Take God’s side

October 19, 2018 | 15 comments

Have you ever felt like you needed to take sides in a human conflict, but didn’t want to? Perhaps it’s a family argument between two people you care for, or a disagreement with a boss that puts you in a lose-lose situation no matter which side you choose? If so, take heart. There is a solution!

You don’t have to side with a person. You can side with what heals the conflict. Side with God.

God’s desire is never to divide, but to unite.

God doesn’t side with a person, but with what is right and good for all.

To side with God, is to side with the truth, and to advocate love, understanding, patience, wisdom and compassion.

To side with God is not to pit yourself against another person, but to give you a discerning heart that enables you to separate the issue from the person, and work out solutions that benefit everyone involved.

To side with God is to put ego and self-righteousness aside, and to let humility and thoughtfulness speak.

To side with God, is to take the only side worth taking.

With God, there is only one side, the side that comforts troubled hearts, resolves differences and leads to harmony

When you side with God, you’ll always be on the winning side.

Error may seethe and foment for a while, but Truth and Love will prevail. God always has the final say.

“God has right on his side” Lamentations, 1:18, The Message.

15 thoughts on “Take God’s side”

  1. Thank you for this thought-provoking share Evan. I was thinking today of this quote from John 7:24 – “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” and realized that it would apply to assessing or diagnosing any phase of material sense, We only need to remember that Man is spiritual and therefore can only be judged from God’s perspective … no mortal disease diagnosis or personal sense judgment could possibly apply. The Second Commandment has also helped me here: Lev 26:1 – “Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God.” Spirit is all that could possibly apply, & does happily reverse the graven/engraved/gravity/grave imagery of mortal sense allowing me to lovingly judge righteous judgment. I have recently been able to say to myself when judging others seems tempting: “I am grateful that God is my Mind and I can trust what He sees.”

  2. How simple but profound! Truth and Love will always prevail because God always has the final say! Why? Because God has right on His side!!

  3. Thank you dear Evan for today`s very uplifting SpiritView – really a spiritual view on the things.
    I am so grateful, that you always show us the spiritual solution to seeming problems, going right to God, Love who i s the healing solution of everything – yes let`s side with God !!

    Thank you Fay for your so inspiring and helpful comment. 🙂

  4. Thank you Evan. This states so clearly what I feel in my heart and endeavor to apply to
    daily situations! And thank you to all who commented today….very helpful!!

  5. Thank You Evan.Thank you each one. The unity, direction and support of the one Mind and its ideas. GLORIOUS!!!!!!

  6. So true. Whenever I’ve faced a conundrum problem I’ve learned through experience to back away and turn it over to God. The right answer always comes and many times from a totally unexpected direction. God can extract good out of any situation or challange. I have seen a seemingly intractable family alienation restored to harmony within a few hours.

  7. Thanks Evan for a very thoughtful and helpful tip to take God’s side. And, thanks to Fay for your comment which is also very thoughtful.

    To Ken Cooper, I tried to copy and paste the comment I made to your response yesterday just in case you didn’t go back and check the comments, but it pasted my first comment. The one I made this morning is number 34. I did as you suggested and was able to read the poem. I especially liked the first verse regarding “I can of mine own self do nothing” and said I also will hold to this thought throughout the day and before going to bed at night and also that with God ALL things are possible. Thanks again for taking the time to respond!

  8. In We Knew Mary Baker Eddy 2nd volume Julia Prescott says she learned to love her enemies from Eddy who taught her: “There is but one side, and that is the right side. We must know that no one can hurt us, nor be made to, and that we cannot hurt anyone, nor be made to; that we cannot hurt ourselves nor be made to, for we all love and help each other and God loves and helps us all.”

    1. Dear Mellisa
      Thank you for your message. It is just what I needed right now.
      Evan, you are always tuned in to man’s needs. I am an avid reader of your blogs.
      I have just learned that two of my neighbors who I love, have spoken out to harm me.
      Now I have the perfect solution. I am not alone. I have looked up the article in “We knew Mary Baker Eddy “ Mrs Eddy is still a window through which we find God’s unconditional and everlasting love.
      Thank you all contributors.. what a feast of comfort.

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