The home that goes with you

February 8, 2023 | 19 comments

Are you looking for a home? Where’s the best place to find one?

In this video, I share a spiritual view of home that goes with you wherever you go, and can be found wherever you happen to be.

This vlog was filmed in the Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado when my wife and I visited the area in September 2022.

19 thoughts on “The home that goes with you”

  1. Love this !!!! I’ve been working with these ideas quite a bit !!! I have a new double cd our called HOME .. 22 tracks reflecting our higher sense of Home … that Conciousness of Love … you can check out my website !

    1. Thank you, Evan, for your beautiful vlog about Home, and for every SpiritView treatment. And thank you, Andrew, for providing the link to your website. I have all your CDs, and listen to you nearly every day. You are a “singing practitioner.” Your music calms, inspires, and fills the heart with great love and gratitude for Christian Science and its healing hymns. I am very grateful for CS and its teachings, for Mrs.Eddy who labored to bring it to the world, and for this forum to share its healing message. Love and blessings to you. ❤️

    2. So happy, Andrew, that you can share this now with a wider audience❤️
      I have always been grateful to have Christian Science as the basis of my thought through the many moves in my life. I’ve often moved places where I’ve known no one, into unfamiliar territory, cities, villages, etc. and have ALWAYS found the perfect home almost immediately and effortlessly
      . I know that I am AT HOME in God.

    3. I’m delighted that Andrew can share his newest CD to a wider audience, and bless even more with his sweet and comforting songs/hymns/prayers.
      Today’s blog is a favorite subject, because I’ve relied on Christian Science to find new homes through my many moves all over the world, almost always into completely unknown places, sometimes knowing no one in the community or city. Knowing that I am ALWAYS AT HOME in God, I’ve found through each move the perfect place for me, and later for my family. I’ve eagerly antiicipated each move as an opportunity to grow, learn more, explore and experience wonder. Twice I’ve moved into a new country at a moment’s notice, and I’ve found blessings each time.
      I love our special SpriitView community, which goes with us wherever we live!
      Love to all. So much gratitude to the beautiful gifts each one brings– such generous sharing!

    4. Thank you dear Andrew for your wonderful new Album HOME. Specially your song HOME is very inspiring, comforting with such a divine melody, so healing and calming. I love to listen to your inspiring spiritual, often wellknown songs and melody!

  2. Bring in the military always gives one special opportunity to demonstrate the spiritual provision of home .
    At one military base in Europe I was told there was a six month wait for base housing and almost nothing reasonable in the nearby community.
    Trusting God to lovingly meet the human need I was offered a perfect home the very next morning in the community.
    The price was so reasonable I even offered the landlord more money.. He became a good friend as did some other neighbors who “watched over my needs.”
    God is always present and so is housing, friendship, and care..

  3. Thanks so much for reminding us that our home is always with us Evan. Hurricane Ian made our home in SW Florida uninhabitable, so as the rebuilding process began, we needed to find a temporary place to live. God was right there leading the way and we moved into a rental that was perfect, and from there into another apartment even closer. Realizing that our home is not just walls and windows, but a secure senses of God’s provision for each of His children has brought a wonderful sense of being surrounded by God’s love, and “cared for, watched over, beloved and protected” as hymn 278 says. We are blessed!

  4. I recently sold my home of 32 years. It has been completely renovated by the new owner as she made it her home. But home was not the structure but what was in that structure which has not been touched. I have become in awe lately of omnipresent Love more than ever. Home is a sensitive topic that can provide such spiritual growth. I continue to work on it
    Thank you Evan and all

  5. A wonderful vlog, Evan, Thank you! I have had a beautiful experience that
    one may have called “miraculous” how things worked out in selling just at
    the right time and finding a place and moving in mid winter to a handy-man
    special, that now is so cherished.. Not enough time to go into here, but it was
    a real blessing of Trust that everything would work out and it did. “In heavenly
    Love abiding… green pastures are before me” were some of the Truths I held to
    But True home is not a structure, like Nadine affirmed. The peace
    that I have found here is immeasurable.

  6. We moved to Arizona in 1963 when my husband got a job teaching at ASU. We then had to find a home. As my kids bikes got flat tires from stickers I really missed the green and water of Chicago from where we moved. I wondered if I could design a house that included green and water and then fell asleep. In what was like a dream, a complete plan came to me. I drew’it to scale in the morning. We had this built with a garden in the center with the waterfall and plants that was later featured in the Tempe newspaper. No architect was involved. I am so grateful to be still enjoying it at age 91. What a gift from God!!

    1. Margin, how wonderful. As a child I felt the same way when I moved to AZ and could not ride my bike in the desert. But I grew to love it and was sad to leave for the north a few years later. But we moved right next door to a life long best friend and I learned to ski and loved it just as much. Now, after many years of working as an architect, I know God has been the designer not only of all my projects, but of each move. God is the architect of our thoughts and as Andrew so beautifully put it in a song our days unfold as He has planned.
      I’ve visited a similar Pueblo site and marveled at the amazing view out their front “window”.

  7. As a child, I lived in quite a few houses, as my dad was in the real estate business. Mom used to say “as I was putting the pots and pans away in the kitchen, your dad was out, putting a For Sale sign in the yard”. As my dad did this, he was able to have us experience better and better places to live in along the way. No matter how many times we moved, the Love that filled each house didn’t stay in those houses; it went with us to the next place. My dad taught me early on , not to get attached to a material building, but to walk out the door and never look back, but to look forward to the next new experience. I still appreciate today, that beautiful lesson. Love, peace, happiness, joy, wisdom,,Truth, All good, the real Gifts, come from God, and are Always with us, no matter where we go! Thanks to my sweet loving daddy for this wisdom❤️AND … Thank you, Evan, for sharing your spiritual ideas (HEAVENLY GIFTS) with us each day; good ideas to ponder and while we do, more gifts from God, our true Father/mother LOVE come into our view!!
    We are so very blessed with the All Good of God, each and every moment!!
    Thanks to the loved commenters Too

  8. Thank you Evan. The explanation of Jesus’saying on home is just wonderful. Home is always available becausee it is within us. I have changed home, aseveral times and at all times, I live peacefully. I always feel as if it is mine. This is because divine Love is in total control. This takes away the fear of a new neighborhood and their behavioral patterns.. In fact I should say here that I am always at home, my own home, even when it is a rented place. Man is truly free. In Mathew 5:5 we read Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.

  9. Thank you Evan for this beautiful blog and for all the testimonies and comments regarding HOME. I’ll give my own at a later time, but what touches my heart at the moment is the need for our prayers for everyone in the world, including animals, who have been displaced from their homes by war, earthquake, famine, or any other disaster. So grateful that Christian Science gives us “the key to the kingdom” of God, where everyone is is included and is safe.

  10. Margin, how wonderful. As a child I felt the same way when I moved to AZ and could not ride my bike in the desert. But I grew to love it and was sad to leave for the north a few years later. But we moved right next door to a life long best friend and I learned to ski and loved it just as much. Now, after many years of working as an architect, I know God has been the designer not only of all my projects, but of each move. God is the architect of our thoughts and as Andrew so beautifully put it in a song our days unfold as He has planned.
    I’ve visited a similar Pueblo site and marveled at the amazing view out their front “window”. So grateful for this comforting message today.

  11. Thank you Evan, I love what you say. It is such a loving Vlog you give us!
    In Science and Health on p. 254 down the bottom I found this wonderful sentence:
    “Pilgrim on Earth, thy home is heaven; ”
    During my life I moved several times in Hamburg, my home town, and then to Berlin, and afterwards to Munich. And then I moved to Lindenfels to the CS nursing facility in the Odenwald, a beautiful place to live. But then I came back to Hamburg to live with my mother in our semidetached Home.
    However mostly when I wanted to move into another flat I prayed with the familiar Bible verses, what Jesus said: “In my Father`s house are many mansions. If it would not be so, I would come and prepare it for you” This promise of Jesus was always also his promise to me , and I always found a nice flat for which I still am very very grateful. God is always lovingly caring for us. Yes and our real spiritual home is ” … and I will dwell in the house of the Lord, the consciousness of Love, forever” Psalm 23.

  12. I just ad an insight on Evan’s utmost comforting Vlog. The spiritual meaning of HOME is most important in today’s times where many people lose there homes through the profane error of war. We can include these brothers and sisters lovingly in our prayers, knowing that they have their real home in the conciousness of our divine Father-Mother’s LOVE and that this LOVE will sustain and lead them and care for them! ♡

  13. I saw a sign on my was to do business this morning:
    It read: A house is just a house, not a home, without you in it.
    How true. It is our expressions of Godlike qualities that make the plaster, wood, pipes, etc become a home to us. We, by expressing God, breathe life into the house/ home. As we move on to other adventures in our experience we may need to allow our sense of home to move forward too because there can’t be home without us.

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