There is inevitable resolution to any problem

December 13, 2018 | 25 comments

If you ever start to worry about problems that feel overwhelming, you can relax and find peace in knowing that every trouble is destined to find resolution.

No matter what lack or trial you face, all of eternity is supporting you. Every challenge will be met, every opportunity for advancement gained, and every experience of good fully realized.

What appears to be missing in the temporal will be found in the eternal. And since the eternal prevails, any sense of temporal lack is destined to vanish. It’s inevitable.

Keep your mental eye on the eternal.

25 thoughts on “There is inevitable resolution to any problem”

  1. It is encouraging. to be reminded that all is well. We are cherished, cared for, watched over, and there is a perfect answer to every inharmonious situation. Trust seems to be the best way to put it. Trust in His constant care.

  2. Yes! Nothing but inevitable!
    “Perfect God, perfect man, as the BASIS of thought and demonstration.” Science and Health states.
    We find the end in the beginning. Look at this Webster’s 1913 definition of ‘perfect’.

    Per”fect (?), a. [ perficere to carry to the end, to perform, finish, perfect; per thoroughly+ facere to make, do. See Fact.] 1. Brought to consummation or completeness; completed; not defective nor redundant; having all the properties or qualities requisite to its nature and kind; without flaw, fault, or blemish; without error; mature; whole; pure; sound; right; correct.

    God’s will is DONE, and God performs it for us.. Try to escape THAT!

    1. Immediately the hymn “satisfied” comes to my thought! “Gods will is done,His kingdom come,is satisfied.” Lovely.

  3. Trust the eternal as the shadows darken-daylight will appear “- as our Hymn comes to mind. The ever present light of Mind.. Divine consciousness is always present to lead and heal every situation. Thank heaven!

  4. It is the Christ, the Spirit of practical Truth or Principle of Love, which helps us to realize in consciousness, Mind, solutions to our everyday problems and guides us on the path to actualize the harmony of all Life in God, good, as Soul.

    1. To Josef – wonderful how you got all the synonyms in your statement of fact – thank you – helpful – love it!

  5. Thanks Diane for your definition of perfect and Joseph for your inspiration including all of the seven synonyms Mrs. Eddy has given us for God. What a blessing each comment is and those who share them. I am so grateful to have this extended family and wish you all a very joyous, Christly Christmas!!!

  6. This was good. I am helping to solve a major issue on behalf of a family member. I feel somewhat in panic mode because I’ve not heard back from the company that can rectify this issue. I’m leaving town soon for the holidays and we really needed to have this done before year’s end. I have lots of other things to accomplish in a few days so am upset this isn’t being handled. Life will go on, but with complications for this family member. Prayers for loving unfoldment are welcome! I will be keeping my mental eye on the eternal! (Love that thought).

    1. This issue is now mostly resolved. Answers and cooperation came and help assist in handling this. I have used the “keep your mental eye on the eternal” with others who are seeking jobs and have other problems to resolve. It’s a great idea and reminder to repeat first thing every morning!

  7. Thank you Evan for the reminder. Yes, we need to rest in the knowledge that all is harmonious. It brought to mind one of the first CS articles I read many years ago – God’s Law of Adjustment by Adam H. Dickey.

  8. Thank you Evan. It is helpful to me to know a resolution is inevitable because in reality God and His creation are “all harmonious”. Therefore the “problem” is really only a false view of the truth. And that truth is constantly being maintained by God. As I prayerfully focus on the truth it is inevitable that I will realize the truth manifested in my experience!

    I recently listened again to a lecture by Richard Glendon entitled “How Christian Science Heals Fear” in which Mr. Glendon says:

    Everything Everywhere is Already Alright, Everything Everywhere is Already Alright

    It is so helpful to remember this when we are faced with situations that appear to contradict this statement.

    If you want to listen to the lecture by Richard Glendon, you can access it via the link below. Search for “Glendon” to find the lecture or just scroll down looking for the name “Richard L. Glendon”.

  9. Thank you Evan. It is helpful to me to know a resolution is inevitable because in reality God and His creation are “all harmonious”. Therefore the “problem” is really only a false view of the truth. And that truth is constantly being maintained by God. As I prayerfully focus on the truth it is inevitable that I will realize the truth manifested in my experience!

    I recently listened again to a lecture by Richard Glendon entitled “How Christian Science Heals Fear” in which Mr. Glendon says: “Everything Everywhere is Already Alright, Everything Everywhere is Already Alright”. It is so helpful to remember this when we are faced with situations that appear to contradict this statement.

    If you want to listen to the lecture by Richard Glendon, you can access it via the link below. Search for “Glendon” to find the lecture or just scroll down looking for the name “Richard L. Glendon”.

  10. Sorry for the double post. It didn’t appear to work the first time so I tried removing some blank lines. But then I refreshed the web page and saw it got posted twice.

    1. Thank you Brian, for posting, once- twice, I’m of the mind twice is nice….perhaps in this time of Presidential half truths, listening to the lecture you recommended will prove an answer to prayer, for some peace of Mind.

  11. Thanks to all! I love “All of eternity is supporting you” and “;Keep your mental eye on the eternal.” We live in eternity, in perfection NOW, and we have to keep our “mental eye,” our thought, on that. Thanks!

  12. Thank you , Evan, very much for this SpiritView!
    The whole blog today is really comforting, clearing my thought and healing..
    It meets my needs to see through mesmerismn that there could be any problem not solvable.
    Oh, is that comforting – am most grateful – big Hugs. But have still to work , to prove that Truth, like Jesus did, so that we are really his followers.
    Thank you all for your helpful and inspired comments, and Brian for your wonderful link, which is perfectly working, and I could listen to that audio talk – thanks a lot!

  13. This came to mind while reading Evan’s marvelous blog and the thoughtful responses…

    Eternal Mind the Potter is,
    And thought th’ eternal clay:

  14. Dear Evan, this is a marvelous posting with the loving, embracing responses. I love this from our dear leader:
    “To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with blessings.” Science and Health says it right in the beginning of it. As a friend has always signed her
    notes being from the “Vast forever”. With my deeply grateful thanks to Mary Baker Eddy, to my friend and all of the loving friends herein, Nan

  15. I’m a new reader and apologize in advance for ignorance – question is why is there inevitable resolution? Wouldn’t there be some things that are never resolved – for eternity? It’s very nice concept though I wonder whether it’s imbalanced in favor of solving all the mysteries of life – resolving everything – everything will become known – is that true? Resolution and resolving –

    1. Hi Bee,

      Good question! In Truth, there are no mysteries in Life, for all is known to God. However, you and I have eternal Life to discover all that is known to God. So, you and I will be discovering more and more about God forever. God is infinite. So what might appear to be a mystery to your today, inevitably will find resolution at some point in your discovery of God. It’s inevitable. God knows the answer, and Life is your opportunity to discover it and experience it. Life is forever interesting.

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