The continuity and freshness of Life

November 27, 2024 | 84 comments

As a teenager, and into my twenties, I was a very active musician, playing piano and organ at church, concerts, recitals, and weddings.  I thrived at the keyboard loving to play compositions of the great masters.

Then along came marriage, children, a career, and travel.  Any serious piano playing becomes a distant memory.  Before I know it, 40 years have gone by.  “Oh, my goodness, how time flies!”  I lament one day.  

A yearning to play substantial piano music like I used to play in my earlier years welled up within.  Was it possible?  I wondered.  I was so out of practice, I knew.  And so many years had gone by, I was reminded. 

I remember Mrs. Eddy’s statement, “Time-tables of birth and death are so many conspiracies against manhood and womanhood. Except for the error of measuring and limiting all that is good and beautiful, man would enjoy more than threescore years and ten and still maintain his vigor, freshness, and promise” (Science and Health, p. 246).  I decided that my ability to play piano was not tied to my age, but to divine Mind, the source of all ability.  The same Mind that empowered me to play in my younger years was present to empower me today.

Mrs. Eddy also writes, “Life is eternal.  We should find this out, and begin the demonstration thereof.  Life and goodness are immortal.  Let us then shape our views of existence into loveliness, freshness, and continuity, rather than into age and blight.
(Science and Health, p. 246). 
In a protest to age and blight, and an affirmation of living a Life of “loveliness, freshness, and continuity,” I decided to learn a significant piece of piano music for the first time in decades.  I chose the Prelude in G minor, by Rachmaninoff, which proved to be very demanding for me to learn.  But, as I have experienced, the joy that comes from proving one’s talents are not limited by age is far greater than the sacrifices of fear and limited thinking we must make to experience that joy.  Life with God is ever fresh!

Here’s a video clip of me playing this piece at the SHINE concert held recently at my church.

84 thoughts on “The continuity and freshness of Life”

  1. Brilliant Dear Evan…a lesson to us all of your determination to express Minds ( musical ) harmony with an example for us all to enjoy! ( Plus Rachmaninov is not the easiest of composers to perform. )
    Thank you for sharing this with us . We can listen to the erroneous idea ….
    .’ I used to be able to do that ‘‘.. or, we can grab a God given moment , the divine idea of individual reality and be Man expressing Gods action.❣️

  2. Dear Evan, that is beautiful -thank you so much for demonstrating
    that our talents are God-bestowed, and actually God-performed.
    We can know that as we love the talents God has given us,, we can
    let God keep them for us. Age has nothing to do with it – as God is ageless
    so are we as His reflection.

    Obviously though we need to put this spiritual gift to work for us, practice
    it, put all our trust in God. You were very courageous in actually
    performing it after a long interval of not practising to concert
    standard, and you really proved a point. You have shown
    that there is no law of matter, and that the Divine Law is our life.
    You also proved that although you must be very busy with your
    healing practice etc., if the desire to express something beautiful is
    with us, it is possible to achieve it, as we live in a timeless,
    spiritual eternal universe. Wonderful. I really enjoyed your
    heartfelt performance – full of the spirit of the music. Thank you.

  3. Having ridden and trained dressage horse all my life I now – in my later years -I get asked the question
    “ do you STILL ride “ ? ?
    I immediately challenge that inference ( which is totally untrue ) that passing years can – in any way – limit our abilities and the joy and satisfaction that is our God given dominion .
    We can be a light to others , who may be feeling diminished by false suggestions of human limitation due to the fake suggestion of ‘age’ .
    Our abilities and strength do not disappear with passing years – THEY INCREASE —-
    Eddy writes in S&H “ Men and women of riper
    years and larger lessons ought to ripen into
    health and immortality, instead of lapsing into darkness
    or gloom. “
    There is only ever-increasing joy and satisfaction in God’s wonderful spiritual universe

  4. WOW!!! What an inspiration !!! Thank you Evan for inspiring all of us !!! What a wonderful example you have given us !!! Thank you so very much!!!!

  5. Thank you for your inspiring performance! what a beautiful expression of. Gods inspiration!
    You’ve given me a different perspective on myself and the talents that I have been putting off doing.
    Thank you.
    You’ve proven that we are capable of doing and learning more. and to keep striving at what we love to do.

  6. That was inspiring! Thank you, Evan. I read your blog, listened to the concert, and re-read the blog. The words that stood out to me were: “The joy that comes… is far greater than the sacrifices of fear and limited thinking we must make to experience that joy.”

    I’d never thought of fear and limited thinking as things to be sacrificed!

    I woke up this morning thinking, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, and he will direct your paths.” My thoughts had certainly been filled with fear and limited thinking; let them go, trust in the Lord, fear not. I am experiencing that joy and peace right now—a sweet way to start the day.

  7. How fabulous Evan !! Loved it! Such a strong powerful piece and played confidently ! WOW ! You’ve still got it kid!

  8. I agree. Awesome! Brilliant! Thank you so much for showing us what one can do after being years away from having performed by relying upon the One Mind. I am up in years and I am determined now that I can break my own golf score record. Also, after riding in a golf cart the last couple of years when playing, I have taken up walking the course before the 1st T time when the course opens to prepare for pushing a walking cart and playing. I am using these 2-3 months off from golfing to concentrate on reading S&H thru again and more Bible reading. I am most grateful to our Father, His son, Mary Baker Eddy, Paul and the others, practitioners, SpiritView, Daily Lift, all those serving in the churches, all of you SV readers and the comments that you provide. My health has skyrocketed the last year to the best that it has ever been as a result of a better understanding of Christian Science. I believe next year I will be that age that Caleb spoke about. Thank you Evan for all that you do.

  9. Breaking through the mists of limitations! You are demonstrating Divine Science, Christian Science! As the sunshine dispels the morning mists, you are as the sun rising and dispelling all limitations. Thank you for the Spirit View !

  10. Marvelous! I love Rachmaninoff and that prelude! Thank you for inspiring us and proving this truth !
    Thank you ! Thanks giving blessings to you and yours with love The McPeak & Pepke families

  11. What a BEAUTIFUL and very complex piece to learn and play, and play with such mastery! Your message, piano playing, and this piece of music are very inspiring. Thank you! I also can’t even conceive of how composers hear these beautiful pieces in their head, and then compose them onto paper to play, exactly as they heard it in their head. Watching and hearing you play this piece this morning is a rousing and joyful way to start the day!

  12. The music and the Truth regarding agelesss being is so much appreciated Evan. Thank you. The undiminished continuity of good.

  13. What can one add .. to all of the wonderful comments above? WOW!!!
    That was spectacular, Evan!! And thank you so much for sharing it with us!
    Thank you, too, for whomever captured it on video so we all can see and hear.
    The awesomeness of letting your light SHINE after all of those “years” is truly
    amazing. I love how you really “got into” the music and it came from your
    heart and Soul – so fabulously expressed! I look forward to hearing the rest
    of the presentations. God’s Love is unlimited, with, as you had written, with
    “loveliness, freshness and continuity”. So Beautiful! Am so grateful for your
    love in sharing, Evan and really appreciate everyone here! A happy and joyous
    Thanks Giving!

  14. This is soooo inspiring to an 82 year old woman such as myself.! “ Nothing is impossible with God.”

  15. Dear Evan
    I love your blog and am grateful for the daily dose of God-inspired words. I rarely comment, but today I can’t hold back. That was a fabulous performance. Rachmaninoff definitely is not an easy composer to play. My eyebrows shot up when i read the composer you chose. Congratulations and praise God for His/Her unspeakable gift! As a musician myself I have often prayed when musically challenged. The one Mind that created the piece also performs it. There is no matter involved—no fingers, keyboard or strings, eyes or ears or brain—only the harmonious expression of Soul. Thank you for sharing this marvelous performance. It is blessing many people.

    1. JPan, wonderful comments! Thank you for sharing your pure, clear spiritual understanding that “there is no matter involved…only the harmonious expression of Soul.”

  16. The above comments really said it – awesome, wonderful, fabulous, beautiful, marvelous, wow!
    And the piano itself performed up to the standard you set, with deep ringing notes and sparkling high notes, all tuned to perfection. Quite a performance for both of you!

  17. Truly heavenly, Evan!! I love how Mrs. Eddy’s, “Divine Love always has met
    and always will meed every human need” is shown while you were playing.
    Your God-given talent was certainly met with exuberance and harmony and
    with such love for the music and for those you were playing for. Thank you
    so much for sharing it with us!!!

  18. Absolutely Beautiful
    I am so grateful for having the same talent with some pluses that go with it
    I am very grateful to God for this ability to play and perform
    The law of progress that Mrs.Eddy teaches us and the enlarged thoughts brings us many possibilities
    Thank you for the daily messages you provide for us

  19. What an inspiring musical and spiritual example! The ideas you gave us in working out this experience are so helpful! It has made me want to get back to my own piano practice and oil painting. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

    1. Dear Evan,
      You are an inspiration to us all! Thank you for your daily thoughts and sharing of your many talents especially as a teacher, writer and now as a gifted musician. I have been a silent member of SpiritView but want to express my gratitude for
      your spiritual guidance and all the wonderful comments from the followers of this Blog. Happy Thanksgiving to All and much love.

      1. Much love to you too Pam! Glad you decided to share and hope you will feel led to continue sharing, as Spirit leads you.

  20. Dear Evan, thank you for this loving and divine waking up. Mrs. Eddy says in SH that music is divine, which I felt deeply. It’s a wonderful expression of Soul, and it’s a real delight to watch and listen. Thank you dearly for this joy!:)

  21. Your performance was perfection on display. I can’t thank you enough. To me I felt joy and inspiration and I felt gladness that you took this opportunity to share it with all of us..I used to sing but now I croak . I miss being able to express myself by singing. I often try to sing an octave lower. Expressing that feeling of accomplishment too is exhilarating. You were also overflowing with happiness. I was thrilled by all the beautiful thoughts and comments. God grants us such awesome gifts. I’m so very grateful to be grateful!

  22. Wonderful and impressive performance. As a former ballerina, I have never stopped dancing throughout the decades of marriage, children, and career. Though I gave up the pointe shoes long ago, I have enjoyed dancing so many different styles, and just this past Saturday night was rocking the dance floor at a party, surrounded by others half my chronological age! Have no fear of doing what you love at any time!

  23. ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTFUL!!!! Please share more of this “freshness and continuity of Life” with us again. It was such a joy. Thank-you Thank-you Evan!

  24. Hi Evan! Thank you for this piece and the great vid of you playing – wow! I took some piano lessons when I was a kid and then left off playing for many years. But after getting married we inherited a piano so I started back up. And yes! I have struggled to grow my skills and the best I have been able to memorize is Heart and Soul, and even that I have to play almost every day to retain it. So I have been over the last few years, working to reject the false belief that with age comes diminished capability in all things, and, specifically, in my ability to get better at playing AND to memorize a piece. Haha, it is a work in progress, but I intend to stick to my guns and know that Mind is my only mind, and there are NO limitations. Thanks again for the spiritual piece. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  25. Congratulations Evan,
    That was very impressive, and a hard piece to play, I’m sure. So grateful that you listened to your heart and reinvigorated that passion.
    I’m looking forward to more concerts in the future.

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving,

  26. Wonderful and so inspiring Evan. Thank you Have a wonderful day Tomorrow full of Thanksgiving Love. Wishing a happy day to all.:)

  27. Bravo! I taught voice to high school students decades ago. When it came time to perform their piece, often for state competition, I would always tell them, “You have done the work- now it’s time to share your gift and enjoy your performance.” I have been thinking about taking voice lessons again. I sing at church, and perhaps today’s SpiritView and your gift to so many is an angel visitant. Thank you.

  28. What a beautiful and lovely inspiring demonstration, and n sure many ways! Thank you for sharing this. It is very applicable to my experience right now!

  29. Jumping on here late in the day, I was excited to notice that there were 66 comments, before even seeing the contents or topic of today’s post. Just had to add my two cents and say Evan you have truly inspired and uplifted us all today. I felt God just pouring through you as the piece was being played, such a natural and wonderful and exciting demonstration of spiritual law unfolding, L.A.W. (Love at Work). Thank you for sharing that great accomplishment with us!

  30. Thank you Evan! As a 91 year old woman who plays the piano I sm so happy you decided to get back to playing. While in grade school my sisters and I competed in the competition held in Springfield. We loved our teacher and loved practicing, piano, instruments and singing. We brought back First Superiors for our school.
    However as a designer and artist too. I found that after painting an oil painting it stayed exactly the way is was when I finished it! I did not have to learn it or do it over again! Although I often play from that book 56 piano pieces you love to play I spend most of my time painting in oil on camvas.. I am so grateful for Christian Science and the loving help from practioners. Thank you all for your loving comments.

  31. As I was reading your comments on tackling a challenging piece of music, I thought I would try to find it on YouTube before reading the comments here on the site…..and then I scrolled down and was delighted that I could watch you perform it! What a treat to hear this amazing piece. It is a really powerful and exciting composition. Thank you for taking the time to learn it and posting it for us. You were like the clean window pane and the composer was shining through you, and of course the creator was shining through the composer.

  32. Well, no use starting with the easy stuff!
    Thank you again for your insights, encouragement, reminders, support, wisdom.
    Now, for me it’s back to Cubase and the Roland 🙂

  33. This wonderful testimony comes at just the right time for me. Getting going again on the great highland bagpipes with a big push from our church organist. It’s all in there just waiting to be expressed – supple hands and sheet music in memory. Having a wonderful time retaming this challenging instrument.

  34. Bravo, Evan! Thanks for sharing. I, too, was musically active in earlier years, but then life got in the way. I would like to resume my musical activity, even in these riper years. Thanks for the inspiration.

  35. Thank you Evan for your Spirit View and now for sharing that beautiful performance, your hands on the keyboard moving so amazingly. Bravo for resuming your musical talent. A friend’s aunt took up the piano for the first time at 84 and loved it and played rather well I heard. God of course knows no age nor limitation.

  36. this is just wonderful and inspiring Evan! Thank you for this and for every blog post. I really love them all and love to share them too!!

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