Trust God’s provision

February 17, 2023 | 27 comments

If you ever doubt whether God is answering your prayers, remember the truism, that God doesn’t give us what we materially want. He gives us what we spiritually need.

Stay open to the spiritual need, and the material want will be satisfied in a way that blesses you most.

27 thoughts on “Trust God’s provision”

  1. Thank you Evan for this profound thought, that God gives us what we spiritually need, which may not seem to coincide with what we think we want (materially). When I read this I thought, well I’m not one to ever ask God for material things so this doesn’t apply to me. But as I thought more about it I saw that “material wants” can include more than just asking for material objects, but could include any human outlining of how we think things should be or should not be, or even just wanting to be free of seeming physical challenges. The deeper need is what must be examined and addressed with spiritual truth. Then the outer conditions will naturally reflect this changed and uplifted thought, in ways that are better than human mind can imagine. God has all the provisions we need for any situation.

    “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added into you.” (Matthew 6:33)

    1. Wow! Thank you, Rose for sharing your reflections on this passage. So many inspiring ideas to pray with!!’ And as always Evan, thank you for this (and every) wonderful message you gift us with each day. We are so deeply touched and grateful!

    2. NOW…I feel ashamed asking for a dozen doughnuts!!!

      But seriously… THANK you for your comments!! It is so good to be reminded of what is important and how we need to keep our thoughts on the right “wave length”!! There are so many distractions!!!

  2. Looking back on my life and what I know of other peoples’ stories, I can see how it was far better that I NOT get what I then thought I wanted… as far as things or other people’s behavior or my career or physical, musical abilities, or how I thought a healing should go, etc.

    I took a free online Coursera college course of Harvard‘s most popular class since 1636— the happiness class in which Laura Santos summarized research, showing that people were that all that our dominant culture taught would make them happier actually made them unhappier. It is not climbing the capitalist ladder, having a certain physique or appearance, or money, or career, or material possessions, or social status, or sex, or certain recreation or play, or an age that made someone happier. It was using their talents to serve others and being/doing their part in healthy relationships, choosing to live love, and it was an attitude of gratitude. Regardless of the circumstances, it was being humble and open to nature / learning and in living consistent with our values. (I summarize tgat as Living the Beatitudes, 10 Commandments, Shema, Gden Rule— the happiness code which fulfills our need.). Exodus 20; Matthew 5-7; Deuteronomy 6:4 -9, Deuteronomy 11:13 -21 and Numbers 15:37 -41; Leviticus 19 especially 19:18 and 19:33-34.

  3. Thank you Evan. We read in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy 331:22 He fills all space, and it is impossible to conceive of such omnipresence and individuality, except as infinite Spirit or Mind. Hence all is Spirit and spiritual.

  4. I once saw a magnet, ” I plan, God laughs”. It brought home the idea that God is
    really in control of everything, no matter how dire things Seem to be. We may
    think that we need this or that, but in “reality”, we have every spiritual quality that
    reflects Love, Mind, Soul, Spirit with the Principle that reveals every Truth that is
    needed to make our Life joyful and fulfilled. I Love that! “Divine Love meets Every
    human need.”

  5. Your helpful sharing, Rose, brought to the forefront for me that “material” wants are nothing but a limited (and often further distorted) view of eternity or the spiritual, which is what’s real despite the seeming illusion. Thank you!
    And thank you ever so much Evan for this very helpful and much needed post on trusting the Real, God’s provision, especially in times of such fear of limitations, be it to safety, food, freedom, certainty, etc.

  6. Your helpful sharing, Rose, brought to the forefront for me that “material” wants are nothing but a limited (and often further distorted) view of eternity or the spiritual, which is the real. Thank you!
    And thank you ever so much Evan for this very helpful and much needed post on trusting the Real, God’s provision, especially in times of such fear of limitations, be it to safety, food, freedom, certainty, even trust, etc.

  7. Oh,dear Evan et al: Great frustration trying to fill out what (to me) is a very complicated tax report for my tax advisor. This remarkable SV reminding me to turn to God for any kind of help has lifted this complicated (to me) burden off my negative thinking. I rejoice that the lesson for this week is
    MIND. Of course! Guidance and help is waiting for me and putting the mind
    of God first will enable me to be successful. Calm and knowledge of perfect
    guidance is with me and I look forward to perfect completion of the task.
    My gratitude cup to Evan and all above is overflowing.

  8. Thank you J for your dedication in posting so many superb articles! Much inspiration gained from “More Understanding, Less Matter” by Laurance Doyle.

  9. Useful advice to keep thought in the reality of Spirit and, also, to not judge by the material picture. Much needed right now. Thanks to all.

  10. I attended CS Sunday School from a very early age and on the wall of the church was this sentence that I feel I’ve known my whole human life:

    Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 494:10–11)

    I’ve realized in the last few years that I’ve just blindly accepted statements like these that I’ve heard all of my human life. Therefore, lately I’ve started to think more deeply about some of these statements to ensure I really understand what I’m reading in CS literature or the Bible. Regarding the statement above from page 494, one could read that to mean that because Divine Love meets all human needs, that nobody has ever been, nor will ever be, in need humanly. But recently I’ve thought about how there are a lot of examples of people being in need humanly. For example, when I was a kid and didn’t want to finish eating some food on my plate, the adult that had served me the food would try to coerce me to eat what was left by telling me how there were starving children in China that would be grateful to have that food. According to Wikipedia, an estimated 15-55 million people died in the famine in China during the years 1959-1961. That’s a lot of people that didn’t seem to have their human need of food met. So how do I reconcile so many people not having their human need met with Mrs. Eddy’s statement in S&H that Divine Love meets all human needs? I would love to hear others comments on that question. I’m still thinking about this, but I’ve somewhat come to the conclusion that we each have the responsibility to individually realize and accept spiritually the ideas that God gives and only when we do that do those ideas meet our human needs. Below is a reference from Misc. Writings that seems to explain our human responsibility in receiving what God is graciously giving us all.
    God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies. Never ask for to-morrow: it is enough that divine Love is an ever-present help; and if you wait, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment. What a glorious inheritance is given to us through the understanding of omnipresent Love! More we cannot ask: more we do not want: more we cannot have. This sweet assurance is the “Peace, be still” to all human fears, to suffering of every sort.
    (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 307:1)

    1. In pondering in what you have asked, RH, speaking from my own
      experience, quite a few years ago, I was on my way to a Wed.
      evening meeting, when a girl ran a red light, hit and then sideswiped
      my car, totaled her large SUV and my little car and I came within
      inches of not “being here” to tell about it, making me appreciate
      Life even more.
      At the time it seemed surreal. I just wanted to get back in the car
      and carry on, but mortally I had to realize that wasn’t possible. There
      just “happened” to be a tow truck driver almost right behind me and
      his calming reassurance that all would be well, was indeed an angel
      (messenger from God) when I needed it and felt so all alone.
      As I recall it now, it just seems like a dream, and in God’s realm,
      there are no accidents. It turned out that I had been thinking before
      the experience that it would be nice if my car was larger for my long-
      handled tools I needed for work at the time. I wasn’t planning on
      This way of demonstrating that need which ended up actually helping
      me to get a better car (from the girl’s insurance and thankfully
      witnesses had come forward, or it would have been her word
      against mine). To get back off the tangent, what I am trying to say,
      in my understanding, anyway, this experience Seemed to have
      happened and in a mortal way of thinking, it did, but as I look back
      at it now, it just seems like it was a dream. Everything worked out
      where the girl walked away without injury and so did I and it actually
      turned out to be a wonderful demonstration, whereas at the time, it
      seemed like quite a challenge. I hope this helps from my perspective
      on what you had asked.

    2. The way I understand this, RH, is that it’s not exactly that the Truth sets every person free right away, but KNOWING the Truth (we all know the quote). I have found that it’s some version of “praying without ceasing” in the “secret place of the most high within” that seems to have carried me through or “healed” many appearances of error, including regarding supply. And perhaps enough individualized image and likenesses praying about a situation while knowing the Truth can make a big difference for those who don’t know the Truth yet. Love to all.

    3. Dear RH, it’s late in the day so I hope you’ll see this. I commend you for looking deeper into ideas that you have studied or known for many years. That is how we continue to grow.

      Your question is a good one, with no quick answer since Mrs. Eddy’s statement about divine Love meeting ALL human needs at all times is absolute. Concerning those who appear to have unmet human needs, we can continue to pray and ask God to guide our prayers for these people. To know that divine Love, God, is with them, embracing them, bringing them peace and right ideas and help of all kinds; and He sees all His children as whole and well, not lacking. Divine Love is also expressing through us as we get involved by donating to charitable organizations, volunteering our time, resources, money, ingenuity etc. Maybe Evan could chime in here, but for sure more prayer will give us greater understanding on this topic.

    4. I think you have to look at the context around that statement. “Divine Love always has met…” It’s pointing out that it’s not limited to a period of time. also you can read it as saying it has always been capable of meeting those needs. It’s like saying there are never mistakes in mathematics. The principle is perfect. The mistakes are always a false concept.

  11. RH,-Yes, I agree that individually realizing divine Love’s presence is what enables us to see that every human need is met by this Love. So often in reading testimonies of healing, whatever the nature of the problem, the demonstration is instantly met when consciousness is suddenly illumined with a sense of divine Love’s all encompassing presence and power.

  12. Thank you very much Evan for this truth, that is meeting our needs spiritually. That is divinely natural as God is Spirit!
    The verse in this weeks lesson, marker 5) in the Bible is helpful: “lean on the Lord with thine whole heart, and do not lean on your own understanding, but trust Him in all thy ways, then He will guide you rightly.”

    Also the 23rd Psalm is very helpful. For instance the first sentence: “Divine Love is my shepherd, I shall not want.”
    I understand this sentence that I have already everything I need!

    Yes, it is much more blessing and healing to stay open for the spiritual need. In reality we have only spiritual needs as the reflection and child of God.
    I am very grateful that this is the divine fact. Many thanks dear Evan for your daily valuable nuggets which teaches me su much!⚘

    1. Thanks a lot RH for this article
      It contains a lot wonderful metaphysics, and I should ponder those ideas some deeper.

      And I am also very grateful for the lovely comments of those dear SpiritView friends, you mentioned in your comment, dear RH.
      A lovely and blessed weekend!⚘

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