Worry not a helper

December 11, 2023 | 34 comments

A woman was telling me how worried she was about her son’s troubled plight in life. I asked her, “Does the worry help?” She quickly answered, “No!” We talked about how to replace that worry with trust in God’s ability to lead her son forward and inspire him with wise choices. She reported later that she was doing much better with less worry and more trust in God’s ability to help. And her son was making better choices too.

As unavoidable as worry feels at times, it is not an imperative feeling to accept as normal. It is not normal to worry.

As a child of God, it’s normal to trust God’s ability to inspire workable solutions that bring peace and order.

As the Bible says, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand” (Phil 4:6,7, NLT).

Trust God and worry less. It’s a path to greater peace.

34 thoughts on “Worry not a helper”

  1. True! Edward Kimball said ‘eliminate fear, doubt and worry’. I like to add Mrs. Eddy’s ’Hold thought to the enduring, the good, and the true…’

  2. Yes!! An Illustration of this principle…
    or, divine Principle in operation: last evening I could not find my cell phone in our home. I had not been out, so it was here, somewhere! (And I LOOKED for it, everwhere!) I finally went to bed, awakening some hours later with the thought: I include all right ideas, by reflection. My phone seems to me to be a useful, right idea and therefore part of me. I got up, went into the kitchen and within two seconds FOUND IT! What a great lesson! We are all God’s ideas! We include ALL good, now, here, forever! Thank You, God!

    1. I’ve had similar experiences more times than I can count. Now the cycle of “where is it?”> looking> worry> remembering to raise my thought > finding whatever seemed to be lost, usually happens quickly.
      I think that to not waiver, to keep thought raised up, is the ideal

      1. Yes! One important point I’ve had to learn when trusting God to lead me to a “miss placed” object, is to STOP looking for it humanly. Searching for it is acknowledging that it is lost or out of place, or that there can be any mindless action. (!!!!). Mind is ALL, and nothing is out of Mind’s all-knowing. Mind directs. My part? Just listen with a grateful heart.

        1. I have found this to be so true Ruthie. a good example is when I thought I had lost my phone I prayed and knew that nothing could be lost and it came to me clearly to look in my bucket of cleaning supplies. ( I had used the cell phone recently that morning) I laughed and thought “That can’t be” but looked there anyway and there it was on top. This was humanly amazing and spiritually possible. 🙂 .Thanks Evan, this is perfect for today.

  3. Father-Mother, i thank you each day
    to take fear and worry from my conciousness and replace. with complete
    trust in you.
    i have not gotten to place as yet; but will be there soon.

  4. “Trust God and worry less. It’s a path to greater peace.”

    I am reading “The gift of forgiveness: inspiring stories from those who have overcome the unforgivable“ by Katherine Schwarzenegger, Pratt.. Over and over the people who are quoted say that only after they forgave, did they find peace. And so I was thinking after reading those chapters and Evan’s current blog that forgiveness is letting go of a belief that something in the past has power to cause bad or evil. And worry is thinking that something in the future has power to cause bad or evil. When we refuse to think either one of those thoughts, and instead hold firmly that God is the only power and presence, and the only cause, so the only result, or response is good, and our only responsibility is loving, gratitude and grace, then that gives us peace. It is which story we choose that decides whether we are stuck in pain, bitterness, worry, powerlessness or trying to control others … or… Expanding and powerful love, joy, freedom, effectiveness, benefiting and blessing, others and ourselves. We get to choose, which story or history, and how we respond. I choose love and peace. I choose trusting God, and thanking God.

  5. “Let neither fear nor doubt overshadow your clear sense and calm trust, that the recognition of life harmonious – as Life eternally is – can destroy any sense of, or belief in, that which Life is not.” (S&H pg 495:16) I have loved and relied on that message on many occasions! Worry vanished to it’s native nothingness.

  6. Dear SpiritvVewFan thank you for the reminder: “ I include all right ideas, by reflection.” it made me think … I include wisdom by reflection; I include supply by reflection; I include right companionship by reflection; right thinking by reflection. I can go on and on (by reflection!) Blessed!

  7. I remember reading this quote: “If you pray, why worry? If you worry, why pray?” I never understood the second part! If you worry prayer is the best help! I do understand the first part means you must trust your prayers have confidence and that trust/confidence eliminates the worry, I guess it’s saying “choose you this day whom you will serve!” (Joshua 24:15) This brought to mind a favorite hymn #148:

    “In heavenly love abiding, No change (worry) my heart shall fear; And SAFE IS SUCH CONFIDING, For nothing changes here. The storm may roar without me, My heart may low be laid (with discouragement and worry); But God is round about me, And can I be dismayed (worried, untrusting)?”

    Confidence is what’s so needed! Knowing and trusting God/Love is with us and is in control/the only power – what an antidote to fear, worry and discouragement. Thank you God! Thank you Evan for today’s inspiration!!!

  8. Christmas Blessings today & always to you and yours Evan and all the readers with their conversation points!

    1. Thanks Toby, I’ve heard that too, ‘Worry is ingratitude to God in advance.’ Powerful thought to ponder.

      1. Also was great to read Evan’s statement, “It is not normal to worry.” That is a radical statement in this society where most believe that worry is quite normal and an accepted part of life. If it is not normal, not from God-good, then we can see it as separate from us,, no part of our true being.

  9. Thank you Evan and all. I love what Evan has said, why worry! No need. It is not helpful. Trust is what we need. A childlike trust is needed at all times. Just give everyone and everything it’s rightful place in thought and you will find it reflecting the divine Mind.
    Four years ago I received a message from my daughter in the university telling me ABF says her school fees cannot be paid, She should wait for the nxt academic year. I did not give a thought to this message but had a conversation with my Father Mother God. I said, you have been paying this child’s fees. I know, that you are the only authority and maintain peace in all families. Thank you for telling the ABF organization to pay it now. Thank you Father Mother God because you have paid her fees.
    I called my daughter and told her, not to worry because her fees has been paid. The message she received was not from God and God does not know about such a message. God knows that the fees has been paid already. That was 3p.m in the afternoon. By 8p.m in the night my daughter sent the next message from the same organization stating that her fees has been paid.
    Next question from her was Mummy, how did you know my fees will be paid? I know because that is what God knows. God knows and I know.. Love reflects love at all times.

  10. Thank you very much for this wonderful reminder about having the childlike guidance
    and protection from our Father/Mother God to lead us in our journey and to trust in
    His/Her spiritual ways of Truth. I am reminded of an experience many years ago and the
    title of today’s topic, “Worry not a helper” brings a chuckle to mind. I was working at an
    elderly customer’s home and her helper had put his glasses on the kitchen counter, while
    doing a job. When he went to retrieve them, they weren’t there. He asked the customer
    if she knew where they were, she said no, but was very willing to help find them, by going
    up the stairs, looking all around the house, but to no avail. When looking at her, in
    puzzlement as to where they could be, he had said… “um, I think you are wearing them ?” ..
    which she was. LOL It just goes to prove that we must always be aware of what we are
    seeing clearly … letting God’s divine inspiration be our guidance to seeing only the True
    Being, by reflecting only Goodness and power derived from God.

    1. Wonderful explanation of God’s omnipotence, seeing Him as He is, the seeing through His eyes what is right before us! Glasses FOUND! Thank you for sharing the Truth including the joy and humor for finding what is NOT lost.

  11. Thanks Evan sir. Needs to be so emotionally strong or stable that worried thoughts should not overpower all prayers done before. Fill consciousness only with Truth. Concentrating only on good ,God only power and there is no opposite. Seeing the situation from spiritual perspective only. Never accepting the material view. Prayer will lead to healing only.

  12. In worrying about a family member who had an addiction issue, I realized I had many worried thoughts about them each day. I realized my worried thought wasn’t helping the situation, so many days after dropping my sons off at school, I stopped at a breakfast restaurant, read the lesson, and filled a page of a composition book with truths about the situation. I affirmed God’s omnipotent care, God’s omnipresence, God’s control and they reflected divine Mind as idea and treated my thought to combat the worry. A few months later they got a DUI, took steps to commit suicide as they feared they would lose their job and be a burden. I was awakened early that morning and prayed the truths I’d been praying for months. They decided that morning to live. I helped them through their DUI legal process and brief jail time. They were able to work during the day, and report to jail at night. They were able to keep their job. Afterwards they came to live with us in between travel assignments for work. I learned instead of worry, outweigh and negate any worrying thoughts with declarations of spiritual truths.

    1. Dear Lindajane, Thank you for sharing how you worked through and rejected
      the worries you seemed to have been feeling. Your supportive truths of the
      situation certainly was a benefit and your affirmation of God’s omnipotent care
      definitely did negate those worried thoughts into spiritual truths. It was a
      wonderful demonstration of God being in control.

  13. My son was unfairly accused and arrested. He spent three months in jail and with the help of a provided attorney and claiming his innocence, he was released. In the process I prayed for the right outcome and in telling God the situation and trusting His all-powerful knowing, visited him in jail and stopped worrying and left it up to God.
    Although I am very grateful for this outcome. I still have the problem of condemning his choices of friends and behavior. And worrying about the family’s opinion and his lack of interest and their lack of interest of his joining with us. He has overcome addiction to Meth. He is working. He lies and believes his lies. I’m trying to know that this is a lie about God’s perfect idea. and that will become evident as I see the situation more clearly.. I called a practitioner and the advice given was that I as his mother can only express mother LOVE. He is a grown man and just turned 60. Thanks for reading my comment.

    1. Dear anominous (anonymous?). Thank you for sharing your sincere and caring
      comment and love for your son. Your genuine concern shines through your writing
      and he is very blessed to have your thoughtfulness. The thought that came to me is
      that, as you had written, “he is a grown man and just turned 60″… Even though your
      love for him will always be supportive, we all have our own salvation to work out
      through and with God as our True Mother/Father/Love, he is in God’s hands in
      Perfection, despite what the mortal picture may seem to be. Other’s opinions of
      the situation can not in any way deter him from being a child of God. Who are we,
      they, anyone to judge? Your constant support of spiritually seeing him as honest,
      productive and helpful to others will be helpful to him in ways you might not see
      manifested humanly right away, but in God’s eyes… that is the way he is, always
      was and always will be.

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