Thanks for this 100% true statement, now, forever.
And for the 100% true statements we receive
every day.
We are blessed by you and everyone’s
Thanks SpiritView, 100%
Thank you Evan. Thank you all. In the Bible we read in Proverbs 3:5. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
As Evan reminds us, Truth is as true as it ever was. “Beloved, now are we the sons
of God…” (1 John) So we are NOW 100% perfect, as Christ, who is Truth, we are
not working towards reaching it. We only need to believe it, and accept it, and
then follow Christ Jesus’ teachings, as far as we understand them. If there seems
to be something that is not perfectly in accord with the Truth, Christ, will bring
it to light and dispose of the problem. Truth does the work. We need only to hold
onto the Truth and realise the Love our Father has for us when things seem less
than perfect, and they will keep us on the path of Truth.
Thank you, Evan and everyone for your loving comments!
Maggie, thank you for the reminder that Truth does the work and when we realize that, and truly listen, our Father-Mother keeps us on the right path!! So profound!!
Have a glorious day everyone! ❤️
This wonderfully True declaration reminds me of the experience
I once had in the supermarket. I couldn’t pass up a beautiful
flowering plant (coneflower) displayed outside, put it in my cart
and proceeded to do my shopping. About halfway through, I
noticed there was a delightful white butterfly Clinging to the flower!
It was in a very strange environment (which I sometimes feel like,
when trying to cling to the Truth of our Being, when surrounded by
mortal error distractions of so many kinds). Instinctively this dear,
fragile creation of God knew to hold on to what it was comfortable
with … to be safe, comforted, protected, connected to it’s divine
I quickly and Gently finished my shopping and proceeded to check
out. I had shown a friend there, who was helping to pack, this
wonderful expression of Patience and Beauty, in a most unusual
place and she questioned, “Should we try to catch that?” I told her
it had been clinging to the flower the entire time and it would soon be
in it’s familiar domain. She smiled. (It actually Always Was in it’s
familiar domain and Knew it, the entire time).
As very soon as I pushed the cart outside and it felt the warmth,
the love of it’s natural environment, it joyously flew to the
heavens in all it’s glory.
It was a very inspirational experience for me and reminds me of
holding on so dearly to the Truth/God, no matter what the mortal
appearance seems to be going on around us … conflict, lack, war,
political upheaval, injustice, lies, corruption, sickness, whatever.
Hymn#144 comes to mind … “In atmosphere of Love divine, We live,
and move, and breathe; Though mortal eyes may see it not, ‘Tis
sense that would deceive.” …
It is yet another way to prove our harmony with One Mind/Soul/
Spirit/Life/Truth/ Principe and Love.
Thanks Carol, that was lovely. I had an encounter with a butterfly the other day while standing at the bus stop. It came and landed on my leg and seemed to be saying hello, it stay there for a bit and then freely flew on. Butterflies have been in my thought lately because two lovely ladies have been giving a class at the local library about the deep decline of Monarch butterflies and how we can help to reverse this and why saving all the pollinators is important. It’s been so fascinating learning about God’s remarkable creation and how we are all interconnected. We are also growing the Monarchs from caterpillars right there in the library and will release them after they emerge from their chrysalis. It will be grand to watch them, as you nicely put it, “fly to the heavens in all their glory.”
How lovely, Rose! Thank you, and others for your comments about
this very inspiring experience. (I wish I could share a photo of
what I had taken of it in the store). Lots of milkweed comes up in
my garden. Yes, Rose, it is great to help the pollinators and that must
have been very special at the bus stop.
Regarding the dear one in the grocery store, it seemed to look up to
us (especially my friend who wanted to try to “help” it, by wanting
to attempt to catch it). My thought was, even in what would Appear
to be such a foreign place … “Little butterfly, You’re still you no matter
where you Appear to be” and thus, we let it remain in it’s secure
location where it felt safe and secure at that time.
In trying to catch it to set it free, would have disturbed it’s
contentment and flying around in a huge store would have been
so disruptive for it. It’s determination to cling to it’s protective
source (Truth/Love) is what truly saved it and let it, with Patience
and Trust, fly to safety.
Again, Thank you so much to those who have commented on
this and of course Evan’s original prompt of 100% Truth being True.
Always uplifting in thought.
Thank you, Susan. It’s the simple things that really mean
the most. It is amazing how that lovely butterfly knew to stay calm
and be patient. I felt so happy for it, not to try to take off in
the store … It felt God’s Love and felt peacefully protected.
I saw my first monarch of the season today and several other
winged beauties. They are truly like gentle angels and so exciting to
see! especially when there are not that many around lately.
Evan says, “No waiting necessary” for Truth to become true. This statement is 100% true because our God. all good, is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hooray!
Mortal mind presents an opposite view which is all about Time. It injects that idea of – ‘things are bad now but if you do this, that or the other material thing maybe you can make the bad situation improve at some future time.’ This view is 100% wrong. It is narrow, constricted and misses the expansiveness, nowness and eternalness of spiritual reality. It reduces the power of God to almost nothing, or casts Him out of the picture completely.
Thank you Evan for a clear expression of healing truth to ponder over the weekend. Love and blessings to you and to my dear SV partners who meet here heart to heart.
Thank you Carol for your beautifully worded sharing of this tender experience, showing that, to a more spiritually focused thought, the most profound lessons can be learned from the simplest of life’s encounters.
Like the butterfly clinging to the flower, we can all turn naturally and effortlessly to the arms of ever present divine Love, take refuge from the jarring material senses, and find comfort, security and peace.
Dear “J”, thanks also for this lovely article/testimony. I read it just now on Sunday at midnight here in Germany. The testimony contains very helpful truth thoughts for me.♡
Wonderful article, thank you “J”♡
It also says that time is an error and eternity is the reality where health is permanent. How comforting is that!
Thank you so very much Evan for that comforting and healing Truth 100% now!♡
No compromise can be made between 100% Truth against something against it, as there is nothing but divine Truth!!
Thank you so much for the link to this powerful article by Carl Welz. Thank you, Evan, for opening up this inspired conversation. It occurs to me that our upcoming celebration of
Independence Day can start with our Declaration of Independence from false concepts of time. TRUTH is true today. We don’t have to wait for it to become true. What a wonderful thought! Thank you all again for this discussion
A wonderful Truth to stand on
Doni … Thank you! Very uplifting
with this vision of hope for this holiday
in the US … a declaration of what is True
every day, not limited in any way by time ~
independence we all have in our hearts as
children of God.
Thank you Evan for this valuable Truth. Carol, I loved your butterfly illustration and Maggie for your comments. Rose I always love your comments and they are well taken.
However, I value the various attempts mankind are making to improve the world we are living in. The CS Monitor has the Points of Progress feature where they acknowledge the good that is being done around the world.
Mrs. Eddy states in Science and Health: “Step by step will those who trust Him find that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (SH 444:10). When the Truth isn’t apparent to us right away, it is wonderful to know that it IS there, no matter what.
Mortal mind, in its attempt to prove it knows better than God, sometimes comes up with extreme “solutions” for perceived problems. For example, one of the supposed causes of climate change is the production of methane gas by cattle feedlots. Therefore, the solution is to euthanize all cattle. This was in a “Letter to the Editor” column in our local paper and we heard that a country is looking to euthanize 200+ head of cattle to “solve” this problem.
This extreme “solution” is short-sighted and wrong. Mrs. Eddy states again “All of God’s creatures, moving in the harmony of Science, are harmless, useful, indestructible.” (SH 514:28–30)
Many good ideas that have their base in God are coming to the surface to help with this. For example, a farmer near us has solved this gas problem by putting in a digester and converting the “bad” gas to one they put to good use such as heating buildings.
As we look to progress and prove that good is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, every good thought and step taken for good is valuable and necessary.
Thank you all again for your insights. They are always helpful.
Last night it struck me that we can’t lose or misplace the principle of mathematics . It remains available whenever we need it. So Evan’s statement about Truth hit home for me. Truth isn’t partial or dependent on circumstances but rather changeless, reliable and always operating.
I too loved your account of the butterfly, Carol, and thanks to everyone for sharing appropriate articles from JHS-online!.
Thanks for this 100% true statement, now, forever.
And for the 100% true statements we receive
every day.
We are blessed by you and everyone’s
Thanks SpiritView, 100%
Thank you !
Thank you Evan. Thank you all. In the Bible we read in Proverbs 3:5. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
As Evan reminds us, Truth is as true as it ever was. “Beloved, now are we the sons
of God…” (1 John) So we are NOW 100% perfect, as Christ, who is Truth, we are
not working towards reaching it. We only need to believe it, and accept it, and
then follow Christ Jesus’ teachings, as far as we understand them. If there seems
to be something that is not perfectly in accord with the Truth, Christ, will bring
it to light and dispose of the problem. Truth does the work. We need only to hold
onto the Truth and realise the Love our Father has for us when things seem less
than perfect, and they will keep us on the path of Truth.
Thank you, Evan and everyone for your loving comments!
Maggie, thank you for the reminder that Truth does the work and when we realize that, and truly listen, our Father-Mother keeps us on the right path!! So profound!!
Have a glorious day everyone! ❤️
thank you. Trying to practise this now.
This wonderfully True declaration reminds me of the experience
I once had in the supermarket. I couldn’t pass up a beautiful
flowering plant (coneflower) displayed outside, put it in my cart
and proceeded to do my shopping. About halfway through, I
noticed there was a delightful white butterfly Clinging to the flower!
It was in a very strange environment (which I sometimes feel like,
when trying to cling to the Truth of our Being, when surrounded by
mortal error distractions of so many kinds). Instinctively this dear,
fragile creation of God knew to hold on to what it was comfortable
with … to be safe, comforted, protected, connected to it’s divine
I quickly and Gently finished my shopping and proceeded to check
out. I had shown a friend there, who was helping to pack, this
wonderful expression of Patience and Beauty, in a most unusual
place and she questioned, “Should we try to catch that?” I told her
it had been clinging to the flower the entire time and it would soon be
in it’s familiar domain. She smiled. (It actually Always Was in it’s
familiar domain and Knew it, the entire time).
As very soon as I pushed the cart outside and it felt the warmth,
the love of it’s natural environment, it joyously flew to the
heavens in all it’s glory.
It was a very inspirational experience for me and reminds me of
holding on so dearly to the Truth/God, no matter what the mortal
appearance seems to be going on around us … conflict, lack, war,
political upheaval, injustice, lies, corruption, sickness, whatever.
Hymn#144 comes to mind … “In atmosphere of Love divine, We live,
and move, and breathe; Though mortal eyes may see it not, ‘Tis
sense that would deceive.” …
It is yet another way to prove our harmony with One Mind/Soul/
Spirit/Life/Truth/ Principe and Love.
Thanks Carol, that was lovely. I had an encounter with a butterfly the other day while standing at the bus stop. It came and landed on my leg and seemed to be saying hello, it stay there for a bit and then freely flew on. Butterflies have been in my thought lately because two lovely ladies have been giving a class at the local library about the deep decline of Monarch butterflies and how we can help to reverse this and why saving all the pollinators is important. It’s been so fascinating learning about God’s remarkable creation and how we are all interconnected. We are also growing the Monarchs from caterpillars right there in the library and will release them after they emerge from their chrysalis. It will be grand to watch them, as you nicely put it, “fly to the heavens in all their glory.”
How lovely, Rose! Thank you, and others for your comments about
this very inspiring experience. (I wish I could share a photo of
what I had taken of it in the store). Lots of milkweed comes up in
my garden. Yes, Rose, it is great to help the pollinators and that must
have been very special at the bus stop.
Regarding the dear one in the grocery store, it seemed to look up to
us (especially my friend who wanted to try to “help” it, by wanting
to attempt to catch it). My thought was, even in what would Appear
to be such a foreign place … “Little butterfly, You’re still you no matter
where you Appear to be” and thus, we let it remain in it’s secure
location where it felt safe and secure at that time.
In trying to catch it to set it free, would have disturbed it’s
contentment and flying around in a huge store would have been
so disruptive for it. It’s determination to cling to it’s protective
source (Truth/Love) is what truly saved it and let it, with Patience
and Trust, fly to safety.
Again, Thank you so much to those who have commented on
this and of course Evan’s original prompt of 100% Truth being True.
Always uplifting in thought.
Your story was inspiring Carol. Thank you.
I’m sure glad I came back to SpiritView today.
Thank you, Susan. It’s the simple things that really mean
the most. It is amazing how that lovely butterfly knew to stay calm
and be patient. I felt so happy for it, not to try to take off in
the store … It felt God’s Love and felt peacefully protected.
I saw my first monarch of the season today and several other
winged beauties. They are truly like gentle angels and so exciting to
see! especially when there are not that many around lately.
Evan says, “No waiting necessary” for Truth to become true. This statement is 100% true because our God. all good, is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hooray!
Mortal mind presents an opposite view which is all about Time. It injects that idea of – ‘things are bad now but if you do this, that or the other material thing maybe you can make the bad situation improve at some future time.’ This view is 100% wrong. It is narrow, constricted and misses the expansiveness, nowness and eternalness of spiritual reality. It reduces the power of God to almost nothing, or casts Him out of the picture completely.
Thank you Evan for a clear expression of healing truth to ponder over the weekend. Love and blessings to you and to my dear SV partners who meet here heart to heart.
Thank you Evan for this succinct but powerful truth. Maggie and Carol…..your comments touched me deeply; thank you so much.
Thank you Carol for your beautifully worded sharing of this tender experience, showing that, to a more spiritually focused thought, the most profound lessons can be learned from the simplest of life’s encounters.
Like the butterfly clinging to the flower, we can all turn naturally and effortlessly to the arms of ever present divine Love, take refuge from the jarring material senses, and find comfort, security and peace.
100%! by Megan Selby:
Dear “J”, thanks also for this lovely article/testimony. I read it just now on Sunday at midnight here in Germany. The testimony contains very helpful truth thoughts for me.♡
“Eternity, not time” by Carl J. Welz:
Wonderful article, thank you “J”♡
It also says that time is an error and eternity is the reality where health is permanent. How comforting is that!
Thank you so very much Evan for that comforting and healing Truth 100% now!♡
No compromise can be made between 100% Truth against something against it, as there is nothing but divine Truth!!
Thank you so much for the link to this powerful article by Carl Welz. Thank you, Evan, for opening up this inspired conversation. It occurs to me that our upcoming celebration of
Independence Day can start with our Declaration of Independence from false concepts of time. TRUTH is true today. We don’t have to wait for it to become true. What a wonderful thought! Thank you all again for this discussion
A wonderful Truth to stand on
Doni … Thank you! Very uplifting
with this vision of hope for this holiday
in the US … a declaration of what is True
every day, not limited in any way by time ~
independence we all have in our hearts as
children of God.
“Eternity is not a form of time,
Nor is it outside of time,
Or a refinement of time..
It is INSTEAD of Time.!I”
CSJournal 1979, by Geoffrey Barrett
Thank you Evan for this valuable Truth. Carol, I loved your butterfly illustration and Maggie for your comments. Rose I always love your comments and they are well taken.
However, I value the various attempts mankind are making to improve the world we are living in. The CS Monitor has the Points of Progress feature where they acknowledge the good that is being done around the world.
Mrs. Eddy states in Science and Health: “Step by step will those who trust Him find that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (SH 444:10). When the Truth isn’t apparent to us right away, it is wonderful to know that it IS there, no matter what.
Mortal mind, in its attempt to prove it knows better than God, sometimes comes up with extreme “solutions” for perceived problems. For example, one of the supposed causes of climate change is the production of methane gas by cattle feedlots. Therefore, the solution is to euthanize all cattle. This was in a “Letter to the Editor” column in our local paper and we heard that a country is looking to euthanize 200+ head of cattle to “solve” this problem.
This extreme “solution” is short-sighted and wrong. Mrs. Eddy states again “All of God’s creatures, moving in the harmony of Science, are harmless, useful, indestructible.” (SH 514:28–30)
Many good ideas that have their base in God are coming to the surface to help with this. For example, a farmer near us has solved this gas problem by putting in a digester and converting the “bad” gas to one they put to good use such as heating buildings.
As we look to progress and prove that good is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, every good thought and step taken for good is valuable and necessary.
Thank you all again for your insights. They are always helpful.
“All we have is the now.”
Last night it struck me that we can’t lose or misplace the principle of mathematics . It remains available whenever we need it. So Evan’s statement about Truth hit home for me. Truth isn’t partial or dependent on circumstances but rather changeless, reliable and always operating.
I too loved your account of the butterfly, Carol, and thanks to everyone for sharing appropriate articles from JHS-online!.