You have what you need

December 9, 2015 | 28 comments

“…you are in need of nothing that divine Love is not giving you.”

~ The Mary Baker Eddy Collection

Sometimes it seems like we don’t have what we need, but spiritual experience teaches that what we think we need and what we really need are often quite different.

The material mind outlines physical outcomes and looks for them first.

Divine Love supplies wisdom, grace and understanding.

If we aren’t seeing our human needs met, it’s often a sign that there is an underlying spiritual need that must be met first. To meet this need, humble the human mind and its physical outlining, and listen for the deeper wisdom of God that will guide you down a progressive path.

Rest assured that divine Love is giving you the ideas, inspiration and guidance you need to move forward.

Listen, watch and pray until you hear, and then you’ll see the human fall properly into place.

28 thoughts on “You have what you need”

  1. Thanks Evan for such a comforting message. Of course our divine parent – God, does supply all that we really need. There is never the need to worry or be anxious when we fully understand that God himself is LOVE and so moment to moment our needs will surely be met. That confidence and understanding of God’s bounty, grandeur and infinite love for each one of us brings down countless blessings. “If we trust in the Lord never doubting we will have all that we need, every moment.”
    “To all mankind and in every hour Divine Love supplies all good.”
    “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.”
    “Trust in the Lord, whose sure supply will meet all your needs abundantly.”
    Thank you God in advance for meeting all your children’s’ needs abundantly, though the human picture may appear grim and hopeless.
    “God can lay a table in the wilderness, what can God not do??” All good is possible to God.

  2. Thank you both for these wonderful thoughts to start a new day full of infinite possibilities, infinite blessinga.

  3. Thanks be to God for giving these wonderful comforting thoughts to you
    Evan, Nergish, and Gail! Thank you for sharing them!!

  4. Thank you. it is always helpful to put these ideas of truth into sentences we can remember and think about during our day.

  5. Boy, was this message spot on for me today. I was mentally struggling and humanly outlining what to do, now I will print this and keep it right in front of me, listen for God’s wisdom until I can see clearly enough what the right thing to do is. Again Evan, thank you for the time you put into this blog and the spiritual ideas you share.

  6. I have been working on this exact concept! Thanks so much for this post, and the comments. I’ll add: “Are we really grateful for the good already received? Then we shall avail ourselves of the blessings we have, and thus be fitted to receive more.” (Science and Health 3:22-24)

    I’ve been under stress this year, and have been compulsively shopping in response. At the beginning of the year I’d said getting my apartment cleaned up was my goal, but other things got in the way – including shopping and bringing more stuff in! I’m now focusing on weeding out and giving away. Things I love, can become presents for others, including people I don’t know who don’t have much. With that aim, I want to get stuff out of here and donated to my favorite local St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store! That way they will bless others.

    I’m also on the brink of getting a new car, so am praying about my old one finding the right person who needs it. It has lots of good left in it! I’d been focusing actively on gratitude for the one I have, and after about two years of looking and praying that my needs are met, my church friend who is a used car salesman found me the exact model I wanted, in my price range! Even the exact color I liked. I don’t have it yet, but it won’t be long, so I’m focusing on getting rid of stuff – and blessing others with it.

  7. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to you, Evan and to all above and all who love this blog!! All of these wonderful thoughts are Exactly what I need this morning!! Exactly!! How precious is God’s Love embracing us in all of our challenges, even if sometimes we Seem to have trouble acknowledging them right away. God IS working His purpose out even though it may not be evident at all times from our perspective, but Divine Love Does meet every need. Thank you again!

  8. Thank you, Evan, and all Commenters! I’ve often heard C.S. Testimonies where someone was “in need, or lacking” and as they prayed about it, they got the message to start Giving. As they started Sharing whatever they had, be it material possessions or spiritual Love, this Action started the Flow and “frozen assets” were released – Abundance was made manifest. “As ye Give, so shall ye Receive.”

  9. ” To those leaning on the sustaining Infinite to day is BIG with blessings”It take a lot to lean on something,, trusting it wil not let you down, when working on a healing that tends to be slow in coming. Fear and doubt is the devil’s playground. It’s Moment by moment, step by step we cling to Divine Mind. Thanks all for sharing.

  10. I, too, want to thank everyone for their comments and to you, Evan, for this very inspiring and helpful message. It certainly is better to give than receive – the inner joy it brings is so satisfying!

  11. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how Mrs. Eddy refers in Science and Health (and her other writings) to reality. She often uses the term “God and His idea” or some variant thereof (e.g. “Principle and its idea”, “Love and its idea”, etc.). For example, on page 71 of S&H is the following sentence:

    Nothing is real and eternal, — nothing is Spirit, — but God and His idea.

    It follows then that man/woman, being the reflection of God, must also behold “God’s idea” in consciousness. But if we are not careful, we can allow material beliefs to corrupt this true idea in our consciousness. When we realize that has happened, we have to reconsider the nature of God (Love, good) and use that understanding to detect the corrupted belief so that we again behold the true idea.

    For example, in God’s idea, supply is always in balance with demand. But if we allow thought to stray from knowing God’s idea, it is easy to start believing that some need of ours is not being supplied, or will not be met in the future, or has at some time in the past not been been perfectly provided. If we indulge those beliefs we may begin to think we need to take advantage of someone else in order meet our needs, or withhold what we have in order to stretch what we do have to meet our needs. But when our thought is beholding “God’s idea” we naturally feel free to share what we have, when appropriate, to meet others needs, knowing that our needs are so perfectly supplied (as Bevi and Ellen brought out in their comments).

    A lot of good comes to us for free via the internet. There are many wonderful articles, audio podcasts, daily lifts, etc. on that we can access for free. SpiritView is another example of something we get for free. Evan shares so much with us while asking nothing in return. But publishing information on the internet is not free for the publisher. Therefore, I have concluded that it is right for me to send a contribution to the providers of this spiritually uplifting content, knowing again that in “God’s idea”, supply always meets the need.

  12. Such a wonderful truth being shared here today ! thank you for sharing this gem with all of us in our worldwide human family, and for all the inspiring responses. The one by Bevi about “frozen assets “being released …and abundance made manifest- this is beautiful and clear. Love it! This is a good principle to work with when praying for the Paris Climate talks bearing much fruit. Think of all the assets that are present right now, and renewable, sustainable resources available in abundance to the world- they cannot be frozen or remain unseen to the ministers negotiating the targets and strategies for supplying all good to developed and “developing” nations- seeing the abundance, unthawing frozen assets/ideas that lead to stablility. Climate change is in thought first! Great blog, healing ideas!

  13. Thank you for this very helpful reminder, Evan! It can be so easy to get swept up in mortal mind’s idea of what we need. Quieting ourselves and expressing gratitude for all that Divine Love has given us is essential to our spiritual progress. Thanks again!

  14. Yesterday 12/8/2015, the Medicaid people came over to my apartment to again judge me if I deserved Medicaid or not. This has been going on for a whole year even when I was already approved. The medicaid advocate who we all like agreed with my feelings but said this is the way the system works. “You have to lie like you never lied before or else the Govt. will take away all your rights. I couldn’t do that, lie, what kind of lie. The advocate didn’t tell me. The great thing was that all these people congregated in the kitchen while I stayed in the bedroom studying my Bible Lesson, hearing the Daily Lift and reading Evan’s Spirit View Blog and no one asked me questions which would cause me to lie. Now isn’t that God protecting me?!!

  15. “Listen, watch and pray until you hear, and then you’ll see the human fall properly into place.”
    Can you imagine saying this to one or all of the 18,000+ children who died of hunger today?
    If it seems inapplicable or inappropriate to think this way in the face of such tremendous and needless suffering, then perhaps it is not a universal truth?

    1. Hi Quimeas,

      It is definitely a universal truth, however humanity as a whole has much to learn in terms of listening and hearing to fully demonstrate it. The needed spiritual growth will come over time as humanity grows morally and spiritually.

      There is a solution to heal the hunger of those without food in the world. As humanity collectively loves their children and seeks ways to feed them all, ideas will come from the divine that solve the problems that keep these precious ones them from being fed. There are solutions. Many demonstrations of universal truths take place over time as understanding of how to practice them effectively grows.

      1. You seem to be saying that humans can help solve this problem by applying their understanding, but if it’s a universal truth I don’t see how understanding or misunderstanding on the part of humans can help or hinder the effort in anyway. According to Christian science the material world seems to not exist, so how is it that humans can change anything by trying to think one thing or another?

        1. Dear Fimby; The story of ADAM & EVE answers your question by showing what happens when God is misunderstood. Punishment comes not from God since God is both good & loving. To understand humanity isn’t the answer. The answer is for humanity to understand their oneness with God not their oneness with the false belief that God created humanity but that God created the symbol that we see with the material eye the wonderous of God’s creation.

          1. Tobias, the story of Adam & Eve raises more questions than it answers. How could even a veil of ignorance or sin arise in a universe supposedly created entirely by an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving Deity?

        2. Hi Fimby,

          The understanding that comes from God is what solves the problems. The purpose of prayer is to open thought and listen for inspiration coming from God. That’s what heals and saves!

          Much love to you.

      2. It sounds like you are saying that everything is really perfect, despite appearances. And if we can just improve our understanding of perfection, our appearances will improve.

        The need to improve our understanding contradicts your maxim.
        Everything isn’t perfect if our understanding needs improvement.

        1. Hi Quimeas,

          You are getting the gist. The need is to yield to the divine understanding. For instance, people think that they are going to die, but they don’t. When they pass on they realize they are still alive. They never died. Their belief that they were going to die was illusion. It was error. This is often how healing happens. As the human mind yields to Truth, it sees it more and more. In the long run Big Picture, everything is perfect, for the temporal illusions eventually yield to spiritual Truth.

          It’s an on-going demonstration. It takes a lot of humility to get there.

  16. Jesus said,”My Kingdom is not of this world”
    He fed 5,000 in the wilderness one day. What did he see, that we must shift our viewpoint to
    emulate? A spiritual view, of infinite love, compassion, and the understanding of God’s limitless possibilities, not human calculation.

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