The folly of worry

June 20, 2013 | 6 comments

I haven’t been able to trace this quote back to an author, but a friend told me he once heard a speaker say,
Worry is like paying interest on debt you don’t owe.
Thought-provoking! And well said. Are you paying interest on debt you don’t owe?

6 thoughts on “The folly of worry”

  1. I have heard that
    “Worry is ingratitude in advance”
    Both sayings are worth remembering, but the best thing is to quit worrying because it doesn’t accomplish anything. Gratitude and prayer bring peace.

  2. Worry is a bad habit, worse than smoking or drinking because it’s recognized as a normal emotion. But worry causes worst havick than the above only because of the recognition. As soon as worry enters thought, acknowledging God’s greatness is a sure antidote. You don’t have to agree with a sick emotion such as worry.

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