True Christmas brings joy

December 12, 2022 | 22 comments

There are some who find the Christmas season depressing, but this need not be.

True Christmas is a spiritual experience that happens on a metaphysical level. It’s about knowing the peace of God that comes to us through Christ. Everyone is equally worthy and able to find the joy that comes from knowing this peace.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “The basis of Christmas is the rock, Christ Jesus; its fruits are inspiration and spiritual understanding of joy and rejoicing, — not because of tradition, usage, or corporeal pleasures, but because of fundamental and demonstrable truth, because of the heaven within us” (Miscellany, p. 260).

Everyone has heaven within to feel and know. When it is sought through spiritual sense, it is found, and its discovery reaps the fruits of inspiration and understanding that Eddy points out.

There isn’t anything depressing about Christmas. It’s spiritual meaning is a cause for great rejoicing!

Celebrating true Christmas brings joy.

22 thoughts on “True Christmas brings joy”

    So it’s Christmas once again:
    Peace on earth, goodwill to men.
    Angel voices from the skies
    Give a hint of paradise!
    Halleluiahs fill the air:
    Love is present ev’rywhere.

    Look around and truly see
    Brotherhood is meant to be;
    Jesus came to show the Way,
    Jesus showed all how to pray:
    With “Our Father” all are blessed;
    In His love we all can rest.

    So at Christmas our clear part
    Is to let Love rule our heart.
    Take that Love throughout the year,
    Let Love overcome all fear.
    Let each day rejoice anew,
    May the Christ reflect in you.

  2. I thank you too Evan and Ken. It follows on so beautifully from the Daily Lift.”Joy comets in the morning” and all year.

                          JOY TO THE WORLD
    Christmas does not deny sorrow its place in the world.
    But the message of Christmas is that joy is bigger than
    despair, that peace will outlast turmoil, that love has
    crushed all evil, hatred, and pain that the world, at its
    worst, can muster. Randall L, Frame
    According to Jesus, it is God’s will that His children be
    filled with the joy of life.   Catherine Marshall
    These can be taken as marching orders, “…joy is bigger
    than despair…” and that His children be filled with the
    joy of life.
    Joy. Delight, triumph, jubilation, pleasure, happiness
    Joy is bigger than despair, and His children be filled with
    the joy of life
    This Christmas let’s give joy
    Melissa Baker
    Remember Christmas is every day

    The first sentence of the first quote isn’t scientific, the rest of it is.

  4. Thank you Evan.
    The first stanza of hymn 164 invites us all to feel the joy of Christmas. Here is the first stanza.
    Joy to the world, the Lord is come,
    Let earth receive her King:
    Ler every heart prepare him room
    And heaven and nature sing.

  5. Christmas is a celebration of life as Spirit and must be adhered to each minute, hour, day, month, year, for eternity.

    Merry Christ-mas!!

  6. I have had this little saying with my Christmas card list for years. I don’t know who wrote it, but enjoy seeing it.:
    The spirit of Christmas is Joy
    The message of Christmas is hope
    The meaning of Christmas if Love
    Joy, Hope, Love, may these be yours on Christmas days and always.

    Also this is a poem written by Irving C Tomlinson

    O peace of the world, O hope in each breast,
    O Bethlehem star that ages have blest,
    A day of fresh promise breaks over the land,
    Gaunt warfare is doomed, and god’s Kingdom at hand!

    From cannon and sword shape tillers of soil,
    No more let dire hate man’s spirit despoil,,
    Let Truth be proclaimed, let god’s love be retold,
    That men of good will may their brethren uphold.

    As stars in their courses never content,
    As blossoms their hues in harmony blend,
    As bird voices mingle in joyful refrain,
    So God’s loving children in concord remain.

    Our god is one Mind, the Mind we adore;
    Ineffable joy His love doth outpour:
    Let nations be one in a union of love,
    God’s bountiful peace, all earth’s treasures above.

    1. Thanks Toby for sharing this poem. I was curious and looked up Irving Tomlinson and found this on Wikipedia,
      “Rev. Irving Clinton Tomlinson (March 22, 1860 – October 1, 1944) was an American Universalist minister who converted to Christian Science, becoming a practitioner and teacher. For a time, he lived as one of the workers in the household of church founder, Mary Baker Eddy, later writing a book about his experiences called Twelve Years with Mary Baker Eddy.”

  7. What a treasure to wake up with such delightful messages
    and also a snow covered pristine landscape with birds
    coming to the feeder in feathery angelic Joyfulness.
    The Christ in Christmas is with us every day. Whenever I see
    “Merry Xmas” I always transpose it in thought to include the
    True meaning of the Christ, Love in Spirit, God’s Principle, Mind
    and Soul and Life of our Being.

    1. I too, Carol, have snow on the ground and feel Joy at the Juncos, Towhees, doves, woodpeckers and quail that come to the feeder each day. I spread extra feed on the crusty snow for the quail and watch the Jays rush in to get the sunflower seeds first. Several groups of deer come into the yard to nibble at the giant wild rose bush. This is a time for much gratitude Love and Joy freely given to us. Merry Joy filled Christmas everyone.

  8. Every time a hand reaches out
    to help another….that is Christmas.
    Every time someone puts anger aside
    and strives for understanding…
    that is Christmas.
    Every time people forget their differences
    and realize their love for each other…..
    that is Christmas.

    1. Thank you Desert Girl….I love your message here!
      And thank you Evan for making us focus on how to celebrate Christ on earth through Joy and Love continuously. Ours to have and to hold❣️

  9. Thank you Evan and all for their beautiful contributions, just what I needed. Much Christly love to all the SpiritView family!

  10. As people are saying Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas to me, I try to internalize it as understanding that they are wising me spiritual goodness and gladness and joy, whether they know it or not. And I wish them the same in return. We say these things almost as a throwaway, out of politeness or convention or because we think it’s expected but if I look higher I can see and receive the spiritual power behind it.

  11. This is from the weekly CedarCamp Metaphysical ( from Kathy Fitzer:
    “Recently a lecture was sponsored by my branch church (12/4/22) which addressed how to not get stuck in that dark place of fear. The talk, titled “Moving Past Fear — to Healing” and was given by Lisa Troseth, CSB. A video recording of it is available on our church’s website . Please feel free to share with any seekers who would be blessed by it, this link”:

  12. Thank you so much for the message of Joy today, Evan. I so appreciate having SpiritView every day with your encouraging and timely messages. I also appreciate the poems and inspirational messages of all contributors.

    Your message today coincides wonderfully with the Daily Lift by John Tyler and with the poem linked to from the bottom of this week’s “Bible Lens”. The poem is “Angels sing, shout, whisper”
    By PEGGIE CASE PAULUS From the December 1986 issue of The Christian Science Journal. The link is

    Joyous Christmas to all.

  13. dear Evan, thank you very much indeed for your wonderful announcement of Christmas as JOY – PEACE – LOVE. IT’s just what I need; and isn’t the appearing of the Christ reason enough for great Joy? That reminds me at Mrs. Eddy’s poem:
    “Oh gentle presence, peace and joy and power …”
    That’s the everpresent healing Christ!
    Am grateful for this comforting, loving and healing SpiritView Blog!♡

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