Weigh yourself on the scale of Spirit

December 4, 2014 | 7 comments

How much do you weigh?

Oops, I’m not supposed to ask that question.

Well, I didn’t mean “How much do you weigh in pounds.” I meant, how much do you weigh in the scale of Spirit! That’s the important measurement to take.

You are much more than flesh and bones. You are qualities of God manifest.

True friends do not love you for your body. They love you because of the qualities of God you reflect. They love your joy, your cheer, your love, your care, your friendship. They love your spiritual individuality.

If we get too caught up into how many pounds we weigh, we might neglect to cultivate what is most important—the spiritual expression that people want to be around and enjoy.

On the scale of Spirit, thought is not focused on body mass and what you ate yesterday, but on spirituality. It seeks to know God and live true to the ideals of Spirit.

Wisdom, dominion, contentment, gratitude, unselfishness, discipline, and their kin, are states of Mind that keep one healthy and fit.

So, if you want to step on a scale, that’s okay. Just let it be the scale of Spirit where you get a proper reading.

“The human mind acts more powerfully to offset the discords of matter and the ills of flesh, in proportion as it puts less weight into the material or fleshly scale and more weight into the spiritual scale” Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 155.


7 thoughts on “Weigh yourself on the scale of Spirit”

  1. This has taken a definite understanding as I needed this to insure my love for others during these wonderful days.

  2. Evan you have brought out so beautifully the importance of giving more weight to spiritual qualities rather than material beauty, which is fading and fleeting. Yes ofcourse we must all weigh ourself on the Spiritual scale and check how many good qualities we have gained, cause only these good qualities of love, forgiveness, selflessness, goodness when expressed keep us fit, fine and healthy. Deeply grateful for this blog.

  3. Mrs Eddy writes in S&H Page 192: 21-23 “Your influence for good depends on the weight you throw into the right scale.” This weight has nothing to do with how much matter (human body) weighs but in the scale of Love expressed by your understanding of your relationship with God and to your fellow men.

  4. What a wonderful change of thought this has given me! Having been overweight in my younger days, I now, consistently weigh each AM. Suddenly I realize how unimportant matter is thanks to this wonderful explanation from Evan. Yes, to focusing more on giving, loving, expressing gratitude—less on the gravitational earthly scale. Great reminder. This has changed my perception of matter vs. spirit in such a beautiful way. Thank you ,dear Evan.

  5. Loved the change of thought regarding weight. I always hated stepping on the scales. They would either make you really happy or really make you depressed. I simply knew when things began to feel tight what to do. I like filling up with God’s good qualities.

  6. The one is printed, pinned to my office wall, and will be referred to frequently over
    the holidays!

    Thank you for your always helpful articles, Evan.

    With Joy to us all !


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