What is the universe telling you

March 21, 2023 | 31 comments

A friend told me he had a bad day. Everything went wrong from the start. A hopeful relationship ended. On the way to an important appointment, he hit a rock with his tire which went instantly flat. He had to cancel the appointment. When he got home, the power was out in his house. What more could go wrong? He lamented.

He told a friend about his ordeals, and she said, “So, what is the universe telling you today?” She didn’t expect an answer, but it left a question in my friend’s mind.

When he told me her reply, I said, “I like to rephrase that question and ask, ‘What is God telling me?’”

We went on to discuss how God is good and sends only love and healing answers our way. When we listen with spiritual sense, we can see beyond evil and master it with the reality of God’s goodness. God’s universe does not set us up to suffer. God’s universe is Love, and Love is ever-present to support, strengthen and sustain us, we agreed.

My friend quickly found peace about his day and focused on all the good coming his way. The series of bad events ended, and he was quickly moving down a path of success once again.

What is God telling you today?

31 thoughts on “What is the universe telling you”

  1. This reminded me of a day a few years ago when nothing was going right, I got home almost in tears from the shops where I had been driven by my friend in the rain, to not find a car park, have an argument, be brought home and fall over my own foot in the gravel. On getting up I realized that I had better stop my indulgence in grief! This was the Sunday. On the Friday I had found out a work friend had been involved in a traffic accident and passed on. I had heard a song that reminded me of her and all her vibrancy and Life, and I made a choice. Maybe it was about wanting to feel I belonged or something, I’m not sure but I made a conscious decision to allow myself to feel the sadness and loss, just like everyone else. And so for all of Saturday, I felt sad and thought about her and ate comfort food. Come Sunday though, I had to get some chores done, but nothing was going right, culminating in me ending up face down in the dirt. Suddenly I saw the connection between wallowing in worldly material thoughts and my normal choices to deny the material senses and affirm the truth. I changed my mind and immediately my day changed. I’m not sure if the actual sun came out but I think it stopped raining and the rest of the day was good. This was a huge lesson to me about how when we let go of the Truth in one area it affects the rest of our lives. Like the person in this story I can’t always know what exactly seems to be causing the trouble, but I can always turn my thought to the Truth and know what God is knowing.

  2. If I’m watching a bad movie I can walk out of the theater.
    If I think I’m having a bad day I can change how I’m thinking about that day.
    If God is truly all powerful then “good” is all that can happen.
    “The greatest wrong is but the supposititious opposite of the highest right”. S&H 368:1-2.
    It’s a compassionate Science.. it works!

  3. God is telling me that he loves me and that doesn’t let me off the hook from loving others as he loves me.

    1. Thanks Josef, so simple , yet profound and very true. That’s what I hear too from my Father-Mother God.
      Haha absolute wonderful – we don’t need more than God’s Love and care! And here we have the promise from the psalmist in the 24th Psalm !♡

  4. I shared this on Facebook because it was so full of the Truth and helpful. Thank you Evan. I’ll focus on it.

  5. Thank you all. I learned this lesson also with my granddaughter on a trip. We went out on a boat into the ocean and going through the inlet where it gets a little choppy she panicked. Fortunately, one of the interns (an Angel) helped get her to a peaceful place in the center of the boat and through prayer she was able to gain her peace and move about the boat freely and enjoy the friendships she had made and watch the dolphins playing about the boat. It was a wonderful day.

    1. Love that is very true. I can say No, just No, to any seeming material appearance of discord. Today’s message brought to mind what Mrs. Eddy said about mentally insisting that Harmony is the fact and that there is no lapse from nor return to Harmony.

      I had a frustrating experience this morning that I can apply this thinking to. It involved much wasted time, poor communication and confusion regarding an online purchase. Not worth getting aggravated about but, like many things, in that moment it seemed big and I felt irritated, frustrated and wronged. I can turn away from what isn’t (inharmony), turn to what continually is (harmony as God sees it) and find peace in the rest of my day.

      1. Dear Rose, what Josef says, and I would like to expand it, that God loves us all so dearly. He loves you and your commenter today. I remember a Truth sentense from SH by MBE which says “that God is the only communicator. And that we can only truely communicate through God.” I love that passage.

        1. Thanks dear Uta, I really like that statement you shared, that God is the only communicator and we can only truly communicate through Him. That is so wise.

  6. As God is Love we cannot else but express this Love. And God Himself annot else but love us endlessly. And therefore we actually cannot have a bad day, if we know that every day is a wonderful God’s day. We can start knowing this with the study of our weekly lesson sermon. I am very grateful for Christian Science with it’s abundant spiritual possibilities for study, lerning and demonstrating.
    Thank you very much Evan ! From today’s SV we can learn how to turn from the socalled problem to God, who will lovingly guide us to divine reality!
    Several times I was unhapp, with wrong thoughts about even friends. And I literally asked God, to give me His right and healing thoughts. Hymn 9: Verse 3 promisses us

    “O longing heart that wait on God
    Through all the world so wide;
    He knows the angel that you need,
    And sends them to your side,
    To comfort, guard and guide.”

    1. This message is so helpful, Evan and All. Thank you so very much. The hymn you
      mentioned, Uta, is especially endearing in a universe that needs it desperately, especially
      I remember once driving along and seeing a bird fly off from the side of the road. As I got
      closer, I realized it was trying to comfort another bird who had sadly gotten hit by a car.
      I turned around to see if I could help, but realized the bird had passed. Sometimes I feel
      like the bird who has passed … without purpose, lifeless, (having a really bad day), or a
      bird with only one wing, who can not fly, seeing all the other birds, happy and soaring.
      But then I am forced to change my viewpoint and turn to God’s ever Loving care who is
      with all of us always and in all ways. I thank God for Knowing these Truths. Putting them
      into practice … I am still learning, so I appreciate all of the wonderful thoughts shared,
      that are so helpful.

      1. Carol, your comments are very heartfelt. There are those times when we can feel lost or hopeless, but we can also remember that those are not OUR thoughts, but a false imposition. We are all still learning to put into practice the Truths we’re learning. It’s nice that we can do it together, thanks to Evan and to the honesty and sharing of the dear SpiitViewers.

          1. Thank you, Dear Rose and other beautiful SpiritViewers for your
            enlightening comments and article. Sometimes without seeing
            “the whole (entire) picture”, things can seem difficult to understand
            in trying to listen to the still, small voice. At times it seems so still, mortal (little) mind thinking overshadows, rather than One Mind.
            Things may be misunderstood or misinterpreted, perhaps …
            (mortally speaking), causing us to think we did something wrong,
            when we didn’t mean to and in God’s eyes, are just reflecting Him.

  7. For years I used to dislike people referring to God as The Universe, thinking ever so self-righteously, that “THEY” had NO IDEA what God was to say this…but over the last 20 years from all that I have heard, read and experienced of God’s power and allness, Ive come to realise that Universe is an EXCELLENT way to describe God…as the universe is in order, it is balanced, it supports billions of huge, heavy, heavenly bodies in space and it is all that we know and alot of what we do not yet know. So I have to ask, is there really any empty space where God is not? MBE answers this question so many ways in S&H. This universe (break the word up to read UNI (ONE)…VERSE…(words) ..and remember that all started with the Word and the Word was God!) We learn in Christian Science that this so-called material universe is really made up of materially perceived symbols of God’s spiritual ideas. Mrs Eddy states “To mortal mind, the universe is liquid, solid, and aëriform. Spiritually interpreted, rocks and mountains stand for solid and grand ideas. Animals and mortals metaphorically present the gradation of mortal thought, rising in the scale of intelligence, taking form in masculine, feminine, or neuter gender. The fowls, which fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven, correspond to aspirations soaring beyond and above corporeality …
    Page 511: so when I see the stars at night this to me is proof of the universality of God’s allness and the “multitudinous aspects of creation”..so what better word than Universe to express..err…the UNIVERSE?

  8. Thank you Evan and all. It’s been great reading through all these experiences and seeing truly that there is no moment divine Love is absent, because Love is always present.
    Mathew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
    This is a fact as understood in the study of Christian Science.

  9. Dear Evan, Once again, your message today serves as a catalyst to elevate thought to the higher vantage point of the divine Mind,-spurring us to the recognition of the unceasing bestowals of divine Love. In the drama of human experience, we can at any point turn to this Mind and change the course of our thoughts, which brings uplifting perspective and healing to our days.

    Diane W.,- Love your description of God’s UNI-VERSE!

  10. Often I wake up in the morning ( mentally) singing a hymn from the Christian Science hymnal. Sometimes it is words and the melody, sometimes the melody only. When I am not sure what hymn it is I keep humming the melody, sometimes as I am going through my daily routine. Eventually a word from the hymn will come to me and I can use Concorde to locate the hymn in the hymnal. Those hymns are messages from God ,to my consciousness, to order my life. If things are not going the way I humanly would like in a day I can know that my life is ordered by divine Principle and that I am being guided to learn new lessons, the lessons being designated by God.

  11. Like the cow in the commercial – EAT MORE CHICKEN”!!! hUNGER and thirst oh, well. It will be fun to cook afyer a nap. It is good to know folks still use the “G” word. GOD. Thank you.

  12. Hahaha dear Rhondda, today I cooles a whole chicken in a huge pot with a large onion and carrots. It is now a very yummy chicken soup for at least 3 days. I love that!
    Am grateful to God for supplying us lovingly.♡

  13. I meant that today I cooked a whole chicken – yes and I had a lovely meal and than I made a nap haha – nice day and lots of Love to all!♡

  14. Love this! I just went through a similar situation and today! After about 2 weeks of study, it ended with my finding peace with giving my trust to God .

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