Thinking about God is the best use of your time

June 21, 2019 | 21 comments

If you’d like to have a progressive day, to stay healthy and happy, and to accomplish something worthwhile, then be sure to think about God!

Thinking about God is the best use of your time for it keeps your consciousness enlightened and inspired.

When you have God-awareness, you become more aware of solutions to problems you face, you find resolution to conflict, and stay healthier and happier.

To think about God, is to think about what will bring you the most good, for God is all good.

Thinking about God will never get in the way of your day, or keep you from accomplishing what is most worthwhile. Quite to the contrary. It will bless your day, inspire your perspective, and keep your thought in a buoyant place that is most productive.

To know God is to know whatever you need to know to be successful in every worthwhile job you are doing.

To ignore God, is to ignore good. That’s an unwise use of time.

To think about God, is to experience God’s good, and that’s a very wise use of one’s time.

“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace will be with you”
Phil. 4:8,9, RSV.

21 thoughts on “Thinking about God is the best use of your time”

  1. Thank you. This is very encouraging and helps us set our priorities for the day, or Priority, which is God, the source of our day, or the true understanding of our perfect being as His reflection.

  2. My. 210:2 ~ “Beloved Christian Scientists, keep your minds so filled with Truth and Love, that sin, disease, and death cannot enter them.”
    My. 210:5 ~ “There is no door through which evil can enter, and no space for evil to fill in a mind filled with goodness.”
    Peo. 5:23 ~ “The ego is not self-existent matter animated by mind, but in itself is mind; therefore a Truth-filled mind makes a pure Christianity and a healthy mind and body.”
    What a blessed way in which to honour our Father-Mother-God and be His/Her blessed Child.
    Thank you Evan.

  3. That Bible verse from Philippians has always been a favourite of mine. It is so clear, so do-able. As a younger person the road to Christian Duty seemed so tricky, However, the instructions in this verse, to think about “nice” things, seemed so encouragingly within my reach. The challenge now seems to not be distracted by material sense and its so-called reports of disarray. Yes, I can fill my consciousness with the spiritual perfection of honour, grace, excellence- the list goes on. Yes, I can know that God’s spiritual universe keeps us in a precise orbit, expressing and witnessing His/Her dynamic, healing qualities! What joy!

  4. Thank you, Evan, as always❣️
    I remember using this powerful verse from
    Philippians when I owned a large business, sharing it frequently with my employees before our day began, that we would give the most gracious and caring customer service. This is a lovely translation.

  5. I have learned that filling the mind with God, Love is especially pertinent after denying matter… so nothing untoward can squeeze in there! Its like fasting and praying . .

  6. Thinking about God is not only the best way to start our day but to continue throughout our day. Thanks Evan for this reminder and to all who have commented.

  7. This admonition/guidance is absolutely beautiful in its simplicity. To think about God, divine holy good solely. It is the still waters that refresh us and all.
    Thank you, Evan

  8. I Chron.10 “Blessed” through 13 – a wonderful starting point for thinking about God, and a wonderful way to begin daily work for oneself.

    1. Tank you, very suitable and holy those Chronical verses, giving Cod total honor. I love that!
      Am very very grateful for today’s SpiritView, it brings us near to God, divine Love. I need it today! Thank you so much Evan!!

        1. Yes, cod is pretty good, but it doesn’t deserve full honors

          Thanks for the laugh! And all your great comments.

  9. I didn’t see this until today, JUST THE DAY I NEEDED IT! Thank you so much, you’re always on target

  10. Thank You for this beautiful reminder, I just started a new business and for the past few weeks, the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is reach for my phone and start working on content for my social media pages and website, forgetting the most important of all – God, who is ALL. I saw this post on Facebook and it’s just the pause I needed to reflect on the day spiritually.

  11. Thank you Evan. Have been very immersed with God and knowing that God, good, is always a wonderful help in our very time of need. All Good, All Knowing, All Seeing, All Doing, All Acting, All Wise, All Loving, what more could we ask for. My thoughts have been so lifted and I’m so grateful for your message today!

  12. Since Today is God’s day and everyday is God’s day, it is so natural for me to expect from God what He has for me today and all the thought details included in my experience of God’s day. Knowing this being totally true and perfect, everyday has a new story, ideas, solutions, activities to experience of God unfolding spiritual harmony and goodness in every moment. More so Life is God, Good and Life is indeed an eternal experience of being loved by God, Our Maker of each Day -spiritual Life.

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