The care you show comes back to you

May 20, 2019 | 31 comments

The love you show toward others has a far-reaching impact, even when you don’t see it with your own eyes. “Love is reflected in love,” Mary Baker Eddy wrote, and the ripple effect of Love expressed generously is without end.

Here’s a well-done short video that brings this message home. It’s a theme that has been used before. But in this video, be sure to note the connection between the man in the wheelchair and the man in the queue.

“To the good Samaritans in our lives”

31 thoughts on “The care you show comes back to you”

  1. I truly believe that Christian Science is the simple act of kindness to the whole world. Thank you Evan for this “stone in the pond” of today. The ripple will go out and bless.

  2. This brought tears to my eyes. Just what I needed today.
    Like in Mrs. Eddy’s Misc. Writings in Pond and Purpose, she wrote “As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man” and the “smile of CS… will always mirror … love, loyalty and good works”. Lovely! Thank you, Evan, and all who share the ripple effect of Love.

  3. What blesses one, blesses all…it’s so true. The giver, perhaps more than the receiver. Thank you for giving a special thought each day, Evan.

  4. Such a loving, moving example for us. I will cherish it – and hope to practice it in my own life.
    Thank you, Evan for sharing something so sweet and meaningful. Much love

  5. My husband and I were in line to check out when the woman ahead of us didn’t have enough on her credit card and was trying to decide what she could take back when my husband quietly said put it on my bill. She was grateful and I was also grateful to witness his love.

  6. Thank you Evan for the very moving video – and a lovely example from Marlene’s husband – a spur of the moment act of kindness – thank you for sharing.
    I am reminded of a person many years ago who said that she thought people only did good things to others because it made THEM feel good. I was quite taken aback at this remark, and thought about it a lot. It is true that it does make you feel good to do loving things to others, but the initial feelings must be of unselfed love and compassion for our fellow man, not because it makes us feel self-satisfied that we have done a good deed. That is a bit like being as the Pharisees who liked other people to see them doing good. As loving our fellow man is a natural inbuilt spiritual gift of God that we all have included in us, the loving and giving comes first from with our hearts, and the rewards as I see it are in our feeling close to God and glorifying Him. It blesses everyone and comes back to us eventually as it goes full circle.

  7. Thank you Evan! This video had a nice message, but it also illustrated how reluctant people can be to accept good from others. It seems like many people keep a scorecard in their memory and have to always remain “even” or “ahead” when measuring good exchanged with others. I used to think that way too, but I’ve learned that if someone offers to share something with me, it’s okay for me to graciously accept their offer (i.e. of assistance, a gift, etc.) and not think I have to return the same to them in the future in order to remain “even”. I know when I offer something to someone else it makes me feel so good when they seem genuinely happy to accept my offer versus doing as in this video and a) expressing guilt for accepting the offer or b) only agreeing to accept my offer if a promise is made to repay me in the future.

    In reality, all good comes from God and no good is “owned” by a single individual…but instead we all share God’s good freely. Therefore, when we are thinking as God thinks it will be natural for us to share good with others and accept good others want to share with us…without keeping score! So don’t be afraid to accept good from other people! Gratefully accepting good from others is the best way to thank them and it encourages them to continue being generous with others in the future!

    The rich in spirit help the poor in one grand brotherhood, all having the same Principle, or Father; and blessed is that man who seeth his brother’s need and supplieth it, seeking his own in another’s good.
    (SH 518:15-19)

  8. Such a moving video and wonderful comments. Gratitude even for what may seem to the smallest favors, blesses both the giver and the receiver.

  9. Well, everybody of you commenters said an implortant part or even some more to todays topic`. Thank you for the very lovely and true comments! I also had tears when reading it this morning. What a sweet and heartwarming Love is expressed in this wonderful story! I also think that mostly giving is more joyful than receiving. But if the gift is presented with real love, it is felt and blesses both. But Brian says what I also have experienced. that the receiver sometimes shyly says, oh you should not do that, that must not be. Lately I said to someone for whom I wanted to pay for the lunch I had with that person, and who also said it must not be that you pay for me. I said, if you do not want that I pay for you, please say. (That person has not much money and no income except a little social income from the state). But then the person said, okay, yes thank you very much for your kind invitation to this lunch. So it is also important that the receiver accepts the donation gratefully and joyfully, that blesses all.

    Thank you Evan, for this very loving example of giving and receiving, making all happy and blessing them. What I also think, that every single good deed has a healing ripple effect!

    Evan, I also thank you very much for your so wonderful and extensive article in the German Herald of June 2019 “To fight in common for the matter” (our great course of CS). Can`t say anything about your so clear explanations as everybody must study in on ones own. It is very worth reading. I am sure it will apppear also in the Journal, if it was not already published in the Journal. Have to study it several more times, so good, thanks oncemore!

  10. I loved the video! Very tender and lovely!
    I search for the article Uta mention by Evan, but to no avail- does anyone have the correct title??
    Thank you!!

    1. PattY, I will give you the correct German title here at least: ,,Mitstreiten für die Sache” . Perhaps that helps and you could ask for correct translation at the Motherchurch – with Love Uta

      1. Thank you Beatrice and Uta for mentioning the article and helping to find it.
        Thank you Evan for the touching video and thank you all for your comments.

  11. Reading this has inspired me also to be more giving.what we give comes back to us a hundredfold..There is never any lack of supply in the kingdom of God.Thank you Evan for this wake up call.

  12. I often start my morning prayer time with our Daily Lift, Evan’s Spirit View, and the YouTube song by Singer/songwriter David Roth “May the light of love be with you every day.” Evan’s thoughts, the quote by Mrs. Eddy and this sweet video blended so nicely with David’s prayer song that I felt led to forward it to him. Don’t you just love Divine Love’s ripple effect?! Thank you Evan.

  13. Even though I’m posting this days after it appears I wanted to express my appreciation
    For you Evan and all the helpful lovely comments. I love examples of paying it forward. Surely these are first hand examples of Soul filled manifestations. What blesses one blesses all. I was inspired last by a dear friend telling about he and his brother driving to visit their parents. His brother noticed an elderly woman trying to push a mower.
    The brothers stopped the car and told the lady they could mow it for her. I thought that was such a beautiful gesture. There were no rewards other than the wonderful feeling they had helped someone . I was so glad he shared this with me. I now know this friend and what spiritual qualities he manifests just from this act of kindness. Doesn’t that alone tell you we reflect God. I was totally inspired. Love is reflectived in

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