Up in the morning

August 16, 2012 | 6 comments

How you start your day often affects how well your day goes.
So, when you wake up in the morning and your feet hit the floor, do you shout “Good morning Lord!” or do you bemoan, “Good lord, it’s morning”?

“This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Ps. 118:24)


6 thoughts on “Up in the morning”

  1. Here’s a little phrase a Sunday
    School teacher taught me and I taught my own children and those I taught in public and Sunday school: “Let every morning seem to say
    There’s something happy along the way,
    And God sends love to you today.”
    Enjoy the blogs. Sher

  2. When I awake each morning, I always think of Psalms 18 Verse #24. I am home bound and have 24/7 Nurse Aide help. The Aides are not C/S and are always bickering with each other. This forces me more to use prayer in C/S so that I could understand wisdom comes from God instead of Mortal thought to deal positively with the situation. And you know IT WORKS.

  3. Thanks for this happy morning greeting! I love the messages including the little ditty for Sunday School children. We are all God’s loved children and I am glad to be reminded of it today as I embark on a cross country trip. Lovely thoughts to take with me…and share with all “whom my thought rests upon” along the way. Joy to all – Rose

  4. This inspired me to share something:

    I share my life with 6 dogs, one of which is a Jack Russell named Reverse. This little guy wakes up every morning to the sound of the alarm with nothing but joy. I mean he is overwhelmed, overflowing, and wagging away with joy! This has worn off on me and I now wake up with this same joy! I say out loud each morning to all my furry friends- “Today is the day that God has made, be glad, give thanks rejoice!” I am so thankful to have Reverse the Jack Russell to remind me that joy cannot be taken away. In fact, is it a built in quality that is just waiting to be expressed!

    Thanks for this reminder!

  5. Here’s another wake up thought, “I wake up bright, in the morning light, to do what’s right, with all my might!”

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