You are invincible and indestructible

October 11, 2016 | 21 comments

One of the healing truths Christian Science accentuates over and over again is that each of us have a spiritual individuality that can never be hurt, harmed or injured. There is no sin, disease or threat of death that will ever reach you as a child of God. Any argument to the contrary is a false belief of mortal mind and not to be feared, but put down, disarmed and stripped of any claim to power. That’s when healing happens.

Like a feather could never scar or dent a diamond, no false belief will ever scar or dent you. You are spiritually invincible and indestructible.

21 thoughts on “You are invincible and indestructible”

  1. Learning this makes all the difference in healing, both myself and others. What is individual lies safe, protected, unbroken, always. Untouched by matter. Reminds me of the song, This Little Light of Mine, Let It Shine.

  2. Yes, Thanks, Evan…..this is the Truth! But we need to Know the Truth and put down the Lie that says we are mortal, material, subject to disease, decay and death. How many people really Know how to do this? Mrs. Eddy discovered Christian Science, the divine Laws of Life, Love and Truth that heal mankind. I’ve been listening to a wonderful CD of a recording of a talk that Jack Hubbell, CSB, gave to C.Sers several years ago re. “It shall be the duty….” In it he talks about how Jesus “loved righteousness and hated iniquity.” We don’t close our eyes to evil or wrong-doing. We must have the courage to uncover error (the lie) and then to heal it by knowing the Truth.

  3. Strong affirmations! Thank you, Evan!

    What springs to thought is:

    “Entirely separate from the belief and dream of material living, is the Life divine…”
    (From Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy)

    Yes, we do have spiritual individuality, and there is no other individuality!
    The mortal belief in something besides infinite Spirit is pure illusion.
    The wonderful Christian Science Teacher, Jack Hubbell, used to talk about the belief one might have that there is an elephant in one’s living room. Hardly a reason to go look up “Elephants” in the Concordances, he said!! Big or small, mortal beliefs are illusions, period. Let’s get clear about this, every…um…minute!

    I’m working on a bunch of illusions (probably as silly as the elephant-in-the-living room one!), as we speak, and they are dissolving. Takes work, sometimes, but we have such powerful tools: Truth, Life, Love!

    Bevi, I have to mention that an hour before opening today’s SpiritView, I was feeling sad that I have lost my beloved cassette tape recording of Mr. Hubbell’s Talk, “It Shall Be The Duty.” Then, divine Love showed me your Comment!! Coincidence? I think not. Now I’m wondering if God will show me how to get a copy…from…uh…you?

    Ain’t Life just simply …amazing?!

  4. “God which is incorporeal cannot give birth to a corporeal being with a corporeal body; nor can God create a corporeal universe for his corporeal beings to live in, and then heal it all when it goes wrong. If you can catch this truth, you can quickly become free of the material belief that limits and binds.”

  5. I’m so grateful for your beautiful blog today Evan. It really met my need and the need of the dear members of Southport England, church. Last week our material structure of church suffered vandalism and fire. We are dealing with all the practicalities at the moment, but how wonderful to be reminded, that as a diamond cannot be scarred by a feather no false belief will ever scar or dent us. This is a simple but wonderful truth to give us comfort and encouragement.

  6. Thanks Paul for the link to CS lectures, much appreciated. I’m ever grateful to wake up each morning and open my email to Spiritview to see what nugget there will be for today. Thank you Evan for your tireless love for God and humanity that you take the time each day to bring together right ideas for your followers. Every day, with my study of CS, be it the bible lessons, blogs, articles and podcasts…I’m getting a better glimpse into my true being and my day is filled with more light. A most grateful thank you to God, Christ Jesus, MBE and all the CSist who dedicate themselves to this cause. Thank you Evan.

  7. Thanks Evan and to all who have commented. I also have received much inspiration from Jack Hubble’s lecture and many others on that web site. I have currently been working with the idea that since accidents are unknown to God, then they never really happen, and I cannot suffer any effects from anything that didn’t happen – an absolute impossibility!

  8. Just so everyone knows…..the CD I’m talking about was a lecture given by Jack Hubbell just to Christian Scientists, probably around 2010. This wasn’t one of his Public Lectures. In it he talks about how a prediction was made that 100 years after Mrs. Eddy’s passing (1910) Christian Science Churches would start closing, members would stop attending and Healing would disappear. It’s a real Wake-Up Call, isn’t it? He talks about how to heal Animal Magnetism, as that is what would try and stop our Healing Work in Christian Science. Good Stuff!

  9. Great, Paul! I had forgotten all about the Historical Christian Science Lectures, deep in some files I have. I am so pleased to be reminded of them, and to have the LINK!! Many thank yous!!

    Bevi: Thanks for your second comment, about Mr. Hubbell’s lecture. It is, in the link that Paul gave us., The talk was given at Arden Wood, thus not a public lecture, per se, as you said.

    And good to have prayer-fodder to handle that ole devilish claim that CS healing would stop 100 years after its discovery. Not going to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  10. Thank you Evan for this powerful reminder. And thank you Paul for the link.

    P.S. Could anyone help me figure out the photo at the top? Thanks!

  11. This spot-on post and the wonderful comments reminded me that Truth is indestructible in all of its forms of expression : the individual, a church structure, or the movement itself. No “evidence ” to the contrary can ever change this.

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