Thanksgiving Day

November 23, 2023 | 34 comments

It’s Thanksgiving Day in the United States. One of my favorite days of the year!
Wherever you live, may the Lord bless you, watch out for you, guard and guide you.
May the infinite blessings of Love shower down upon you.
May every moment of every day be filled with the peace of God.
May you feel the goodness of God in everything you do.

Come, let us sing to the Lord!
Let us come to him with thanksgiving.

Psalms 95:1,2, NLT

34 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Day”

  1. This is the day the Lord has made!
    Thank you Evan and all Spirit View family .
    We live in what Mary Baker Eddy calls : Love’s divine adventure!

  2. This is the day the Lord has made!
    Thank you Evan and all Spirit View family .
    We live in what Mary Baker Eddy calls : Love’s divine adventure!

  3. Dear Evan, Thank you for the blessings you have sent us, and may all of those blessings enfold you
    and yours also now and forever. Thank you for pouring our so much goodness that
    has enriched us throughout the year. A very happy Thanksgiving to you and your

  4. James 1 v 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,…
    Happy Thanksgiving Day Evan and to all our SV family.
    We Love because He first Loved us❣️

  5. Happy ‘holy day’ to all of you in the US on your special day, and much gratitude to Evan and all our SpiritView family around the world for all the wonderful comments made each day which are so loving and helpful. Thank you.

  6. Thanks Evan:
    For all your inspiring messages every day.
    these messages always expressed Love
    and gratitude to our Father-Mother.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family
    may the Lord continue to Bless you.

  7. Thank you Evans, happy thanks giving day to you as well, On this day let us rejoice and be grateful for the good already received!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
    For Spending a Day in Gratitude
    Such a great deal has been written in recent years about the power of gratitude that it appears unnecessary to belabor this point. It is impossible – repeat, impossible – to hold at the same time the slightest negativity of any sort and authentic gratitude. Their coexistence is simply impossible, and the choice is always ours.
    May this day be a constant canticle of gratitude from now on till I retire tonight.
    May I welcome any negative event with gratitude for the growth it will produce in my life.
    May I face every single encounter with gratitude for the manifestation of divine love it represents.
    May I face any disgruntled, depressed, angry or sad face with gratitude that my blessings can uplift and help dissolve such attitudes.
    May I eat my meals with gratitude for all those who have participated in bringing them onto my table.
    However tedious, unimportant or boring my work may appear, may I perform it with the understanding that the very act of giving thanks can profoundly transform it.
    And above all, may I understand that the choice between complaint, indifference and gratitude is mine at every single moment of my life.
    Pierre Pradervand, from 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World

  9. Thank you dear Evan and all who are involved to keep this most precious SpiritView Blog going, and that does include all SV Friends, as well! And am sure this wonderful Thanksgivingday will bless you and give you joy!

    I love this hymn # 199:

    Now thank we all our God
    With grateful hearts and voices
    Who wondrous things hath done,
    In whom the world rejoices;
    Who from the days of yore
    Hath blessed us on our way
    With countless gifts of Love,
    And still is ours today.

    We know our gracious God
    Through all our life is near us,
    To fill our thoughts with light,
    To strengthen us and cheer us;
    From His eternal care
    We never shall remove,
    Encompassed by His grace,
    Enfolded in His Love!

    To Evan and Kathy and dear family and
    to you all dear SV Friends a happy day and much love
    from Uta

    1. Hi Uta, thank you for sharing Hymn 199. So perfect, and it was the first hymn on today’s online Thanksgiving service of The Mother Church. The replay is available till 5pm ET Sunday Nov. 26.

      Evan I appreciate the beautiful blessing you bestowed on us today in your post, and for all your prayerful work and sharing throughout the year. Blessings right back to you and your family and lots of love.

      And thank you to everyone here in our little (maybe not so little) SV team. May we experience much gratitude and peace and humility today and continue going forward together in our holy work to understand and express more and more the Allness and Only-ness of our One Almighty God good. Love you all.

      1. thank you dear Rose. Here in Germany in Hamburg we already had our Thanksgiving Service in our branchchurch 5 hours ago, and the first hymn was # 147 – the first verse is:
        ” In God I find a precious gift, that knows no fear, no feud, that glows so still, serene and pure: the gift of gratitude.”

        I am quite with you relating to your last paragraph! Thanks and much love to you, too!

        1. Both of those hymns are so beautiful, dear Rose and Uta. It is a
          real blessing to have them shared by you. both with such uplift
          of thought. I love in 147 where is declares, “with courage undismayed”.
          Regarding courage:
          “You need courage to be creative. You need the courage to see
          things differently, courage to go against the crowd, courage to
          take a different approach, courage to stand alone, if you have to,
          courage to choose activity over inactivity”. – Jim Rohn
          God-given courage gives us the strength to carry on. Despite
          what the mortal picture may appear to be, God is there… in
          whom the world rejoices and enfolds us in His Love, as the
          hymns sweetly remind us of. Lovely!

          1. Wow dear Carol, you cannot imagine how comforting and uplifting and helpful that is what you just here commented.
            I often need very much that God gives me courage for a lot of items you mention in your comment! I thank you so very much!! And certainly I do need some more strength, however spiritual strength
            I just affirmed in my thanksgiving at church tonight, that God made me wonderfully, that my soul knowest very well. That’s what the psalmist says thankfully to God. And then I affirmed thankfully and confidently the Truth that God gives us all we need, He cares lovingly for us!
            We can truely be endless grateful to God that he sent us Christ Jesus and Mrs. Eddy in order to establish the CS church with it’s wonderful spiritual teaching!!!♡

  10. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!! Thank-you Evan for all you do!!! Thank-you Father Mother God for your tender loving care!!! Much love!!!

  11. Evan, thank you for this blog. It is an essential part of the start of my day, day in and day out. Judging by all of the comments appearing every day that is true for many. Thank you to all of the contributors as well, as many of the posts are so helpful. A special thank you to J for the links to so many wonderful articles. I appreciate the time it must take to locate and post those nearly every day. Most importantly, thank you God for calling me to you, again and again. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  12. Thank you Evan. The thoughts you shared with us throughout the year had been a great blessing to my daily life. Thanks to all the contributors. Let us all rejoice in the blessings we experienced within the year.

  13. Thank You, God ~ the One Infinite (true) Mind of All.

    We may not see much of the Real Man, here…the mist is yet quite thick;
    but we love what we CAN see!
    A constant Starting Point, for many (me!),
    and I am GRATEFUL!

    With love and gratitude for SpiritView and family,
    and of course YOU, Evan!

    God’s Infinite Blessings are on us, in us, as us… ALL!


  14. Happy Thanksgiving to all the spirit view is a vital part of our day and thank you Evan for your consecration and devotion to it we thank you for every day which makes every day a Thanksgiving love to all

  15. Dear Evan and All Wonderful SpiritView contributors and readers,
    Thank you for making this such a warm and lovely universal family of
    togetherness. I can not say enough how very special it is in my life
    and my heart is so grateful to be able to partake in all of its blessings.
    I wish you, Evan, Kathy, your family and Everyone here.. a day of
    spiritual happiness … a year of wonderful blessings …. and a forever of
    peaceful Love.

  16. Happy Thanksgiving Evan, to you and your family. I am filled with gratitude for these timely messages you faithfully share throughout the year. Happy Day and thank you.❤️

  17. Dear Evan, How very unselfish of you to share your inspiration daily with the world. I’m sure you have been blessed as we certainly have. All the love to you and your family.

  18. Thank you to Evan for our daily feast of spiritual ideas and to all who contribute and share articles. This site has been a wonderful support for me and I look forward every morning to what new ideas are on the table. I have saved many of Evan’s posts and lots of articles, often going back to them for reassurance.

  19. Dear Uta and J … Thank you So Much for the comforting thoughts and excellent
    article dear J , which also is so very helpful with thoughts about holidays and how
    the “Hallmark” holidays are always hyped up so much that anything not fitting
    in the mold seems to be an outcast of thinking. But it is not true. We all DO have
    our God-given Love, as dear Jesus and Mrs. Eddy taught us in their ways of seeing
    God as our Mother/Father Love… putting us all in the family of Love. That is a
    wonderfully divine place to be. It did seem a bit sad to miss loved ones and from
    past years, with so many no longer “with us”. But God’s Love is Always with us and
    that is a real, True blessing! I remember one year, my nursing home friend had wanted
    to treat me to their Thanksgiving meal with the couple dollars her sister had sent her.
    That was so sweet and was the Real spirit of Thanks Giving. Of course, I paid for it
    myself, but the genuine thoughtfulness of it, was as delightful (altho the atmosphere
    was not that pleasant – humanly, with many mortal mind suggestions) and some of
    those years spent with her and those holidays with those who had very little… were
    some of the most cherished, because the Love was so much Real, felt and shared.
    I am So Very Grateful for these comforting thoughts shared here. It means so much
    and I love you all dearly.

  20. Thank you Carol, for your loving comment. While I read it I can feel God’s Love and warmth with you there. God’s Love is healing a d comforting.
    Reading your comments is always a pleasure for me. Thank you and much love to you, too!♡♡♡

  21. Awww, Thank you, dear Uta. It may sound like happy talk, but I genuinely enjoy reading your
    comments, as well and every one’s here.

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