Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
~ Philippians 4:6, NLT
Worry less, pray more
November 19, 2024 | 27 comments

November 19, 2024 | 27 comments
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
~ Philippians 4:6, NLT
Yes! Beautiful verse
Good morning Evan :
i am trying to leave all worry out of my thougths, snd look to God more for Divine directions and answers.. Therefore, i am using this anology; Father, i am asking; i
am bleiving, so i’m receiving.
Thank you Evan ! Great mantra /reminder ! I’m Thanking God right now !
Anything of a reminder is welcomed at this time Thank you
The subject brings to mind possibly a quote, ‘Complaint (worry) is poverty and gratitude is riches!’
Thank you SV and Evan for stirring up mortal mind to accept what is really going on – the absolute Truth of our being spiritual. We will always need reminding of this fact.
Thanks Linda. This quote is often attributed to Doris Day, the American actress and singer who was very popular in the 1950’s and 60’s. This is what I found on the Wikiquote website:
“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.” Though she is quoted as saying this in a 1996 interview, she is also quoted as saying it is a maxim which she follows as a Christian Scientist; it comes from the Christian Science Hymnal, Hymn 249, “O, when we see God’s mercy” by Vivian Burnett: “Our gratitude is riches, complaint is poverty.”
Thank you, ROSE, For reminding us that actress
Doris Day was a Christian Science student.
Certainly, it’s important to recognize that gratitude enabled her to be successful in her field.
Thank you, Evan, for this beautiful reminder. I am so grateful for the inspiration and loving guidance you provide through your posts.
The thought came to me when I read this, of a dog worrying a bone. This is one of the
explanations I found:
“Have you ever heard the phrase “Like a dog worrying a bone.” It’s an old English phrase that contains the picture behind the word worry. A dog will shake, chew, gnaw and lick and bite on a bone for hours, trying to wear it down. It’s a compulsion. The dog will work and work on that bone unless something of great importance interrupts him. And even when he becomes exhausted of worrying the bone a dog will go and bury it, so he’ll know just where to find it later. Left unchecked a dog will work that bone until it is totally dissolved.
vii. Now when it comes to people, when we submit ourselves to worry –WE BECOME THE BONE. Through worry we allow ourselves to literally have the life shaken out of us.”
A very good reason not to allow ourselves to worry. How can we, when our loving Father is always with us, and taking care of our every need. There is absolutely no reason for
us to worry, if we understand this. So we can cast out the suggestion of worrying,
and concentrate on praising God for His ever-present goodness and blessings.
dearest Maggie. thank you for sharing that explanation. It’s a powerful reminder of the importance of keeping our thoughts on the truth of God
I agree, Sally and Maggie. The truth of God is always True, because
God is Truth/Love and we, being reflections of God, express these
wonderful spiritual qualities.
Thank you. I needed to hear this today.. I am so grateful to Evan and all who share their
thoughts each day. We are so blessed.
I once saw a post saying worrying is like being in a rocking chair, rocking and rocking and expecting to get somewhere.
That’s really good, thank you, I chuckled because it’s true! How silly we can be.
My teacher told us that worry is ingratitude in advance.
that is so true, Donna Thanks for sharing.
Two more translations of today’s bible verse (included verses 6&7):
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds…..(NKJV)
Do not worry about anything. Instead, pray to God about everything. Ask him to help you with the things that you need. And thank him for his help. If you do that, God will give you peace in your minds. That peace is so great that nobody can completely understand it…..(Easy English Bible)
So we have our clear instructions in the Bible, God says no worrying necessary, just trust and understanding of spiritual reality.
Thank you Evan. Jesus also told us not to worry. “Take no thought for the morrow, what ye shall eat and what ye shall wear……. For the Father knoweth ye have need of these things
“A refreshing and transformative approach to mental health” by Debbie Peck, from the December 5, 2022 Christian Science Sentinel:
Thinking about today’s topic, this quote popped into thought, “Pilgrim on earth, thy home is heaven; stranger, thou art the guest of God.” (From “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, page 254.) Being a guest at someone’s home for a holiday or any other event is enjoyable and freeing…ahhhh…no Thanksgiving turkey to put in the oven at 5:00 a.m.
no responsibility, worry, burden, as I’m not in charge. From a spiritual perspective, being “the guest of God”, means to me that our role as a gracious guest is free from worry and anxiety because God is in charge. We can turn our focus from worry to humbly subordinating, yielding, thanking and glorifying Him/Her instead.
Very well said J, thank you for this wise analogy that shows how being the guest of God can free us from worry and burden.
Yes thank you Rose and J.:)
In reading these worry-free messages of divine Love’s sharing, the thought
came that sometimes, aside from our own mortal mind thoughts of angst that
we are constantly trying to simmer and deject from thought, we also sometimes
worry for those we love who seem to stray from paths of what we feel are Truth
and Love that we may think differently from. In trying to be helpful, we may come
across as being unkind, but that is really the farthest from what is intended. Our
concerns are meant lovingly, but they may come across as not being that way.
Then we worry about that. mortal mind tries to keep us in a tizzy and we must
always try to be cautious and guard our thoughts. In praying to keep our own thinking
worry free, I think it also helps to hold prayers about world peace, also, with the
latest escalations that threaten sanity in our universe of challenges. Trying to keep
God in control, rather than those who would do others harm is included in praying
“about everything”.
Yes this is something we really need to give the right thought to. To bless all. LOVE
Wow, how wonderful dear Evan; not worrying and praying! It’s lovely talking to our Father-Mother God and asking for His help in our needs! I love that and am grateful!♡
Wow! What a thought provoking quote! I am comforted and in awe of how many thoughtful responses dove deep into the subject opening up ideas to us all!
Bless you, Evan, and all the wonderful friends here on SpiritView, who bring light to our days with your spiritually uplifting thoughts shared.
I feel truly blessed!