Think for yourself

March 22, 2021 | 23 comments

As a reflection of the one divine Mind that thinks for itself, man, as a reflection of the one Mind, “thinks for himself,” too.

This is a very empowering truth to understand, for we often encounter other people who want to do our thinking for us.

Have you ever had a family member, friend or neighbor try to strong arm a position you’ve taken into a different one, and perhaps against your better judgment? It’s an opportunity to “think for yourself!”

Rather than bow to another’s will, and possibly give into a very misguided want of another, go to God and see what God wants you to do.

When God is doing your thinking, you’ll do your best thinking.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “The time for thinkers has come” (Science and Health, p. vii). To be a thinker, we must think. Thinking is not mindlessly doing what someone else wants us to do. Thinking is listening for divine intelligence and direction, understanding it, and acting on it.

Be a thinker inspired by God, rather than a pawn manipulated by human will.

Be a spiritually inspired thinker who reflects God thinking for Himself.

23 thoughts on “Think for yourself”

  1. Listen for direction, understand and act. How simple yet we make it so hard. Evan, I love your line “ Be a thinker inspired by God, rather than a pawn manipulated by human will”.

    Thank you.

  2. Thinking. Sometimes too much thinking. Unless filtering what you are thinking about.
    Listening. Listening for that Truth which is called our Shepherd, before thinking or contemplating, that’s the inspired way to think.
    Being quiet, “I will for Thy voice, lest my footsteps stray” (Hymn 304 “Feed My Sheep” by Mary Baker Eddy,) is a way out of the human will of mortals. And into Divine guidance.
    “Right motives give pinions to thought, and strength and freedom to speech and action.” pg. 454:19
    Science and Health, by Mary Baker Eddy.
    Sometimes others mean well for us. Other times mortals mean well for themselves. God knows the difference. We are taught to bless and heal. It is all in mind and mental activity. Praying without ceasing, listening to our Dear Shepherd and reflecting what is good for one and for all.
    Bring into consciousness love and light to answer the calls of mankind. After all, God is all in all!
    Thank you for beginning a new week with proper thinking, away from mischief and human willfulness. Toward our individual Spirit.

      1. Dear Susan,
        When reading scriptures, MBE’s timeless works, inspired articles, even other than CS, revelations,
        some stand out to me, you and others. But they are always different to different readers.
        When studying, not just going through the sentences, paragraphs, chapters, books, etc., what catches one’s attention may be passed over by another. Even reading over once again what was once helpful may present itself very differently. Same wording but a whole different meaning. Speaking to us in an individual way. Different spiritual messages from the very same text. We reflect the One Divine Mind. This Mind includes all knowledge. Then if this is true, we have all the knowledge necessary to express the right ideas.
        I love each word, each revelation. Do you listen to the broadcasts from the Mother Church? Each word is very special. Annunciation, pronouncement, volume, diction, you cannot hear the turning of the pages! What a wonderful world this is to enjoy your comment and share with everyone right here on a world wide stage. A Spiritual place to truly love on another!
        Thank you Dear.

  3. Dear Evan, you’ve highlighted what can be a problem for me personally regarding family lack of support for my ( religious ) decisions. However, I do know I must push that word ‘person’ out of the equation and give the whole ground to God. I like to think that criticism shows loving concern overall.
    Listening for Divine Mind’s guidance cannot let me down. Indeed ‘His arms encircle me ‘, but just not me as it continues .’and mine and all’ (Mothers Evening Prayer. MBE)
    Gods direction not mans reaction is key. Thank you ❣️

  4. Such an important point! It sorta goes hand in hand with “be yourself”, which we are God’s idea in the first place. So, if we be ourselves and think for ourself, it feels so good to go forward in the right direction . There is nothing selfish in this attitude, but rather it is a means for expressing who we really are as God’s reflection. And real thinking is fun!

  5. In today’s world, group think and following the crowd, seems to be rampant and those who question, research and think for themselves are often silenced, unless principles are stood up for. I believe this is yet another form of mortal mind’s herding together to almost bully into opposition of the One Mind/God. Politicians, news media, celebrities and so-called ‘experts’ all seem to be screaming to listen to fear and them, rather than turn our thoughts to what we know to be the Truth… The Truth that will set us free.

  6. Thank you for this reminder, Evan! We know divine Truth is working because error is screaming louder, trying all avenues, mental, moral and social, to bring confusion and doubt, always themes of division. But God is All-in-all universally and impartially so there is no way group think or human minds can influence us. We know God is in control.

  7. Thank you Evan for addressing this. Have learned this lesson long ago and still learning. Just putting up the mental sign “no” healed several situations on the spot. Knowing someone cannot push there own will and agenda on you is freedom and strength given to us by God. We need this message now more than ever with the media and its fear agenda.
    God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

  8. I love this! I am really trying and almost pushing away some people so I can think! It feels good when I do think for myself because I understand better and we are individuals metting God where he wants us and what direction we need to take!
    Thank you!

  9. Dear Carol, finally someone has stated the truth that
    makes us free! Think what would Jesus do!! Group
    think was never God’s plan!

  10. …..Thank You, Evan, This wakeup call certainly works in two directions for me. As a parent of adult children, I’m often too ready to put in my two cents when they are sharing ideas and decisions with me. That is when I most need to,”Be still and listen,” with the confidence that they have been diligent and done the same.

    1. Thank you Heather, I love that idea of being honest in our own thinking and noticing if we may be doing this to another. When we really think deeply about these blog post ideas and how to live them as opposed to ” oh, that’s a nice thought” and then move on, we are living the Truth. I’m beginning to understand we have to really stop and think about these ideas, mull over them, turn them around and examine them. Of course we want to think for ourselves and refrain from trespassing on our neighbors business with God.

  11. Evan, that SpiritView is wonderful!
    Thank you very much for today’s spiritual perspective which is very freeing and letting us see our oneness with our Father-Mother God. Today an acquaintance said to me, that I must think correct and ponder over it aright. Okay, that sounded very out of human will. And therefore I am very grateful for Evan’s for me so comforting utterances like “be a thinker inspired by God” and “Thinking is listening for divine intelligence and direction, understanding it, and acting on it”, and “be a spiritual inspired thinker.” It is not human will thinking on the basis of material thoughts. It is very needed for me!
    And I am very thankful for the comments here!

  12. Thanks Evan for this timely topic and everyone’s inspired comments. I am trusting God, the only Mind, to guide my thoughts and decisions. I am trying to listen quietly and silence outside “noise.” I know he leads me in right paths that are blessing both me and others. “To those leaning on the sustaining Infinite, today is Big with blessings.” (S&H preface)

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