The promise of resurrection

April 19, 2019 | 31 comments

One of the lessons that I cherish most from thinking over the meaning of Easter, is the promise of resurrection.

Jesus Christ had his resurrection from being crucified, leaving a legacy that has blessed humanity for all time to come. He proved that his Life was God, in Spirit, and could not be killed. That we all have this Life to claim and reflect as children of God. That no evil power can take it away from us, nor can this Life be materially lost.

Hopefully, none of us are crucified on a cross as Jesus was, but “crucifixions” can appear in our experience in other ways, for instance in the form of an enemy threatening to harm us financially, socially or politically. Or on a personal level such as struggling with a life-threatening disease, an addiction, or bouts of depression.

Whenever faced with what seems to be a “big problem,” we can gain traction over that problem by remembering that God is bigger. God is our Life, too, just like God was the Life of Jesus.

The same power that sustained Jesus and resurrected him from the grave, is at work in us and able to heal us.

So, never lose hope. You are not alone. God is with you. Christ is in you.

Accept the possibility of resurrection in your life.

You are worthy of healing. It’s the promise of Easter.

“Resurrection. Spiritualization of thought; a new and higher idea of immortality, or spiritual existence; material belief yielding to spiritual understanding.” Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 593.

31 thoughts on “The promise of resurrection”

  1. Thank you Evan for this beautiful message. Having just heard that a cousin has been diagnosed with what is believed to be a life-threatening disease, I find this blog so uplifting and am very grateful.

  2. So grateful for this message Evan.
    “Resurrection. Spiritualization of thought; a new and higher idea of immortality, or spiritual existence; material belief yielding to spiritual understanding.” Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 593. Not just a one time flash in the pan, but an on-going progressive promise of unfoldment. Every day, every moment is a resurrection moment. So redeemable. So incredibly grateful to Jesus and Mrs Eddy for their unwavering, insightful Leadership thru pathways unseen by erroneous belief systems.

    1. “Every day, every moment is a resurrection moment.” Those words lit up for me. Thanks Fay Happy Easter Evan and all

  3. I’m wrapping me, mine, and all the world in these powerful, gentle healing thoughts! We are all so worthy!! Thank you thank you thank you

  4. Well once again Evan you have given us a new slant on an old topic! I never thought of resurrection as being applicable to resurrecting a normal life from a disturbing or worrying situation. This also gives me a more positive way to pray for several friends who seem to call me sometimes feeling overcome by depression …their happiness really needs to be resurrected!

  5. Thank you, Evan!! “(W)e all have this Life to claim and reflect as children of God.”

    Your wonderful post also reminds me of Matthew 11:12. Early in his ministry, Jesus was already surrounded by a crowd of eager truth-seekers, including many who were once considered “hopeless cases,” medically or morally.

    “There’s a raid on the kingdom of heaven!” he exclaimed, teasingly.
    “Ever since John the Baptist came on the scene, you people have been pouring over the gate! Where are all the civilized folks? Shouldn’t they be ahead of you? For that matter, what did you do with John? You climbed right over him, like rascally children! You were supposed to ask permission! What happened to the qualifying exam?”

    I’m extemporizing, but this was his drift. 🙂
    After Mrs. Eddy healed a boy with a degenerative shinbone, she wrote, “I knew if he died he would awake to find he had not that disease and I wanted to wake him to it BEFORE he died.”

    As God’s perfect reflection, we are patient in all things, but we’re like a herd of rhinos when it comes to claiming life and truth!

      1. Hi Linda,

        Mary Baker Eddy: Christian Healer. Von Fettweis and Warneck. Christian Science Publishing Society, 1998, p.87.

        Much love,


  6. Dear All,

    Now you have done it!! On this drear and puddlingly damp morn, you have made me smile. The smile of Spirit has washed over me. Thank you for Mrs. Eddy’s quote Evan, and you Jay, for the extemporizing. That sense of humour warms me so as I imagine Jesus joshing those around him. This is hope, this is Truth, this is Love. This is All-in-all.

  7. This time of year is so special. Gardens are coming alive with beautiful flowers ~ a rebirth and resurrection from
    a cold desolate winter, where they would appear to have been gone… But like the resurrection of Jesus, the promise of Life and joy has come. A blessed Easter to you, Evan, your family, and the entire SpiritView family of Love’s creation.

  8. The definition of Grace: Unmerited divine assistance given man for his regeneration and sanctification. Unmerited is the key word here. Everyone is the innocent image and likeness of God and is worthy of healing, revelation and resurrection. Thank you so much Evan. <3 <3

  9. Thank you, Evan and commenters! As I read through the comments, Carol’s begged for more thought and I realized Easter is in the spring with newness of life everywhere- but humanly death is the antipode of life. The opposite of the life and renewal of spring. Then the thought came that Jesus was “born” in the cold and desolation of winter! The appearing of the birth and renewal for mankind appeared in the “dead of winter!! Coincidence? I think not! Both Jesus’ “coming and going” promise from the depths of despair there IS Life, renewal, progress, and immeasurable progress!!

  10. I love the powerful truth of all of us accepting not only the possibility, but promise to each one a continual resurrection. A promise! That’s not a fly by night maybe, it’s a promise straight from our Father-Mother Love.

    My grandmother passed 2 days ago and I am so grateful for the timeliness of our “Doctrine of Atonement” lesson and to be learning that death really is an illusion. And that on Pg. 469 of “Science and Health” Mrs. Eddy tells us “in the illusion of death, mortals wake to the knowledge of two facts:” 1. That they are not dead 2. That they have but passed the portals of a new belief. I feel so comforted knowing that this is her (and everyone who passes from our mortal sight) true reality.

    What an amazing gift we are receiving in our individual awakening to a full understanding of Life, Love as all. I’m so very grateful for this blog and the SV family and my church family. Love to all!

  11. Thank you Evan and all the SpiritView family around the globe for the infinite ongoing daily insights, inspiration, prayers, and healing “aha”moments of “WOW!” (Wonders of Wisdom) that rouse us from being stuck in our material ruts (or tombs!) and lift us to see and experience God’s law of love in powerful “resurrection” of thought– in all its spiritual harmony and practical manifestation in our lives.

    I am a regular appreciative reader/subscriber, but have not often sent comments.
    But many times I surely have meant to do so … (sorry, procrastination sometimes sets in!)..
    but now I am going to share, for hopefully, this little poem will be appropriate for Easter greetings to all.


    In spiritual stillness, nurtured by prayer,
    Embraced by angels’ dear comfort and care,

    Grateful for grace of God’s revealing,
    I wake to find joy and experience healing.

    Not a ‘miracle,’ nor ‘supernatural,’ but God’s perfect design
    Who “healeth all our diseases,” and pronounces us, “Fine!”

    We rise in renewal, in awe of Love’s power
    That acts to revive us, each moment, each hour.

    I pray to be useful as God’s writes my story,
    To share all the blessings of God’s shining glory.

  12. Thank you, Evan. The promise lives on in each of us as the reflection of all that is good, true and the principle of life. Happy Easter, the promise is fulfilled in each of us.

  13. Thank you Clare for your lovely poem, all my Spiritview friends around the world for your spiritual sharings and you Evan, for your dedicated words from God every day. After studying this weeks and next on Resurrection, Love, Joy and Atonement and working with the last words of Jesus and what they mean for all of us, how can I not find spiritual renewal from Jesus Christ’s Love for all mankind and God’s Mercy and Love for us all as well.
    A Joyous Easter to All.

  14. God bless you all❣️ Was feeling the desire for understanding the resurrection more clearly and voila, my prayers are answered coming to SpiritView. Truly amazing… ONE MIND

    Love and a glorious Easter to you all❣️
    And thank you Evan for this gift.

  15. Tying crucifiction to some of the seemingly huge problems in life that we all have is brilliant, and after thinking about it = I believe it’s appropriate and mind opening.

  16. Thank you Evan for your wonderful metaphysical Eastergreetings to us all!

    I find helpful and love the fifth last passage : “Whenever faced with what seems to be a “big problem”, we can gain traction over that problem by remembering that God is bigger. God is our life, too, just like God was the life of Jesus” How very comforting the promise (I see in this passage) that God is always with us, comforting us and guiding and healing us.

    Gratitude and Love and happy Easter to Evan and you all including your dear families!!

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