The best things in life are spiritual

March 10, 2020 | 13 comments

“Earth has little light or joy for mortals before Life is spiritually learned.”

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 548

If you ever feel like there is something missing in your life, seek a deeper understanding of spiritual Life. It will help you find the light you’re looking for!

It’s not more money, another job, a different place to live, or a promotion, that bring enduring joy. It’s the things of the Spirit that make us happier over the long run.

Life is so much more than a temporal experience of the human mind on planet earth over several decades. This view of life can lead to darkness and despair for it implies an end to anything we associate with good.

In truth, life is spiritual, in God, and supersedes anything the physical senses can take in. It is discerned through spiritual sense, and its view brings great joy, inspiration, gratitude, comfort, peace of mind, health and light!

God is Life and God is Light.

Seek an understanding of God as Life above all else and watch your days fill with light and joy.

13 thoughts on “The best things in life are spiritual”

  1. Spiritual things are satisfying! They never disappoint, can’t be taken away, be lost or destroyed. They are eternal. “Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven and all these things shall be added unto you.” Gaining an understanding of God is finding the “pearl of great price!”
    So grateful for this reminder!

  2. This is so all-encompassing. It is like a BIG hug from our Father-Mother, God.
    Thank you, Evan and all others.

  3. Thank you Evan! Your message today made me think about how a few days ago I was considering because God is good, and God is infinite, then good must fill all space. Therefore in all places, and in every moment, we must have good in our experience. Or to put that another way, there cannot be a place or a moment when we have had bad in our experience.

    Then I thought, “well there sure seems to be a lot of bad around these days” and even in my personal experience there seems to be examples where good is not being experienced. But then I realized that “bad” or “lack of good” was what I was perceiving about a material existence. In Christian Science we learn that only God, Spirit, is real and His manifestation is entirely spiritual. At that moment I started being genuinely grateful that good was indeed present in all aspects of my life. I also realized that there never has been, nor ever can be a moment, when good is not available to be experienced.

    For example, it occurred to me that if it appeared that I was locked in a box only 3 feet on each side, I would still have an infinite amount of good to experience. How? Through ideas. Even if locked in a small box I could continue to realize all of the good God has created spiritually through His ideas. I could realize the idea of health and be grateful that idea was available to me right there. Furthermore, I could understand that the reason the idea of health exists is because God created it. Other good ideas like love, supply, joy, etc. would all be available to me right there in that box and all I would need to experience those good ideas is to entertain them in thought. I also realized that I could not continue to be locked in a small box if I entertained God’s good in my thinking. God’s good realized in thought as true has to be manifested humanly too. But exactly when and how the human manifestation would occur is not something I would need to worry about or plan. Just realizing all that is real is God and God’s ideas, and understanding the continuous relation of God to His ideas, is all that would be necessary to see God’s ideas manifested humanly.

  4. Dear Evan, thank you to God, the one Mind, for the idea behind your Post today! Thank you Brian, for your beautiful comment and to dear Maximo, always look forward to your sweet Poems!!
    My dear dear friend took his human life last Friday, and I stayed with him, in prayer for three days. I Know he now KNOWS his life is in God, and cannot be extinguished … he is not deceased and is quickly working through what needs to be seen as Truth in his situation I can and will continue to love him as he will continue to love me. I am soooo grateful to God for his goodness, to Jesus who brought Truth to the world and to dear Mary Baker Eddy who received the revelation and so lovingly shared it with the whole world. My prayer is for this Light to shine in all mankind’s thought and shine out from each of God’s dear, precious children. As we are celebrating Women’s History Month, I am including Mrs. Eddy within the names posted and hoping some day, soon, she will be included in this group because of the great Gift she gave so unselfishly to the world. Thank goodness for Christian Science and for all who study this Provable science. I have a grateful heart as I think about my dear sweet Friend, especially knowing …. he too now Knows❤️
    Love to everyone, CayDee

  5. Thank you very very much, Evan!
    Am grateful to learn in Christian Science that man – you all and me and all other creatures, too – are totally spiritual without any dot of matter. You said, that life is spiritual and in God and supersedes anything the physical senses can take in.
    I understand that that is Metaphysics -above physics – which has nothing to do with matter rather only with Spirit! And that that is worth seeking an understanding of God as Life above all else then our days are filled with light and joy, as Evan says – so wonderful – what an uplifting promis! Thank you Evan. :))

  6. Thank-you Evan!!! Thank-you Brian!!! Much love CayDee!!!

    I also want to thank-you Evan for your recent Sentinel Watch “What is Animal Magnetism.” I have it bookmarked and listen to it frequently. Very helpful!!!

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