Wait on God, not on time, for what to do next

May 26, 2020 | 31 comments

With stay at home orders in force for many, businesses closed and workers unemployed, many people are wondering what to do with their time and what to expect next.

One truth that I have found helpful during these unusual times is to remember that everything I need to prosper and continue being productive is coming directly to me from God. I don’t have to wait on time to pass or for government officials to issue new decrees to move ahead with my life. God is my Life, and God is ever-active causing good things to happen without end.

Our bodies may be hanging out in a small apartment, but our thinking doesn’t have to think small.

Our employer may not want to see us at work, but that doesn’t mean our thinking can’t be productive and profitably engaged.

The truth is, we are not finite mortals stuck in a physical condition that limits what we can do. We are spiritual beings reflecting the Mind of God that can do anything.

Think big. Think expansive. Think spiritual! God’s Mind, your Mind, is full of good ideas to keep you productively employed.

Wait on God, not on time, to see what you can do and accomplish that has worth and value. You might be surprised at what is possible.

“When we wait patiently on God and seek Truth righteously, He directs our path”
(Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 254).

31 thoughts on “Wait on God, not on time, for what to do next”

  1. Wonderful inspiration for those who feel locked up and have nothing to do! “With God all things are possible”! Thank you once again, Evan.

  2. From Second Corinthians 6:2:
    “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation. ”

    May we not take this as a promise today and live with it?

    Thank you, Evan for this encouraging reminder of God’s ever-present goodness and guidance.

  3. Very powerful! Thank you, Evan. Your message is just what I need. Many times impatience has been my nemesis. Yet
    the times I‘ve waited, have brought great rewards.

    “…blessed are all they that wait for him.“
    Isaiah 30:18

  4. Evan your thoughts on good happening “right now” trigger for me Mrs. Eddy’s opening comment “To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with blessings.” S&H vio:1-2.
    The operative word for me is “leaning”..
    God’s ready and it’s up to me to lean . To “trust” that infinite good is here right now so I don’t need to wait but I do need to “lean”…

  5. Such uplifting thoughts today Evan. It nudged me into looking up the following verse from Isaiah 40;31
    ‘But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.’ KJV… God just wants us to keep on growing, learning and Loving. Perhaps instead of thinking about living our life we should remember we are expressing Gods Life…?

    1. Great insight Barbara. Very helpful in what I am trying to deal with with my son who is currently unemployed. I’ve been having trouble expressing the right thoughts to him to help him feel more at ease with himself. Yours & and Evans’s thoughts were just what I needed. So grateful!

  6. Building on the idea of leaning…Hymn 519, words by Jill Gooding

    Lean on the sustaining infinite
    And blessings will be yours
    Lean no on person, place, or thing,
    Or economic laws.
    But lean upon all-blessing God
    Who will all needs supply
    And give to all abundant good
    That money cannot buy.

    So lean, and let, and love;
    This is the balanced way.
    It’s free from self0will, pressure, stress;
    It welcomes in God’s day.
    The leaning is so gentle;
    The letting is so free.
    And loving is the only way
    To think, and speak, and be.

    (first and last verses)

  7. This morning I awoke after a fitful night, wondering why I have been so re-active lately. Real eyesing that I Am in a very good place in my Life, I wondered why I couldn’t detach, in other words, be in but not of the world of mortal mind. Knowing the difference between real and unreal, why am I still so easily drawn into the lie? Then I check my email and, reading Spiritview, this is what strikes me.
    “The truth is, we are not finite mortals stuck in a physical condition that limits what we can do. We are spiritual beings reflecting the Mind of God that can do anything.”
    I Am very grateful for God’s infinite care, sneaky guidance and never-ending Love. I never thought I could say such a thing. I Am learning more and more with each trial, even though I may think I’ve stumbled again, It all only continues to deepen my understanding of who and what I Am. Yes, I reflect God. Yes, I Am good. Yes, I Am Love. Yes, I Am productive. Oh I AM glad for every scalding tear. I will stand porter at the door today, watching and praying.

  8. This message is especially helpful for someone who has felt trapped in a time warp. Instead of waiting for the virus to go away & restrictions to be lifted, we wait on God. Thank you Evan, and also to those who leave comments.

  9. I like the picture showing the growth rings of the tree. Even though a tree stays in place, it is always growing.

    1. I used to think that “waiting’ was a passive, static activity– and that really annoyed me; I couldn’t be happy believing that MAYBE someday understanding would arrive, I finally realized that ”waiting” actually was highly active– being alert, expectant, and ready to leap into action instantly with the first instruction. Instead of standing around waiting, as one would for the arrival of a bus (that might come, or it might not), with nothing to do be but be idle, we are on our toes, leaning forward in a prepared stance– as one would wait on a tennis serve. Or a tuned-in servant who anticipates and instantly responds to the orders, instructions, from one’s ”master.” Our Master is everpresent, not distant- not even across a tennis court! Having made this shift in image, I have shifted my waiting to one of alertness and sense of expectancy; I try to stay in an alert listening mode, because the answers I need, the right instructions for my every move, come to me as from an elevated listening mode, that inner voice which guides me.

  10. I like this title as well, “Wait on God, not on time, for what to do next.” Yesterday, I was looking all over for my keys and could not find them. After talking on the phone for about 10 minutes, I was ready to leave to do an errand when I thought. Oh, I don’t have my keys. But then thought, I don’t have to worry about this, God knows where they are. And right then a thought came to go look in a certain place and there they were! 🙂

  11. As MBE states, “The time for thinkers has come.” Are we not all looking for guidance towards our freedom from the restrictions of state? For me, the answer is in the divine guidance of Truth and Love. It is a power no state can have unless as Jesus said to Pilot, you could have no power unless God give it thee.

  12. When you think about how much Stephen Hawking accomplished, while barely able to move or speak, it shows we aren’t limited by physical conditions. Nelson Mandela, and many others, accomplish a great deal while in actual prison. The real limits are the ones we put on ourselves. Spirit is free! Thought is free. God is infinite, the kingdom of heaven is at hand!

  13. I used to think that “waiting’ was a passive, static activity– and that really annoyed me; I couldn’t be happy believing that MAYBE someday understanding would arrive, I finally realized that ”waiting” actually was highly active– being alert, expectant, and ready to leap into action instantly with the first instruction. Instead of standing around waiting, as one would for the arrival of a bus (that might come, or it might not), with nothing to do be but be idle, we are on our toes, leaning forward in a prepared stance– as one would wait on a tennis serve. Or a tuned-in servant who anticipates and instantly responds to the orders, instructions, from one’s ”master.” Our Master is everpresent, not distant- not even across a tennis court! Having made this shift in image, I have shifted my waiting to one of alertness and sense of expectancy; I try to stay in an alert listening mode, because the answers I need, the right instructions for my every move, come to me as from an elevated listening mode, that inner voice which guides me.

  14. I came across this sentence the other day in Miscellany; “Governments have no right to engraft into civilization the burlesque of uncivil economics.” (My. 278:23). The context for this sentence had to do with war.

    We can also know that not only do mortal governments lack the right to burden man with “uncivil economics”, they also lack the power to do so.”

  15. From Hymn # 58:2
    Come we daily then, dear Father,
    Open hearts and willing hands,
    Eager ears, expectant, joyful,
    Ready for the right comands.

  16. I also used to be a little annoyed at the idea of just “waiting” , being mentally ready and alert but idle in action. Then a new view of the term “wait on” changed everything for me- here is the dictionary’s definition-
    (A verb phrase)
    a. To perform the duties of an attendant or servant
    b. To supply the wants of a person, as serving a meal or serving a customer in the store
    c. To call upon or visit ( a person, especially a supervisor) – to wait on her majesty at the palace-

    For me, to “wait patiently on God”. no longer means just patiently anticipating and expecting direction. , It has come to mean being very active and attending to our Father Mother God’s directions and guidance, to actually strive to do His will every moment, to patiently serve God in all our ways, to perform each task He gives us. We are never idle when “waiting on” our Master, our Superior, or our God! We are able and willing to do the work that is asked of us. When turning to God each day, even with stay at hone orders, He gives me inspiration, and right ACTIONS to take. Maybe it is to do specific prayer for someone or the world, to call or text family and friends with loving, supportive messages, to express order and cleanliness, to better organize my stuff, expressing Mind with everything in its right place, to take virtual piano lessons, to work on the house and yard, ti be friendly and kind to neighbors passing by, etc. to sing and dance and paint a picture! There is action required to “Wait on” someone, especially the Creator of the whole universe! There is no limit to what our loving Father Mother is directing us to actually DO each moment. What Life is guiding us express here and now. God knows each of our needs, and right now He is giving us right ideas to express Him in our own unique ways, to be joyous and full of lively action.

    As Evan put it so well above- “ Think big! Think expansive. . Think spiritual! God’s Mind is your mind, is full of good ideas to keep you productively employed.”

    Thank God and hallelujah!

  17. Thank you, Evan, for this very timely encouragement. This morning I awoke and found I was -a difficult time getting my mind to concentrate on God and my relationship to him. I kept thinking of the material things I would like to get rid of (collectibles, weeds and other stuff). At this point I am not able physically to take care of the many tasks that would need to be done and don’t know how to go about it. As I acknowledged that I was not able to do anything of myself and thought about reflecting the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-active God, it eased somewhat and I knew God would let me know what to do and when.

    Then I listened to the Daily Lift that says “God is speaking. Are you listening?” On to the Daily Thought: “God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this, that power belongeth unto God. (Ps. 62:11)” Then came your message to “Wait on God, not on time, for what to do next.” My day is set. Thank you God, Mrs. Eddy, Christ Jesus, SpiritView and all of God’s creatures. Life is Good.

  18. the tree is such a good example here,Evan! What’s great image of growth. Sometimes it seems like we take forever to grow in grace
    And our understanding of God’s forever protection and guidance
    Thanks all for your input. We areNow children of God….spiritual
    and complete no matter what seems to be ……This does not depend on
    Yesterday’s standard but on today’s progress and ability.
    Keep growing!

  19. I so love Mary B. Eddy’s IMPROVE YOUR TIME article in Misc Writings p. 230, and though I don’t have the time (LOL) to write it out, the very very last words written are : “…Learn to labor and to wait.”
    If you read this article, it is time well spent. As always, much appreciation to you Evan n bloggers.

  20. Thank you Evan and everyone for the inspired sharing. I’ve always thought of my “waiting on God” as a very active state of Mind and as such I thank our both our Way-shower [Jesus] and our Leader [Mary Baker Eddy] for their dedication to each one of us. Our duty, then, is to actively wait on God for guidance in our own individual lives to ensure that each one of us is contributing fully to our Cause. Spiritview represents this dedication. Thank you again

  21. Thank You Evan and every Spiritview upholders, indeed “wait on God as we are Mind’s representatives; reflection of intelligent, constructive and productive ideas here, not time representatives”. Grateful, throughout this lockdown period, everyone in my family continually enjoy productive employment with even more prosperous and restful manner. In fact many of my friends and neighbours enjoy no lapse and reduction of employable hours. The divine ideas I discerned to carry in my mind for this situation : Divine Principle Love is the centre and circumference of every being (wholeness) and Love’s ever-presence provides instantaneous gratification not instalments. From Love and from light and harmony which are the abode of Spirit, only reflections of good can come (S &H pg 280). Every aspect of Life is in the right place. This week, workplaces are open for normal business and trading.
    26 | 592:18
    NEW JERUSALEM. Divine Science; the spiritual facts
    and harmony of the universe; the kingdom of heaven, or reign of harmony.

  22. It’s been four months since this article was posted but I just came across it today, and both the article and the remarks are so fresh and inspiring! Thanks to all who post such thoughtful insights.

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