What makes you rich?

May 12, 2010 | 1 comment

A man is rich in proportion to the number of things
 he can afford to let alone.
~ Henry David Thoreau
Oh this is a good quote…people too often measure their wealth in terms of how much money or things they possess, whereas true wealth is exactly the opposite. Aside from the basic necessities of life we all need to a degree, isn’t the wealthiest person the one who is happy whether or not he has a lot things or wads of cash?
The accumulation of excess material things is often a sign of feeling lack within. And more things will never satisfy it. It’s spriitual growth and understanding that bring the true joy.

1 thought on “What makes you rich?”

  1. You’re right Evan, even a little understanding of the spiritual reality of man brings satisfaction and joy. We have all we need every moment. Loved your lecture live at The Mother Church. Your writings are so helpful. I’m glad I found your blog spot.

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