When others speak evil of you

September 9, 2020 | 19 comments

If you ever have someone leave a message on your phone, email you, send a letter, or tell you to your face that you are a horrible person followed by a list of all the reasons why you are a horrible person, when you are not a horrible person at all, don’t be impressed!

Every human has faults to overcome, but no matter, a wholesale spouting of vindictiveness, hatred and self-righteous criticism is never justified. It’s a form of insanity and needs to be treated as such.

Mary Baker Eddy wisely wrote, “Speak the truth to every form of error” (Science and Health, p. 418).

When error is spoken, identify it correctly—as error! Don’t give it the weight of truth. Don’t fear it. Don’t get upset about it. Don’t be overwhelmed by it. Immediately correct it in your thought and see it as error. The evil-speaker may not appreciate the good you embody and reflect, but God does, and that is enough.

What is true between you and God prevails and has the final say. All the good you live speaks for itself and roars much louder and has far greater impression than any erroneous point of view stemming from suspect motives.

Your good reputation, hard-earned and upstanding status, moral standing, and integrity are indestructible. No amount of evil speaking can ever taint them or take them away. They are backed by God and will prevail.

Evil is what falls away, never the good.

19 thoughts on “When others speak evil of you”

  1. Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. Matt 5:44

  2. As our daily lives begin to open up more and more following lockdowns etc many of us may experience more of the wrath and anger of mortal mind. So it is so helpful to read and absorb today’s post. God cannot give us less than everything He is. But that isn’t just for me or you…that’s for the perceived abuser too!
    ‘All is infinite mind and it’s infinite manifestation” Thank you Evan❣️

    1. Thank you Barbara for your powerful statement: “God cannot give us less than everything He is. But that isn’t just for me or you…that’s for the perceived abuser too!”
      I especially appreciate the phrase “PERCEIVED abuser”. It sets me on the road to healing of the anger and bitterness that resulted from a conversation that happened almost 10 years ago. For the first time I am able to look at the motivation of “the abuser”; she did not mean to hurt me, but to forge a conversation that would bring us closer.
      Thank you Barbara and Evan for these healing ideas.

  3. We should handle telephone scammers the same way. I got a phone call saying it was the “Government” and there is a “warrant out for my arrest” and press 1 to “speak to an officer now.”
    Of course I hung up. At first I was just annoyed, but this error should not be ignored.
    Know that man naturally loves his brother and cannot be used as a conductor of error.
    “Divine Love alone governs man” (Manual: a rule for motives and acts.)

  4. I love how The Message translation puts the last Beatitude:
    “You’re blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God’s kingdom.

    11-12 “Not only that—count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don’t like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble.

    Isn’t that delightful? Error must always bring discomfort as its only action is to destroy itself. But the true child of God, what appears as victim or villain, is Love-governed and heaven-dwelling, forever.

  5. I think of all the experiences that I have had in my life, this would be the most difficult to overcome. But as I did finally achieve it, I learned a good lesson about love. Many times these situations arise out of a jealousy for what a person exhibits that those accusers think they cannot achieve themselves which is a falsehood at it precept and has nothing to do with either person. Being strong with the spiritual love for all participants, especially ones self in a compassionate way will lift the shade of gloom from ones consciousness. For me, this dark cloud vanished into it nothingness for which I am extremely grateful. For all people need to be seen in their true light as divine creations.

  6. You illuminate the absolute Truth, as always, EVAN.
    My gratitude to all who expressed their enlightened comments.
    Each & every morn I look forward to “our daily bread.”
    We are all blessed & loved!

  7. So much wisdom, every morning. I am profoundly grateful to you, Evan and also grateful for all the thoughtful comments.

  8. Angie, thanks again for the link to an article. This one by Paul Stark Seeley was very helpful. I had an experience many years ago of being falsely charged for things I hadn’t done. I was the Asst. Manager of a large credit union. The manager was highly regarded by the Board of Directors having been promoted from teller to manager 25 years previously with no qualifications for managing. We had a meeting with the State Examiners and I knew I would be blamed for our faults. So I prepared 3 X 5 cards with short spiritual quotes. As the meeting progressed, with every a false statement was made about me, I did not retaliate, I just referred to one of my cards. After the meeting ended and I returned to my desk the manager called me into her office and fired me on the spot. I just left without commenting. Unfortunately, shortly after that the credit union was forced to merge with another credit union due to her mismanagement. And, I was redeemed.

  9. Angie,
    Thank you for the link to Paul Stark Seely. I saw a vicious interchange of beliefs on TV, between two national candidates for public office. It was disturbing to see these snarling humans in such a vicious turmoil, beneath both of them, and I am grateful for Mr. Seely’s article which gives much healing truth to help conquer this attack of mortal mindedness.

  10. So many positive answers overcoming hateful situations.
    Thank you all for your handling of evil.
    Today I got a text that was from a scammer. I returned it with a positive note. Told the recipient to find a productive job!
    I got a text back from someone who didn’t know what I was talking about. He didn’t send the message at all. We then shared Biblical passages, King David’s Psalms. A harmonious texting experience! He was a Bible student!

  11. I have been in a situation for about 6 years where management has failed to protect my colleagues and myself from the vicious behavior by one person. I have been a target many times but I am grateful for my understanding about who I am and who he is, and what is evil. But this time I have to speak up as I have run out of options of asking help from management. Hopefully my complaint will help them do their job and protect their employees.

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