Where are you headed?

August 28, 2023 | 38 comments

Everyone is headed somewhere. Where are you headed?

A teacher may be headed to the classroom to teach students. A bus driver may have a map outlined in his mind of all the streets he has to drive. An unmotivated idler may be thinking about sitting in front of a screen all day bingeing on Netflix shows. Thought is always headed somewhere.

Most of us have jobs to do and tasks to accomplish—places we “need to go,” but there is one place we want to head no matter what. It’s higher than any material goal, more desirable than any physical destination, more satisfying than any selfish indulgence. It’s spiritual mindedness!

Spiritual mindedness leads to eternal life, life with God that is filled with joy, freedom, inspiration, and health. It’s the most desirable place to be and brings the greatest good our way.

As the apostle Paul wrote, “I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us” (Phil 3:13,14, NLT).

The “heavenly prize” is eternal Life. It’s not found through death, but through Life, through living our eternal spiritual Life here and now. It’s found through the spiritual mindedness Jesus Christ lived and taught us to follow.

You’re headed somewhere. Head to spiritual mindedness! You’ll love what you find there.

38 thoughts on “Where are you headed?”

  1. As an expression of the spiritual idea of truth and love, I am going wherever God leads me to do whatever it is that is my purpose. I love MBE’s expression that looking into the mirror of divine science we can the see the expression of God’s idea. That is where I am going and where I have been. That expression can only be true if it is sincerely unselfish.

  2. Thanks Evan sir pouring daily spiritual insight and for me the most valuable and vital motivating factor.Spiritual mindedness must for us to foretaste Life good alone.

  3. Father help me to head in the right direction, from all fear and doubts. Therefore i will continue to go forward with your Love and complete trust.

  4. ” He – ‘Divine Love’ leads me in the paths of righteousness for his Name’s sake”
    (from Mrs. Eddy’s interpretation of 23rd Psalm)

  5. For me hymn 64 springs to mind:-
    From sense to Soul my pathway lies before me,
    From mist and shadow into Truth’s clear day;
    The dawn of all things real is breaking o’er me,
    My heart is singing: I have found the way.
    The rest of this hymn is also relevant.
    Thank you so much Evan for your daily inspired thoughts, and to all who contribute.

  6. I felt a little uncomfortable when I got to the “unmotivated idler” part as I thought about the times I’ve binge read novels. Its never a good feeling after bingeing on anything Good reminder on how to go about the day so as not to be tempted to waste time. God has better plans for all of us! Thank you Evan for showing us how to stay on track to align our days with God and be happy and healthy and this is the best way we can bless family members and others as well.

  7. Thank you Evan. Thank you all for the inspirational thoughts shared. I am heading to heaven, therefore I must hold unto spiritual thoughts which lead the way.

  8. This is in response to Sarah‘s post on Friday, which I did not have the chance to read until over the weekend. Below is a link to a Josh Niles’ article that you may find helpful. There is a section in the article that I love where he explains that healing, whether it is of a physical issue, a matter of supply or the harmonization of a relationship, is not God reaching into our material world existence and moving things around to please us. Rather, it is the effect of our understanding of his Allness and the harmony that reveals. https://sentinel.christianscience.com/shared/view/1toetxbbd1y?s=copylink

    1. Thank you Gregg, I love this article. I hope Sarah will get to read it, I know it will be helpful to her and all of us. The author lifts our understanding of God and the spiritual nature of prayer to new heights.

      Evan the photo is grand, I would love to be there. Perhaps we can recognize that we’re always on a beautiful path, in our walk with God, in our true nature. The article Gregg shared discusses this.

      Evan you said spiritual mindedness is the most desirable place to be. this made me think of Psalm 91, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” I pray to see clearly that we are already there, every moment.

      Love to everyone here, appreciating and partaking of the beautiful spiritual nectar.

      1. Thank you Rose for the image: “Beautiful spiritual nectar “ like someone stayed :”spiritual substance of God, the infinite ( beyond. Our physical senses)

  9. Great Spiritview this morning
    however when I first read the title ( at 4 AN)
    I thought it said “When are you healed” !
    That would make an interesting topic too, Evan….

  10. Reminds me of Paul on the road to Damascus asking, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me do?” This question is not found in most later Bible translations, which is too bad because I think it is a vital question – perhaps a daily question – for each of us to ask.

  11. Starting from the spiritual standpoint of
    perfect God perfect man as the basis of thought and demonstration,
    as taught in Christian Science, and acknowledging the small amount of spiritual understanding I already have demonstrated for myself, I am continuing to head towards the light for more spiritual understanding – ever onward out of the darkness of materiality, and upward towards that spiritual light. It is finding more of the kingdom of heaven which Christ tells us is within us – i.e. within our consciousness – for us to discover and live in our daily lives.

  12. Thank you, Evan and all for such beautiful inspiration. In looking at the
    awesome graphic above, it appears the pathway converges into an ending ~
    an “end of the road”, so to speak, because that is all we can see ahead of us
    sometimes, with limited, mortal vision. But on further observation and with
    a spiritual viewpoint, life, true Life, goes on into Eternity.
    Am now off to run chores and get groceries, but will take this “food for thought”
    lovely spiritual inspiration along for the ride.

  13. Thank you, Greg, for the link to the article by Josh Niles. It was
    extremely helpful to me and timely. And thanks to all for your

  14. When I’ve prayed in the morning something like “Father if there’s anything I can do for You and Yours today, let me know,” some amazing things have happened. In one case God directed me to where a customer at our restaurant had dropped his keys to his office outside of the restaurant. Someone had put them in a flower planter. God led us right to them and stopped us there so we couldn’t help but see them.

    Does anyone have ideas on other ways to pray to stay oriented in a spiritually minded direction? One practitioner said she affirmed often that God’s plan for her day/life was in operation and nothing could interrupt it.

    1. I love this prayer Lindajane. And what a beautiful result! Thank you for sharing it, and the affirmation of the practioner.

      I think of the healing and inspiring words of hymns and see them as prayers. Two favorites:
      Take my life, and let it be
      Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
      Take my moments and my days,
      Let them flow in ceaseless praise.
      Take my every thought, to use
      In the way that Thou shalt choose
      I am Thine, and I will be
      Ever, only, all for Thee.
      (No. 324)

      I sing my way today,
      My heart is joyous, free,
      For what is Thine is ever mine,
      I find myself in Thee.
      (No. 16)

      1. One more that has really helped in times of need. 🙂
        O Lord, I would delight in Thee,
        And on Thy care depend;
        To Thee in every trouble flee,
        My best, my ever Friend.
        When all material streams are dried,
        Thy fullness is the same;
        May I with this be satisfied,
        And glory in Thy name.
        (No. 225)

        1. J-
          Love the line “my best, my ever friend”. I talk to God as a best friend who loves me and understands me so I actually tend to joke with God and be frank with God. Wonderful to not be afraid of God or think He punishes us. Father-Mother understanding is brilliant.

      2. Thanks J and Lindajane for great hymns and affirmations that help tune our consciousness into the Truth of the higher spiritual laws,

        I affirm that “God’s plan for my day is in operation and NOTHING can (interfere with) interrupt it.” Powerful!

  15. It’s another glorious SpiritView today!
    Precious ideas and inspiration to fill us up and lead us forward… Towards the prize of the high calling!
    Thank you Gregg for sharing the wonderful article by Josh Niles. It’s so important to get out of “planning matter” and into the better place of “knowing God!”
    Blessings to all and many many thanks to Evan and everyone who rejoices around this wonderful inspiration, to follow that beautiful path towards the Light.

  16. This is not a metaphysical response and I apologize for that but “I am headed” to a safe place out of the way of Hurricane Idalia, forecasted to be a category 4 storm and headed for our coastal home on the Gulf of Mexico. I and thousands of others will be very thankful for your prayerful support.

    1. Hi William, I am seeing you and your family and neighbors wrapped up in God’s loving sheltering arms and nothing can interrupt or interfere with that.

      1. Also William, in hymn 457 (adapted from the Bible story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19) we hear that God is “not in the storm nor the earthquake nor the wave, not in the wind nor the flame.” And He is the only thing that can affect us.

        Mrs. Eddy says in hymn 162, “For storm or shine, pure peace is thine…”

  17. Dear William – I will be praying to be in accord with what Mrs. Eddy did when she was told
    there was a tornado or similar heading their way. Apparemtly, she looked up at the sky
    to see God’s face there. To me that means, not a human face, for God is not a human,
    but to see Love, and harmony, peace and goodness beaming down on everyone –
    keeping watch over His own. There cannot possibly be a hurricane in God’s infinite
    wonderful creation. As in Psalm 91, “He will cover you with His feathers, and under
    His wings shatl thou trust: Psalm 91 is a wonderful protection. I will be keeping you
    there in my prayers and thoughts. All will be well, for all IS well always.

  18. When our family of four were sailing up Grand. Traverse Bay a wind storm arose in such velocity that our dingy trailing behind flew off a wave into the stern of our boat. I was panicking over the increasing waves and wind, My husband and I were both praying for guidance to a safe harbor miles ahead. Our daughter and son were below deck for safety.
    Where another outlet joined the main body of water I looked back to see the joining of two currents tower above the boat. I panicked then The thought came to me, “and God said to the proud wave thus far and no farther,!” It collapsed like a hanging towel and that was the end of my fear. We sailed on and to the farthest most harbor in safety and assurance of God’s protection and direction. Those in the harbor were amazed at our arrival. God has more power than any contrivable material danger if we hold to His ever present constant power. I’m grateful for Spirit-view and the opportunities to pray for others asking for affirmation of God’s love and infinite power! God never fails!

    1. That was a wonderful demonstration, Ellen. I was typing and did not
      see your comment until after I posted mine. How interesting that
      you had mentioned “a safe harbor”, as that is exactly what I was
      thinking about. One Mind! So awesome!

  19. These beautiful shares of Love are so inspiring to come home and read! All of the
    hymns and articles…so loving and divine. I have been holding close precious
    thoughts and hope they were/are felt by those in the storm’s path, but with One
    Mind, how could Godlike thoughts be anything but? I would like to chime in with
    another two hymns that I hope will be helpful… #144:

    “In atmosphere of Love divine, We live and move and breathe;
    Though mortal eyes may see it not, “Tis sense that would deceive.
    The mortal sense we must destroy, If we would bring to light
    The wonders of eternal Mind, Where sense is lost in sight.
    For God, immortal Principle, Is with us everywhere;
    He hold us perfect in His love, And we His image bear.” and …

    “Come to the lan of peace; From shadows come away
    Where all the sounds of weeping cease, And storms no more have sway.
    Fear hath no dwelling here; But pure rrepose and love
    Breathe through the bright, celestial air, The spirit of the dove.
    In this divine abode. Change leaves no saddening trace;
    Come, trusting heart, come to thy God,
    Thy holy resting place.”

    Peace to all in God’s safe, comforting harbor of Love.

  20. Thank you, Evan ! Yes, spiritual sense is most desirable for our successful progress in spiritual understanding! As I learned from Christ Jesus, we can do nothing on our own but through God’s grace.

    Here I remember a lovely hymn which goes like this: God leadeth me, he leadeth me, at his right hand he leadeth me, gladly and joyfully I follow him, for his hand always leadeth me!

    Also my great joy is to be lead and governed and healed by our loving Father-Mother God!

    I always love the articles presented so lovingly here and all the inspiring and interesting comments. Thank you all, dear friends!♡♡♡

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