Whose we are, is also important to healing. Jesus healed and taught his disciples to heal starting with teaching them about His Father and their relationship. Jesus also knew he was the child of a loving Father

  16. Truth for Truth’s Sake

    “You can never alter one single thing that is true and the only thing that is true is your total divinity here and now; and what is not true is not an alternative to the truth but a wrong view of Truth. This is never your wrong view. It is never a conscious living presence. There is no standpoint from which a false view can be held, and to know this is far more important than trying to tinker about with matter’s phenomena. There is no false sense of Life to which any error can attach itself.

    “Truth is that which is and so it has to be what I AM. MBE says that “All that is true is a sort of necessity, a portion of the primal reality of things” (’01:18-19). The impulsion, both in the world and individually, is always Truth asserting itself over the belief in its opposite, and not a mortal attaining Truth. This is the true sense of ‘directional history.’ It is “Mind as dispelling a false sense and giving the true sense of itself, God, and the universe” (Mis.190:4-6). This is why we seek Truth and not an answer to problems, for in finding Truth error dissolves spontaneously. All the good in your experience is Truth’s necessity and not a human need. The divine Mind operates without challenge, partner, or attenuation. The Christ-consciousness that you are relates only to Spirit, God. There is only ‘I’. (JHargreaves 2003)

    1. Dear Barbara, thank you for these wonderful quotes from J. Hargreaves. Very enlightening and much appreciated. Do you know in which publication this article appeared or have a link to share? Thanks!

  17. Hi, Rose…You’re up very late, just as I am! The message from John Hargreaves is one of the letters in the two volumes of “Letters from John Hargreaves” published by Mulberry Press in 2010. Over
    5,000 copies of his letters were submitted in response to the announcement of plan to publish and
    make them available; no names or addresses are shown.

    They are available still at Mulberry, MP is located in the U.K. but their printing and mailing is done in the U.S,

    1. Hi Barbara, thanks very much for that background info and reference to Mulberry Press. I just read a bit about his background on their author page. Sounds like quite an amazing fellow. Interesting to ponder that he wrote so many deeply spiritual letters. Imagine receiving a letter like that in the mail, it’s hard to picture in this day and age of instant, electronic communication that is often devoid of depth, and most snail mail is “junk mail” from marketers. Glad to know these letters have been preserved and continue to bless.

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