Thanksgiving Day

November 26, 2020 | 78 comments

It is Thanksgiving Day in the United States, a holiday celebrated in many countries around the world at different dates.

Whether you are in a designated Thanksgiving holiday or not, may your day be filled with blessings and reasons to be grateful!

Among other things, I’m grateful for you, for your love and prayers, for your comments during the year on this website, and for the healing work you are doing in your community.

May you have a special day bathed in the blessings of Love and the goodness of God.

I pray you enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

“I will praise God’s name with singing, and I will honor him with thanksgiving” (Psalm 69:30, NLT).

78 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Day”

  1. Dear Evan, your family and everyone celebrating Thanksgiving today I wish you the happiest of days today ( and everyday) ! Gods gifts are truly bounteous for us all. Spirit View is an expression of his care for our continual growth in understanding our Spiritual being. Sending Love to everyone❣️

  2. Thank you so much, Evan for your warm Thanksgiving greeting and blessing for today. Thank you, too, for this Spirit View website and all the inspiration it provides from yourself, and those who contribute. Best wishes to one and all!

  3. I am very grateful today for the spiritview website and and all the inspiration and wonderful blessings it brings every day. I love the spiritual law and promise that Mary Baker Eddy revealed in science & health — Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need

  4. I am grateful to know ‘Our Father-Mother God’.
    I am so blessed to know God is good; that God is Spirit and that the universe is like Him/Her.
    No matter what, nothing changes or can come between God and all creation, forever.
    Thank you for this format to offer gratitude to God.

  5. I email regularly with a friend in Australia. Recently she said she was feeling down about things at the moment. She is not CS so the thought came to me to say that some people have found it helpful to make a gratitude list. She said she had not heard of that idea before but she thought it was a lovely idea and would start one. Every day can be a day for giving thanks. Have a good thanks giving day!

  6. Evan, I am grateful for you and your message on this forum. I am lifted up by the inspiration of Mary Baker Eddy’s followers in the comments section. We all have so much to be grateful for and can begin to see what a wondrous thing life really is when we keep gratitude on the front burner ~

  7. I too am grateful Evan and all for this place to come and be inspired and filled with thoughts of God’s Love for us each and every day to cherish and live.

  8. Thank you for your gracious and generous message, Evan, and my gratitude to you, SpiritView, and the prayers of all, glorifying God! Thanksgiving blessings today and each day all!

  9. Thank you. Evan, for your gracious words today, and thank you so much for all you do to help and bless mankind. I am grateful that almighty Love strongly upholds and protects His/Her creation, including all. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you, dear Evan.

    1. Agree with all! Love and joy and gratitude for the boundless blessing that is SpiritView!
      Thank you, Evan, thank you all!
      Thank you, Mrs. Eddy.
      Thank you, Christ Jesus.
      Thank You, Father-Mother God.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! May the blessings of God continue to shower upon you too! Thank you for sharing your healing ideas with all of us!

  11. Thankyou so much for taking the time to write this everyday. It’s the first thing I see in the morning. I am grateful to all of you who contribute. Happy Thanksgiving friends

  12. So grateful for today to stop and praise God for all the good that is filling our world. For your everyday encouragements . And for this Spirit View family. Thanks Evan

  13. Thank you for Spirit View. I’m very grateful that it brings members of the Church family from all over the world together to share in the Love. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you dear ones.

  14. So grateful for today to stop and praise God for all the good that is filling our world. For your everyday encouragements . And for this Spirit View family. Thanks Evan Have a Great day!!!

  15. What a wonderful time to know and give thanks that everything in God’s universe expresses Him/Her. Thank you Evan for your self-less love and giving to our world community. I am truly thankful.

  16. My Heartfelt Thanks to all, for countless blessings
    Thank YOU, OUR Father-Mother-God
    Thank you, Christ Jesus, Our Wayshower
    Thank you, revered Mary Baker Eddy, for our most precious revelation of the Science and Truth of our Master’s word and deed
    Thank you, Dear Evan, and every one of my fellow seekers who meet daily on this site!
    I’ll continue to give thanks- pray- without ceasing

  17. Our true wealth is demonstrated in our sharing of ourselves in the spirit of thanksgiving for all that we receive with all that we meet. I am wealthy beyond measure and grateful for this metaphysical sharing. More real than a turkey with all of its dressings.

  18. Wishing you Evan Cathy and family a very happy Thanksgiving. Likewise to the Spirit View community.

  19. Every morning I look forward to reading your blog Evan and then reading all the supportive comments and links that are shared. I am so grateful for Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy who showed us that God heals all. Have a lovely Thanksgiving “feast of Love” !

  20. Please include me in gratitude for this continued sharing. It’s Thanksgiving! More felt and expressed today, a wonderful feeling of togtherness.
    My first healing was on the Friday after Thanksgiving in 1946. I was a two year old todder.
    My father, a second generation Christian Scientist took my mother and siblings out to get ice cream.
    I was riding in the back seat next to the door. The door opened backwards to most other cars..
    It cam open and I fell out of the car while it was traveling forth miles per hour as I am told.
    An older brother ran back and picked me up. It was a rural place in the country, far from any hospital.
    They took me home, unconscious and laid me on the living room couch. They called a Christian Science Practitioner. Her name was Mrs. Nank.
    When I finally woke up I didn’t recognize anyone, before long I was about playing as well as ever.
    My father gave this testimony every Thanksgiving. I have continued to do so after his passing.
    I’m grateful for the progress of this great cause.
    I know this is the beginning of a wonderful and blessed day for everyone.
    Thank you for your blessing so beautifully said, Evan.
    Thank you to all my SpiritView family! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. What a beautiful testimony. I love that your Father gave that testimony every Thanksgiving, and that you continued that tradition. Reminds me of how we read and reread the healings in the Bible, receiving new insights, inspiration, hope and conviction of what Truth is, what reality is. Thank you.

    2. Thank you David for sharing your heart warming testimony. What greater gratitude can there be than giving thanks to God for his help and healing. Bless you and your father for continuing thanks to God for this wonderful healing. I’m so grateful you shared it with us. (=

  21. I am most grateful for your inspiration and unfoldments Evan bless my life in many ways. Gratitude and Thanksgivings are yours today!

  22. Dear Evan and this wonderful community. Thank you for your deeply kind and loving support as I struggled through having to be tested and turning up positive for the virus. Your loving responses touched my heart and contributed greatly to my healing. I was able to let go of the anger I felt towards those who forced me to be tested. The symptoms of disease were mild and quickly faded. I am grateful for you and so touched by your love.

    1. What gratitude for the healing Casey, I am blessed to read of the healing which took place. On the lighter side, I read someone’s comments that by adding the letter N to COVID-19, the picture becomes clearer, calling it by it’s real name, the CON VID-19, something trying to convince us that it’s real when it’s NOT real, it’s a CON, trying to confuse us. Breaks the mesmerism when adding N to the name, GOD cannot be confused and HE heals us when by knowing that HE is the creator, not confusion nor any other ‘CON’.

      Blessings to you for not going there, but by your healing proving that you can not be conned.

  23. Spiritview keeps our thinking current and
    rouses us daily to our. Divine heritage . Very
    Grateful for your daily inspired messages Evan,Your wonderful photography and encouragement. Blessings to you and Cathy
    And continuing infoldment one this Thanksgiving Day.

  24. Gratitude and blessings, Evan! So grateful for your wonderful articles and the love you express in sharing all these healing, precious truths with us. Happy Thanksgiving!

  25. A warm greeting of Thanks Giving to you, Evan, Kathy, your family and to this universal family of Love expressed here. I am blessed beyond words with the connection to Truth that is shared with each and every comment and thought that brings us all together in this truly wonderful Spirit view of God’s beautiful world.

  26. THANKS to Evan and to all for what is included here. Special thanks to David Brandon for that report of yearly thanks-giving for healing as a toddler. What daily blessings we are given here on SpiritView.

  27. May I Give Thanks also to Christian Science, Evan and all commenters everyday throughout
    the year. All of your healing thoughts are gratefully appreciated.

  28. I’m thankful for Spiritview and the insights of all the readers Thank you for your Thanksgiving blessing Evan and happy Thanksgiving!!

  29. I’m thankful for Spiritview and the insights of all the readers! Thank you for your Thanksgiving blessing Evan and happy Thanksgiving!!

  30. Thanks Evan for so graciously encouraging us all in such abundant daily inspired SpiritView posts, particularly today’s perfect Thanksgiving blessing. We’re humbled by your generosity.

    Thanks to all our lovely SpiritView family, who thoughtfully share helpful insights that enrich us with divine perspectives, blessing us and all.

    I’m so Grateful for Christian Science teaching right thinking.

    ‘..The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart,
    A fountain ever springing;
    All things are mine since I am God’s.
    How can I keep from singing?’
    [Hymn 533]

  31. Happy Thanksgiving SpiritView family! How grateful we are for Evan’s tireless work and all the inspiration shared in this forum.

  32. Many many thanks for this Spiritview .Each morning it’s like opening a new treasure and I so look forward to it. Thank you Evan for all the wonderful thought you put into it.. what a blessing you have given all of us each day. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  33. So grateful for the abundance of blessings that God gives us moment by moment and for the Christ Comforter, Mary Baker Eddy, my parents and grandmother who nurtured my understanding of Christian Science, my teacher, my branch church……and the list could go on and on! Thank you, Evan, for this uplifting blog.

  34. Thank you Evan… your words of Truth and Love remain an inspiration in my life. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  35. I would like to add my gratitude for SpiritView, Evan, the spiritual inspiration you send us each day to ponder and help us on our upward pathway..
    I don’t say much, but please know that I really appreciate it and all the comments, which keep my spirit uplifted and brings new insights and reminders. Many thanks to all, and a blessed thanksgiving to everyone.

    1. Maggie I know there are many on SpiritView who don’t comment much yet are truly members of this family, quietly absorbing the uplifting messages, we feel your loving hearts. I am grateful for the presence of us all. Happy Thanksgiving!

  36. Thank you for these supportive messages that we hear all through the year! I am so grateful for the inspiration and joy they bring to each of us!

  37. Evan, I am so grateful to you for your steadfast commitment to this website. Your postings are an incredible blessing to those both old and new to Christian Science. They always bring light and clarity, inspire confidence, and promote spiritual growth. And for the spiritual support I feel from this wonderful Spiritview family I am immensely grateful. What a privilege and blessing to be part of it!– Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

  38. Thank you Evan for Spirit
    View and everyone who comments .always so inspiring. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

  39. So grateful for Spirit View and the wisdom, blessings, and love I experience from this site! God bless you Evan, you and your family! Happy Thanksgiving!

  40. Spirit View is so fresh and new each day,
    THANK YOU Evan and the rest of you who pray.
    who share such endless GOOD with EVERY one,
    who shine as healing rays of light out from our Holy Son!
    Bless you one and all in what you’re all doing
    that changes how we see- to spiritual viewing!
    Oh, YES,!BLESS yo u all, and thanksgiving to our FatherMother,
    who makes us eternally both infinitely-loving Sister and Brother!!!

  41. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Evan. Very, very grateful for SpiritView. The messages are helpful and healing. Thanks be to God!!!!

  42. Ditto to all the above. I am so grateful for Evan and Spiritview and all you commenters. I learn so much.
    HAPPY THANKSGIVING and continuing Thanks Living!!!!!

  43. Evan continues to give and give and give. So do his many readers. My gratitude for all the good published from all over the world. So MUCH for which to give thanks–daily.

  44. Evan, Thank you for sharing and contributing so much to my spiritual growth. Thank you, commenters, for all of the wonderful comments and links shared. Happy Thanksgiving and love to all of you!

  45. Thank you Evan for Spiritview. I look forward to the new and fresh ideas every morning. There’s always something to take away and enrich my thought and my day. Thank you also to all the Spiritview family for all your encouraging thoughts too. Although we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here in Australia I always appreciate that so many people do. So important to give thanks everyday for all the blessings we have, and especially for Christian Science.

  46. Much to be grateful for and think about today! I’m grateful for infinite Life and omnipotent Love being expressed in every moment. It is such a joy to see just how they come into our lives!

  47. Likewise Evan! Thank you for the love
    and the uplifting snd inspirational thoughts
    you have shared with us- i have always
    valued them.
    God bless!

  48. Thank you Evan and all readers and commenters. It truly is a community and I am grateful for every truth spoken, helping us all to seeThe good that is true, And the true spiritual model that is ours to demonstrate now. Thank you!

  49. Wow! So many wonderful comments! Much gratitude to you, Evan, and to all the “respondents” who so generously share their comments and inspiration. We do indeed have so much to be grateful for each day. Blessings to all!

  50. Hi dear SpiritView Friends and Fans , just had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving Service in my Second Church in Hamburg in Northern Germany in person in our church building. I am so grateful for that!
    We sang three wonderful hymns of gratitude alltogether. God, divine Love filled all space – thank you dear God!♡
    Wow so many comments from so many dear and grateful SpiritView friends. Thank you all and also for the Link to that wonderful article and testimonies!!!
    Dear Evan, I am also very grateful for you and your always helpful, healing and uplifting SpiritView Blog!! It gives me so very much and I love to comment and ad some possibly inspirational ideas to it. ♡
    And thank you for your very loving wishes for a blessed Thanksgivingday.
    As God is always blessing His children, you and your dear family surely will have a joyfilled and lovely Thanksgiving celebration, dear Evan♡ thank you for a year of steady prayerfully supporting us all so very joyfully and loving. And like all other friends, I do enjoy a lot seeing you and listening to your gorgeous Vlogs, thanks very very much!!!♡ Lots of love to all ! 🙂

  51. Thank you for your posts throughout the year and for the warm wishes. I especially enjoy your traveling vlogs to watch and listen.

  52. I am grateful to you Evan for this special place called SpiritView, where we can come to visit and rest and learn, grow and be uplifted by the word of Truth. It was only this year that I found SpiritView and at first I didn’t think I “knew enough” to share or comment, but thoughts began to flow and I felt the warmth and welcome from all you and began to comment after a short while. This couldn’t have come at a better time, when people everywhere are seeing the need to go deeper and draw closer to God. Thank you.

    All of God’s blessings to you and your family Evan and to the rest of the precious SpiritView family, Happy Thanksgiving today and every day!

  53. Yes, many thanks for SpiritView. May there be showers of blessings on your and yours and this particular expression of Love.

  54. Thanksgiving thanks to all. I lean on this blog everyday. I appreciate the comments and links to articles by those who visit this blog. I may not comment too often but I read what you write and I am uplifted by your thoughts and testimonies. Thank you Evan for doing this blog/vlog. The best to you and your family and this holiday season and always.

  55. So thankful for your blog and to everyone who contributes here! I have been able to share so many of these inspiring ideas with others because they just shed so much spiritual light on timely issues. It’s the first thing I read when I get to work and I look forward to finding inspiration for my spiritual view for the day.
    It’s helped me in so many ways on a daily basis. I love how you share your travels with us also.

  56. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift. I am grateful for MBEDDY and her discovery of Christian Science, her writing of Science and Health and other books, her establishing the Mother Church in Boston, the periodicals and all the outreach through Lectures and so many healing avenues to bring joy and understanding of God and his Christ to all. God’s all embracing Love is meeting the needs of all mankind. Our Thanksgiving Day service is unique and blesses the world.

  57. Evan, Thank you for creating, maintaining, and sharing this Spirit View blog, It is the warm cup of daily nourishment I am very grateful for and all the helpful commentary. Much love to all of you .

  58. Evan,
    I am grateful for the Truth and Love expressed on Spiritview! Thank you for sharing your Spirit view with the world! I also enjoy the comments from the community! 🙂

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