There is always something you can do

September 16, 2011 | 3 comments

This quote by Mary Engelbreit got me to thinking…
“If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.”
There are many things we can readily change, like the clothes we wear, the food we buy, and the route we drive to work.  There are other situations that seem totally out of our control, like the attitude of our boss, the price of gas, politics in high places, and the economy.  But it’s important to remember that we are never the victim of circumstances, unless we make that choice.  We can always change the way we think about a situation, and spare ourselves suffering.
The price of gas may rise, but our temper doesn’t need to elevate.
The economy may be tight and feel unforgiving, but we don’t need to get uptight and filled with resentment.
Politicians may not listen to our point of view, but that doesn’t mean we can’t listen to their ideas and respond with charity, understanding and patience.
In other words, we have dominion over our experience.  We do not need to act out the role of victim, be the advocate of complaint and emit “woe-is-me” thinking.
God is the source of everything needed to live a life of dominion, joy, health and freedom.  And there isn’t anything in this world that can take that authority and power away from you!

3 thoughts on “There is always something you can do”

  1. Amazing how your blogs seem to quite often reflect
    my current thought-subjects! Hmmmmm…

    Well, clearly, God knows our needs. And I find I am
    more and more aware of my choices in how I react to
    various topics and experiences. When I USE my choices, wonderful things happen. Hmmmmmm…

    The Bible states: “Choose ye, this day, whom ye will serve…” And we are being asked (commanded) to
    keep our choices always in line with God and His goodness.

    Thanks, Evan!


  2. Your thoughts are right on target and add the direction I need to be going in as politics seem to tend to cloud our thoughts and to rise above this, clarity is needed in our thinking. Great time to reach us.

    Thanks, Evan.

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