Tag: wisdom

Affirm health, never sickness

January 27, 2022 | 24 comments

Are you daily, hourly, affirming yourself to be in excellent health? The human mind experiences what it believes, so to stay healthy, it’s critical that it agrees with health, and never with disease. Mary Baker Eddy, a successful Christian healer,

Error is the coward that runs

January 25, 2022 | 16 comments

With all the fears swirling through public consciousness about the pandemic, contagion, and evolving variants, there may be a temptation to participate in that fear and become victimized by it. The wiser route is to stand strong with Truth, to

Unclog your ability to progress rapidly

January 10, 2022 | 15 comments

It is their materiality that clogs the progress of students, and “this kind goeth not forth but by prayer and fasting.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy, Miscellaneous Writings, p. 156 If you’d like to make faster progress down the path of

Give God a chance to speak

January 6, 2022 | 37 comments

If you’d like to hear what God has to say, be sure to give God a chance to speak and be heard! Sometimes, the human mind gets so busy forming its own plans, conversing about its own ideas, outlining what

Put yourself on a Truth-diet

December 10, 2021 | 12 comments

With a holiday season in full swing, many people worry about what they eat. A healthy plan to navigate your way through the season, is to put yourself on a diet of spiritual truth! Rather than stuffing your mouth with