The hand of God kept our truck on the road

January 5, 2021 | 66 comments

My wife and I were driving through a mountain pass last month on snowy roads, moving along at about 50 miles per hour, as the roads seemed in good condition, although covered with a thin layer of snow. My wife was at the wheel, and I was answering texts and emails on my cell phone, when Kathy suddenly lost complete control of the truck. We hit a patch of hidden ice and the truck went into a free-for-all slide toward the left bank which dropped several feet into a ditch full of big trees. It was a two-lane highway with little room for error.

An oral Christian Science treatment started to flow out of my mouth as I turned to God for help and listened for what to say. Healing words began to flow.

“Stay calm. Everything is under God’s control. God will keep the truck on the road,” I said to Kathy. A couple of feet near the edge of the road, of what appeared to be certain doom for our truck, Kathy turned the steering wheel, and the truck fishtailed toward the right-hand ditch bank. I kept talking out loud, to Kathy, myself, and the truck, reminding us all that God had that truck under control and would keep it on the road.

On the brink of the other bank, the truck fishtailed back in the other direction. It was wildly out of control, physically speaking, but we were still on the road. I was sure that God was going to keep that truck on the road, and I kept saying so out loud, reminding Kathy that she could stay completely calm as God got the situation under control. She was amazingly calm and responding to what Mind was doing through her in the driver’s seat.

The fishtailing went on and on, around six times, from one side of the road to the other, but each time, just as the wheels approached the side of the bank, the truck would swerve in the other direction, and do the same on the other side, and back again, but each time staying on the road, barely. After several times of coming right to the edge of the bank and then feeling the truck suddenly move back toward the middle as if being shoved in the opposite direction, I felt an impression in thought of a giant divine hand on the outer edge of the truck keeping it from going over the edge on either side. “Yes, God was there,” I knew, and after seeing that vision, I was confident our event was going to end in a positive way.

Finally, maybe 15-20 seconds later, the truck stopped, lined up exactly how it should be on the proper side of the road, and ready to keep driving. We looked at each other with overflowing gratitude for witnessing what seemed like a miracle. There had not been a single on-coming car.

I congratulated Kathy on being an excellent driver and listener for what to do. We continued our trip, driving much slower, but filled with a deep peace and calm that came from knowing God was with us.

The hand of God kept us on that road.

66 thoughts on “The hand of God kept our truck on the road”

  1. Evan, this is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful proof of God’s presence with all of us. It makes me think of Psalm 91:11 : “.. he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” I feel such gratitude and joy. Thank you!

  2. Dear SpiritView family
    About 3 months ago Evan recounted working through a physical issue and when his first prayers did not bring the expected resolution he changed his prayer-direction and healing resulted.. I have searched the archive without success so if anyone can point me to this blog I’ll be very grateful.
    I am Very grateful for Evan’s blogs/vlogs and all the inspiring comments.
    Thank you

      1. Dear Deborah
        Thank you for your post which has given me what I was looking for. In addition to the Sentinel radio the talk was subsequently published in the August 2020 issue of the Journal titled “What is Animal Magnetism”.
        On going through Evan’s past posts of course they are many giving wonderful advice on how to pray.
        Thank you Deborah and Evan

  3. Wonderful testimony Evan, thank you for sharing! Well done Kathy ♡

    Bèatrice, a citation popped into my mind too!

    Isaiah 59: Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:

    Rubi,.I believe Evan reads all the posts, so hopefully he will come back to you later in the day.


    1. Had a similar experience 3 yrs ago on icy road in a neighborhood with other cars around. My car spun 180 degrees, jumped the curb and was rolling downhill backwards about 12″ from some trees. My immediate declaration that God was in control kept me calm and the car just stopped. I knew God was there. No other cars were neat me

  4. Thank you so much for sharing that wonderful demonstration, Evan. It is a good example for us
    to stay calm and listen for God’s directions whenever we seem to be in a dangerous or difficult
    situation. We can be sure, like you were, that God is with us always, and we are in His complete
    care and protection. The following Bible citation comes to mind” – “Trust in the Lord with all your
    heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will
    direct thy paths.”

  5. Thank you for sharing this wonderful demonstration of God’s
    complete care for every one of His people. It reminds me of when I was driving a van in Germany some years ago. It was snowing and I was leaving a motorway when the verse of a hymn from the Christian Science hymn book suddenly popped into thought. I do not remember which hymn it was, but a few moments later the van went into a spin over which I had no control. But God did and the van came to a stop without hitting anything. Thank you.

  6. Thank you. The reassurance of God’s presence, even in the scariest moments, comforts me greatly. Many of your posts have been in perfect timing. This is so right now. Thank you so very much.

  7. Thank you for sharing this wonderful testimony of protection! Living in a state that gets snow and ice and being someone who doesn’t really like driving in that weather, this was a wonderful reminder that God has the wheel in every aspect of our lives and is always guiding us and keeping us safe (even in snowy/icy road conditions).

  8. What a wonderful demonstration Evan for you both. Thank you for sharing. I was reading and took note of this verse in Psalms 34 recently…
    ‘I sought the Lord and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.’….❣️

  9. Yes, the same thing happened to me in 1999, but my car didn’t fare so well. I was fine but my vehicle was totaled. Before flipping into a ditch, after hitting black ice, I yelled GOD IS MY LIFE. It was at that moment, after having studied Christian Science haphazardly that I dedicated myself to applying the truths that I was reading daily. It was three days later that I gave up drinking forever, no, drinking did
    not cause the accident. I cherish the remembrance of my “physical” accident because it was what
    brought me closer to the study and reliance of Christian Science. Great job Kathy and Evan!!

  10. Oh what a great experience to have! I had one similar though not as dramatic. Driving very slowly in lightly drizzling rain but with brand new tyres, I slowed down as I was about to turn across the gap in the median strip. As soon as I gently braked, the wheels skidded, sliding totally out of control along the road, up the sloping curb and across WET GRASS straight for a huge metal light pole. As this happened I thought “God is in control. I am protected by Gods presence like a giant bubble of armour around me.” The whole thing probably only took about 6 or 7 seconds but it all went in slow motion as I saw the light pole lined up with the centre of the car bonnet. I help to the image of strong protection like a bubble guiding and guarding and protecting me in Gods “hands”. I felt no panic at all and watched like an onlooker , as the car came gently to a stop 4 INCHES from the light pole. Then I said “Thank you thank you thank you God!” NEVER forget that few seconds!

    1. I also saw Divine protection in slow motion. I was driving on one of the busiest interstates in the US that runs from Canada to Florida. There had been extensive construction and lane moving for some time. I was listening to the Bible Lesson and the thought came to me that I was traveling at the same speed as everyone else but that we should be driving slower because of the construction when the truck next to me crashed into a van and I was witnessing it for a split second in slow motion. I was praying for the safety of all of us and I looked in my rear view mirror and I was the only car on the road. It was as if I passed through an event that never happened, even though for a split second I saw metal being mangled as it collided. I will be forever grateful for the protection that I know I can rely on for eternity.

  11. Indeed God was in control all the time!
    I’m pleased you and your wife have been kept safe, sound and in tact!
    Praise God!

  12. To think: all these “near-misses,”
    and God knew nothing of them,
    for “Accidents are unknown to God…”
    as Mrs.Eddy writes in Science and Health.
    This is a profound truth to ponder.

    As the laws of aerodynamics keep heavy airplanes in the sky, “unaware, as ever-operative law.”
    Divine Love knows us and keeps us as forever safe, peacefully assured of permanent care.

    Thank you for your loving reminders, Evan, and all.

  13. What a beautiful demonstration Evan… I can’t help but think of these words and he will raise you up on Eagles wings bear you on the breath of dawn and make you shine like the sun… You are a shining ray of light thank you so much for your love of the brethren

  14. Dear Evan and Kathy,

    It is so clear that it was God who was in the driver’s seat! Which is a wonderful metaphor for how He guides our lives both on and off the road.

    Much love to you both!

  15. I love this! Thank you for sharing it.
    Years ago I had a similar feeling of God controlling an out of control vehicle when a friend lost control of our car on black ice on a mountain pass in Yellowstone Park. We were fishtailing out of control with oncoming traffic and a steep cliff and no guardrail on the other. My friend gave up and let go of the wheel. All that popped into my thinking was the title of an article I had read once “There Is Always Another Inning” (Max Dunaway). It gave me the conviction of God in control of the vehicle and not to think of evil as inevitable. With that the car straightened out from its apparent dive over the edge and we were able to turn around and get safely down off the mountain.
    God is Good.

    1. Wow, Evan – what a story – I found myself holding my breath. Thank you for sharing the truth of God’s almighty power.
      Thank you, Big Sky for the reminder that “evil is not inevitable.” That gave me cause for pause. One’s thinking shifts into that mode so quickly causing one to literally hang near a steep precipice of negativity. “God is my life” as several of you stated – and that is the “Truth.”

  16. Testimonies like this do much to right one’s thinking back to the realization of God’s omnipresence and omnipotence……….and unfailingly Love! Thank you Evan for sharing.

  17. Thank you, Evan, for sharing this wonderful proof of God’s protection ! I love the impression in thought of God’s divine hand keeping the truck on the road. God is so good and is always present with us!

  18. Some years ago both my husband and my son were driving home separately on a wintry day. An unpredicted storm brought an ice storm to the roads, making them dangerous. My radio warnings were dire, and I became frightened. But I held to a phrase in the Lesson that week “Insist vehemently on the great fact which covers the whole ground, that God, Spirit, is all, and that there is none beside Him.” (p.421) I took the fact literally covering the whole ground – not ice.
    Both men were late arriving but had no trouble on the road home.
    I was profoundly greatful.

  19. Many years ago when traveling to the city at about 50 mph in pouring rain, I saw a stoplight ahead. The brakes on my old van failed. I pumped them over and over. There was no response. I felt grateful that my three children were safe at home. I was hurling forward fast with no ability to stop or even slow down. In a matter of seconds (that played out in slow motion to me) my car was about 5’ from the car in front of me. Resigning myself to death I said out loud, “God is my life.” The van stopped dead in its tracks. It felt like suspended animation. There was no whiplash, no hitting the steering wheel, or a sense of stopping — as if the air around me was a huge pillow of safety. My body had not even lifted off the driver’s seat. I saw a woman passenger in the front seat of the car ahead of me. She was holding a baby on her lap. She continued talking to the driver of the car. There had been no screeching of brakes to warn them of the danger they’d been in. They had no idea what they had been protected from. The light changed. I pressed the gas pedal. The van moved forward. Traffic proceeded as if nothing had happened. Thank you, God!

    1. This is awesome, B Jane! What a wonderful proof of God keeping us all safe. Thank you for sharing this.
      Thank you also to all who shared their own experiences of Love’s protection! I love to read about God’s nearness and power.

  20. oh my gosh my heart raced and I felt so emotional reading this account. I love that you gave a treatment to your wife, the road, your truck, yourself….yes….all in alignment….what a lesson and a great way to express the practicality of prayer. thank you for sharing!!!!!!!!

  21. What a profoundly undergirding demonstration of staying mentally centered with God, which does bring centering results in our experiences. God is always with us, blessing us, when we stay attuned to activate and demonstrate it. Thank you for sharing your demonstration.

  22. Thank you Evan and Kathy for a wonderful proof of God’s care. Also all Spirit View contributors. I am so grateful for all these proofs of God loving care. My daughter and I have also had proofs of God’s protection in busy traffic in Los Angeles. The truth declared saved us and others from harm. I also thank God for the weekly lessons prpared for us to study before starting our day.

  23. I would also like to see the blog that Rubi is referring to. Hope Evan posts it for her & all of us to read.

    1. Dear Laura
      Deborah pointed me to a Sentinel radio podcast first broadcast 03Feb2020 which was subsequently published in the August 2020 issue of the Journal titled “What is Animal Magnetism”.
      Love Rubi

  24. And thank God for being right there! Thanks for sharing this, Evan. It’s winter here and this is powerful help to all. I’m so grateful that you are both safe and sound.

  25. WOW, what a beautiful demonstration of Divine protection! And I must say that God’s preservation of yours and Kathy’s lives was a protection for us all!! So deeply grateful!
    Thank you for this wonderful sharing Evan.

  26. I too can attest to God’s protection.
    On a very heavily travelled wintery urban expressway, I unwittingly drove over black ice which caused my car to spin 180 degrees directly facing traffic that was behind me. The wonderful part was that although all the oncoming lanes were full . . . all vehicles in those lanes were about one block away! The mortal oddsmakers would say there was no way that could have happened. But it did! I safely righted the car and went on my way with gratitude to God for His loving protection.

  27. Thank you everyone for your amazing testimonies that you have experienced – together
    with Evan’s wonderful testimony, they really bring out the fact that God truly is with every
    one of us all the time, and we only need to turn to Him with all our heart and acknowledge
    His all presence governing us, especially in emergencies like these, and our prayers are answered promptly.

  28. Thanks everyone for sharing your individual experiences after Evan’s sharing of his! It’s always such a joy to hear how everyone is experiencing God’s protection….all the time.

  29. Praise God !
    We see how valuable sharing protection, healings, guidance, God’s everpresence and All power affirm & sustain us, often coming to mind when we need reminders.
    This wonderful SpiritView community has provided such sustenance and renewed energy and inspiration throughout each day.
    Knowing God as we do is our Greatest Gift, as are His/Her dedicated followers – Evan and Kathy, dear SpiritViewers, and children of the Light.

  30. I have experienced proof of God’s helping hand while driving several times but the one that stands out was many years ago when my family and CS relatives drove up the mountain for a day in the snow. as we returned it started snowing hard and my husband was driving when on a curve the car started sliding to the opposite edge of the road towards a steep bank. I remember saying “God get under us quick!”as we slid off the road. I’m sure we were all praying. We nestled safely against two trees maybe twelve feet off the road. We were all safe. My husband was able to open his door got out and walked up the road to where he knew there was a pay phone and we were towed out. We continued our drive home and I don’t remember having to repair any damage to the car.
    Thank you Evan for this reminder of God’s constant loving care.

  31. How grateful I am that you have shared this experience and that you are both safe. You are very important to God, to your family, to me and to The Cause of Christian Science. You dwell under that “shadow of The Almighty”. Maybe it’s time to spend your winters at The Willows where it’s sunny & 72° and you can give your treatments at the beach.

  32. Thank you Evan. Great to hear this story. God is in control, and the claiming of that Truth saved the day. Some of you mentioned that in all areas of life God has the wheel, God is in the driver’s seat. I see this to be true. Another commenter reminded us that accidents are unknown to God, and He didn’t know anything about the “near-misses,” which I also understand to be true.

    Then I wondered, If God doesn’t see “near-misses” and doesn’t know about “accidents,” how was His hand there at just the right moment to regain and maintain control and keep things safe? I think it does make sense spiritually because He is always there, and it only seems at times to material sense that things are “going out of control.” Any thoughts? Thank you all and much love!

  33. Thanks so much Evan. I do have a question though. Did you mean 15-20 minutes instead of seconds? I, too, have had an experience where I ended up in between two large trees heading back out onto the road after spinning out of control going downhill on a snowy road. Thanks to all who have shared their experiences of protection.
    And a very special thanks, Angie, for a link to that most helpful article. I have forwarded it to myself so I can read it again. It’s just what I needed!

  34. You are right Rose and I agree with what you said. God’s omnipresent law is in effect. And it’s only when we allow fear and material sense into our thoughts and matter seems real that we get into trouble. I am grateful for the many proofs of God’s Love and care as he wraps us up in his arms and sees us as we really are in all our experiences. Thanks to all Commenters and to Evan and his wife for sharing this reminder. Love to all.

  35. Thank you dear Evan and dear Kathy for your so faithful and strong knowing and insisting of God`s full control over the situation. I love your comparison of God`s rescue with … a giant divine hand … I always stand in awe before such an utmost great proof of God`s everpresence and allpower and before such a wonderful testimony like this.
    I think we all love you both very much and are so happy that our good God held you firm and safe in His loving spiritual Hand.
    Am very thankfully looking forward to lots of wonderful SVs and Vlogs and inspiring and interesting comments this year.
    What a joy you let us so extensively participate in your wonderful and healing and saving experience up here!

  36. What a wonderful demonstration of protection–for you, Kathy, and your truck! Thanks so much for sharing this, Evan. Love and appreciation for all your wonderful blogs and vlogs–keep ’em coming!!

  37. Dear Evan thanks for sharing. Dear Kathy thanks for performing with grace and strength at a difficult time and under pressure, And thanks to God for keeping you both safe.

  38. When I was a child, we were driving home from church with my Grandmother. She was at the wheel. We were on a two lane road and it was snowy and icy. Suddenly the car started to slide toward the side of the road where there was quite a drop off and lots of trees. I heard her say one word: “Father.” The car swerved from the side and started toward the other side. Just when we got to the edge of the other side the car slid to the center and then to the proper lane and we travelled on home. Much like your experience, we were in awe of the immediate protection. We rejoiced all the way home! We children were new to Christian Science, so this was a wonderful example of God’s care for us. It made a profound impression on me. Thanks for your story – it brought that memory back to me!

  39. When I was a child, we were driving home from church with my Grandmother. She was at the wheel. We were on a two lane road and it was snowy and icy. Suddenly the car started to slide toward the side of the road where there was quite a drop off and lots of trees. I heard her say one word: “Father.” The car swerved from the side and started toward the other side. Just when we got to the edge of the other side the car slid to the center and then to the proper lane and we travelled on home. Much like your experience, we were in awe of the immediate protection. We rejoiced all the way home! We children were new to Christian Science, so this was a wonderful example of God’s care for us. It made a profound impression on me. Thanks for your story – it brought that memory back to me!

  40. Thank you Evan for sharing your testimony of protection for you and Kathy. From all the comments it makes it easier to understand what Mrs. Eddy said “that what ever blesses one blesses all.” Science and Health page 206 line 16.

    Thank you Big Sky for your comment that we do not need to see evil as inevitable. That idea helps not only with “accidents” but especially with today’s political turmoil.

  41. Evan and all SV commenters thank you for sharing your experiences of protection. I have also experienced this several times, but the one that comes to thought happened on a day I was driving my kids and their friends to the waterslides. As I passed through a congested intersection all of a sudden I felt trapped by moving traffic, as if we would be hit. I don’t remember the exact truth that came to mind, but all of a sudden we had safely passed through without being hit. As I ponder this that day, I realized I didn’t have to experience an accident to proof there are no accidents. To prove error’s nothingness, I don’t have to humanly experience it. That is proof of it’s nothingness.
    Thank you all for your uplifting thought so generously shared and your wonderful articles Angie.

  42. Thank you Evan for sharing. I love the article What Holds it All Together by Barbara Cook Spencer. In it she writes of her experience;

    I was driving into the city from my home in the suburbs on a bitterly cold winter day. In fact, it was 16 degrees below zero, but I had several business calls to make, and so, despite the cold, I went on my way. All day long I’d felt compelled to focus on the idea of divine will, the intelligent action emanating from the divine Mind. I’d found myself pondering this omni-action, the Holy Ghost, the law of Love that governs infinity, thereby sustaining the harmony of God and His universe.

    Then, as I was driving home on the expressway, it came to me with great force and illumination that there is simply no will but the will of God—not sometime in the future, but always right here and now, wherever and whenever. And this conviction totally transcended any perception of the physical senses that there were many minds and many wills. It was so much more than merely the intellectual grasp of an idea. I felt the will of God, good, as the absolutely “all and only” of control and government, on earth as in heaven. And I felt myself humbly yielding to that moment of pure light.

    Suddenly, my steering malfunctioned (investigation later revealed this to have been the effect of the extreme cold), and I found myself humanly helpless, with little control over the car. It slid across three expressway lanes three times—narrowly missing the dividers—spun around facing traffic, and came to a stop a few inches from an oncoming van. Somewhat breathless, I got out of the car to talk to the woman driving the van. But before I had a chance to speak, she looked at me in awe and said, “God just saved your life.”

    I can only imagine how miraculous the experience must have appeared to someone watching from behind—how it had deviated from an expected “norm,” where laws of motion are believed to be physical. This woman wasn’t able to credit what she’d seen to anything but the power of God. That precious moment I’d had just seconds earlier of selflessly yielding to the allness of the divine will had turned personal helplessness into an opportunity to witness the natural, absolute control of the one Mind over its creation—and to witness my own unbreakable unity with that Mind here and now.
    Its wonderful how she spiritually discerned that position, direction and velocity were all governed by the laws of divine Mind. This has been a great help for me when driving.

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