Wishing you peace on Christmas Day

December 25, 2023 | 63 comments

It’s Christmas Day in North America and in many countries around the world.

Wherever you happen to reside, may the peace of Christ reign in your life, inspire your thought and brighten the path ahead.

Wishing you the best gifts Christmas has to offer—eternal peace with God and unqualified love toward all.

As angels announced with the birth of Jesus Christ, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14).

I pray you enjoy Christmas Day and feel God’s peace.

Wishing you a blessed Christmas!

63 thoughts on “Wishing you peace on Christmas Day”

  1. Thank you so much for this timely reminder of what Christmas is all about. The Truth revealed by Jesus is a blessing every day. Thank you for your kindness in taking time out to post the message for us.
    Wishing you a joyous and inspiring day

  2. Thank you, dear Evan for sending us this Christmas message on the day. It is much appreciated.
    I wish you and your family also a peaceful day full of pure joy – and to all our SpiritView family.

  3. Dear Evan,
    Happy Christmas to you, your family and all who get these emails. Many thanks for all your wonderful messages throughout the year. They’ve been a great source of spiritual refreshment and joy,

    With Love Justin.

  4. Thank you for today’s special message, and for all the loving thoughts you share with us all year.
    Merry Christmas! And peace on earth, good will toward men…

  5. How lovely to have a SpiritView message on this holy day. Thank you for all your wonderful messages throughout the year and also to all our lovely SV family for your inspiring responses. However you are spending Christmas I wish you all a peaceful and blessed time. Love Linda X

  6. Merry Christmas from Belgium and thank you so much again for your wonderful and inspiring posts and articles! So grateful

  7. Dear Evan,
    Gratitude abounds for SV and the inspiration you provide here!
    A Joyous Holiday to you and your family and all who read from this overflowing cup!
    With much love, Sarah 🙂

    1. Thank you Sarah, I love the thought of SpiritView as an overflowing cup of goodness and spiritual reality which we can partake of and add to.

      This day we acknowledge the perpetual awakening/dawning/birth in our consciousness of Truth with a capital T.

      Love to every one of you, and may God’s Peace and Allness be felt in every corner of the earth.

  8. So grateful for you and SV, Evan! May all the blessings you share come back to you four-fold! Much love to you and all—Merry Christmas ❤️

  9. Lovely Christmas Day message Evan. Wishing you much joy today and always. Thank you so much for Spirit View and Christmas Love and Peace to everyone. ❣️

  10. Thank you dear ,Evan, for your wonderful Christmas gifts everyday , May you and your dear family be as blessed as you have blessed us and our families ! So very grateful for you and Spirit View! Happy Christmas !

  11. Thank you for your Christmas greeting to everyone. It is so heart warming to receive a caring message early on Christmas morning. Also appreciate the follow up messages. So grateful. Merry Christmas!

  12. What a lovely Christ message to everyone! Thank you for sharing this uplifting thought and to all the bloggers who have shared so much.

  13. Thanks to you, Evan, to all those who contribute throughout the year and to all those whose thought rests upon us without being verbalized, for being “the places where God shines through”. Merry Christmas.

  14. Its so wonderful to read this message from Evan and the responses and witness that the peace and gift of our Lord has spread so far around the world. Gods Blessings to all today and everyday!

  15. Merry Christmas to all! Thank you for sharing all the loving thoughts and being here to share. I appreciate every thought, even though I don’t always share. May your day be filled with kindness and love in all you see and do every day!
    Much love and joy to all every day!

  16. Such a treasure of beautiful thoughts. Thank you Evan for all you share in this blog throughout the year. Thanks to all who add their thoughts. Christmas blessings to all.

  17. I wanted to thank Sherry, who left the below comment late on the previous SV (Dec 22) and some may not have seen it. Here’s what she said:
    “A grateful heart a garden is and my garden is always overflowing because of everyone in Spiritview giving their loving thoughts and s. Of course, not to mention Evan listening to God to give this to us and all. . I’ve never commented, but follow every day and read the articles shared. And as Rose said, however one contributes or prays silently after reading the comments. I certainly include all in my daily prayer. Mot growing up in Christian Science, I feel my Sunday school is learning from all of you, periodicals, etc. and my fellow Christian Science nurses. Not to forget our pastor and Prose Works! This website and all of you is the gift of Christmas to be opened every day!”

    For me it was a warm feeling to be reminded by Sherry that this SV community is much larger and wider than just those of us who comment. There are many more sharing and praying with and for us and I send love and gratitude to all of them, to all of us.

    1. Thank you, Rose for relaying Sherry’s beautiful message and adding your thoughts, as well. As you say, many of us don’t comment often, but we do appreciate and pray for everyone who does, and the whole Spirit View family.
      And thank you, Evan, for another year of support, insight, and encouragement. My Christmas gift to myself this year is to donate to support this wonderful blog, a powerful and constant force for good.
      Wishing a peaceful day to everyone!!!

  18. WOW! What can one add to this outpouring of Love that hasn’t already been
    shared? SO Beautiful ~ all of these wonderful messages of our Universal family
    of Spirited Viewing and Living of the Christ and Christmas Every Day!! What a
    delightful feeling of being included in all of the Peace and Joy and Love shared
    here!!! Thank you so much dear Evan, for gathering us together with such love
    and affection towards each other! Such a warm feeling. A blessed Christmas
    to you and Kathy, your family and Every one in our family of True Spirit
    and Love expressed here!

  19. Gratitude fills my heart for SpiritView and Evan’s daily messages. I start my day with these timely reminders, nudges and spiritual lifts. I read all of the comments and share with my family.
    Merry Christmas to all!

  20. Merry Christmas
    Happy Christmas
    Joyeux Noel
    Feliz Navidad
    Thank you Evan for this daily bread of inspiration.
    Thank you to your worldwide readers for their inspirational messages too.
    « Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way « Mary Baker Eddy

    1. These are lovely articles, dear J , Thank you for sharing them! From the one,
      Mrs. Eddy’s .. “The mortal mind through which Truth appears most vividly
      is that one which has lost much materiality – much error – in order to become
      a bette transparency for Truth. Then, like a cloud melting into thin vapor, it
      no longer hides the sun”. We are all inwardly projecting this light of Truth to
      other in our outward shining and reflection of God’s Love, whether others see
      it or not … Our Love shines with the light of Spirit and Truth, especially in this
      Holy time of Love’s expression… today and every day (and night). : )
      Thank you again, for sharing all of these very wonderful expressions of Love.

  21. Merry Christmas to all of you wherever you are! Much gratitude for all the comments and love that appear in Spiritview. Greeting from San Diego, Calif, USA. ❤️❤️❤️

  22. THANK YOU!
    Evan, Kathy, and all of you God’s children who have made SpiritView a treasure in so many ways leading us to healthier and happier living. Yes – and thank you Mrs. Eddy for Science & Health and all that you have given us. And of course dear Jesus this is the day that we celebrate your birth on earth. You have shown us the WAY. And GOD you have given us ALL! Blessing all of you with GoOD days!

  23. I always start my day with Spirit View. It jump starts my day in the right direction, getting thought connected with God through your generous gift Evan and the many helpful comments and sharing of articles
    Thank you, Rose, for this idea of how to honor Jesus and Christmas: “This day we acknowledge the perpetual awakening/dawning/birth in our consciousness of Truth with a capital T.” I love that. Why should we be merry or happy? Because of the dawning in thought of the Truth that heals and uplifts us and all in the radius of our consciousness. Many thanks to all who share on this platform.

    1. Thank you Evan, and all who share in SpiritView.
      and to Eurilda for your shariing here — and at home in BC Canada
      Happy Christmas to ALL. Everywhere!

  24. This morning’s overflowing abundance of love and gratitude is a window into the magnitude and allness of God’s precious Love. May each one in this cherished global SpiritView family be blessed today with the true gifts of serenity, spiritual buoyancy, and an enhanced sense of oneness with the Divine. God bless you Evan,- and a very happy Christmas to all!!
    With heartfelt love, Linda

    JOY- Let this day and everyday be filled with the JOYOUS sounds of angel song and music.
    PEACE- Let this day and everyday be filled with the PEACE of the Christ.
    LOVE- Let this day and everyday be filled with LOVE eternal.
    Hugs everyone!

  26. Thank you dear Evan!
    Peace to the world and goodwill to all mankind! Christ Jesus’ birth is God’s deep Love to his creation, Humanity!♡

    Although here in Germany we celebrate Christ’s birth on the 24th December, we still have 2 more Christmasdays, namely the 25th and 26th December. They are two more holidays and shops are closed.
    I’m grateful for Christmas talks on YouTube and diverse Christmas articles, which dear “J” found for us and giving us the link. Thanks so very very much “J” ♡

  27. LOVE!
    The supreme Good: DIVINE Love
    reflected in any and all unselfed love!
    What would life be without infinite Love, God?

    But we have it, here, now, ever and always
    with us, all if us, everywhere.
    (So what, the senses’ dreams of life-other-than-All love!)

    Joyous Every Day, dear SpiritViewFamily!
    Thank you all for being here, for sharing, for acknowledging and living the truth of Love!!

  28. What comfort and joy to know this abundance of love is shared by many. May the sincere prayers of all reach into every dark recess to brighten and lead the way into bountiful blessings for all.

  29. Merry Christmas to Evan and the whole SpiritView family. I am so grateful for the wonderful joy and support of this whole group!

  30. Love how the loveliness of Christmas is share here in so many unique and
    most beautiful ways. All wonderful beams of light radiating into a beacon
    of Hope for the world. Each expressing one’s own special contribution to
    the whole ~ all One in Harmony and Peace. Awesome togetherness of
    thought and Mind! All cherished and filled with contentment’s purpose and
    sweet abundance of Love.

  31. I found out this Christmas that in Hebrew, the word “Bethlehem”. means “Bread Basket”. The town was considered to be in a fertile area. So Jesus must have known this. He called himself the “Bread of Heaven”. Turning to Jesus’ teachings and being quiet, asking God to feed us with spiritual understanding is the meal of Christmas. I re-read a short story of a Christmas meal in the German forest in 1944. It’s called “Truce in the Forest” by Fritz Vincken. About a meal of grace during WWII but timeless. I loved the prayer of grace spoken at the table. “Come Herr Jesus, be our guest.”
    Blessings to all here.

  32. Merry Christmas Evan, Thank you so much for all your wonderful inspiration. Merry Christmas to your family and the SV family.
    Lots of live Alison xxx

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