What is animal magnetism?

February 4, 2020 | 26 comments

Have you ever had something bad happen when you were expecting something good? Have you fallen ill unexpectedly, and wondered why? Or experienced a great loss with no warning? If so, they are likely signs of animal magnetism at work.

The good news is, that Christian Science teaches us how to protect ourselves from animal magnetism and how to nullify its claim to power.

To help people understand better what animal magnetism is and how to prove its powerlessness, I recorded a podcast on this topic with the Sentinel Watch program. It was posted this week on JSH-online.com.

You can listen to the program by clicking here, “What is animal magnetism?”


26 thoughts on “What is animal magnetism?”

  1. I had listened to your podcast about an hour before this Spirit View arrived and it has already helped me a great deal.. Thank you so much .

  2. The Comforter is here to remove the fears and false conclusions seemingly produced by mortal belief!

    Thank you, Evan, for helping us allow the Comforter, Divine Science, to show us the way out of illusions and find healing, through your Sentinel Watch interview on Animal Magnetism. It was great!

  3. I listened to this program last night and want to listen to it again today. I was thrilled. It made so much sense to me. It was clearer to me more than ever what lies we have accepted as true through animal magnetism. Thank you Evan for your clear insight into what animal magnetism is and what it isn’t.

    PS. I love the Wizard of Oz analogy. Elise Moore uses it too in an article, “Pulling back the curtain on evil.” Sentinel 2002

    1. Susan thank you for recommending Elsie Moore’s article I’ve all ways enjoyed her viewpoints but had never read “Pulling back the curtain on evil” It is something I really needed today

  4. I normally listen to the podcast.but haven’t yet. It just so happens I was reading the chapter on animal magnetism unmasked last night. Thank you.

  5. Thank you so very much dear Evan, for that great , inspiring and uplifting clear talk explaining us so enlightened what AM tries to be and to do, how to handle it, and finally, that animal magnetism is not to be feared at all, as it is nothing and cannot have any control or effect on us as GOD, all good, is a l l i n a l l and in control and governing everything lovingly.
    While listening to your priceless talk I was overwhelmed, and I did not get tired listening to your wonderful teaching of this utmost important subject in Christian Science.
    I remember that when Mrs. Eddy wanted to publish Science and Health first and she did not yet include the chapter “Animal Magnetism Unmasked”, everything went wrong with the publication. Of course she prayed and got then the idea for the neccessity to include this important subject into her textbook “Science and Health with Key to the Scripture.” After that, the publication occured harmoniously.
    It is so good and inspiring, Evan, that I will have to listen to this wonderful talk of you still several times. It is so helpful and healing, thanks so much again!

  6. Thank you, Evan. LOVED listening to the podcast twice yesterday and will listen again today. Such an important topic for us to understand more clearly. I’m so grateful for the teachings of Christian. Science.
    Thanks so much for all you are doing!!

  7. Thanks so much, Evan. Your explanations and examples were great! And the timeliness of your podcast perfect. Thanks for all you do.

  8. I listened to the podcast as well and will do so again as well as
    Moore’ s article . You made this subject much clearer and I
    Can apply the Truth with more confidence with your help
    In understanding the seeming power arrayed by evil.
    Thank you so much for sharing with us all.

  9. Thank you Evan. You did an amazing job of explaining Animal Magnetism is just IMAGINATION stemming from the “false belief that mind is in matter, and is both evil and good; that evil is as real as good and more powerful” (S&H pg 103)

  10. Such a wonderful conversation on animal magnetism, so helpful on many points, especially helpful the comments regarding the difference between ignorant and malicious. Would love to hear more on that. So grateful for your generosity in sharing with us.

  11. Thank you so much for your Sentinel Watch talk. Your grasp of what’s really going on is so refreshing!

  12. Thank you Evan! Love your podcast! It is a really good explanation of animal magnetism. There are also some wonderful articles on this subject at https://jsh.christianscience.com/console.


    It is fun to reference all these different ways of explaining this subject, not because one has not done a bad job of explaining the subject or because it si a hard subject to understand but because people learn differently. When tying knots like the Alpine Butterfly, Figure eight on a bight or double fisherman, sometimes people might tie the knots “backwards” from how I would tie them. But, it is not backwards for them, just looking at the issue from a different angle. 🙂

  13. That is so helpful and covers everything …that would confront us arguing evil of any nature is more powerful than good. Is there any way to get a transcript of the program ???? It was so helpful!

  14. Thank you Evan! A good call to [spiritual] arms against the many forms error tries to trick us, assault us!

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