Your spirituality affects others

January 21, 2013 | 5 comments

Do you realize that your spiritual mindedness has a major impact on the mental environments you revolve in? You should, because it does.

We live in a world of thought. When you bring a right thought into a room of thought occupied by other people, you bring a positive impact into that mental environment, and it has significant consequences, often far more than you probably realize.

It happens in homes, in the workplace, in community meetings, in church memberships, in politics, everywhere and anywhere people are involved. Wherever thoughts are happening, whoever contributes to the collective thought is having an impact on everyone else included.
To illustrate what I mean, here’s an excerpt from an interview of Kittie Burris, a teacher and practitioner of Christian Science in Birmingham, Alabama, recently printed in the January, 2013, Christian Science Journal. It’s a kicker!
For background, Kittie and her husband attended a dinner club one evening with several friends, and for entertainment, a hypnotist walks out on stage to entertain the crowd. Kittie didn’t know this was going to happen, but earlier that day, she had read the Christian Science Bible Lesson on “Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced,” and thoroughly discussed with her husband the illusive nature of mesmerism and hypnotism.
Here’s what the interview recorded:

“The star that night was a hypnotist. He came out, and he started to do his thing. It was obvious he was not successful. He could not get people to go under. Finally he walked out—now this was a crowd of probably three or four hundred people—and he walked right over to our table with about six of us there. He looked right at me. Then he turned around to the rest of the crowd, and he said, “I cannot perform this evening. There is a Christian Scientist among our group.”

The interview goes on to explain that the hypnotist did not know Kittie, nor did Kittie know him. But he detected in the mental atmosphere of that auditorium a denial of everything he was about, and it negated his attempt to hypnotize anyone. Kittie did not specifically direct a prayer at him, but understood as a spiritual fact that hypnotism is an illusion. The hypnotist knew that too, and thus did not even try to continue his performance. He couldn’t. He was uncovered!
I love this example. It’s proof that correct spiritual thinking automatically influences the atmospheres of thought we circulate in, even without a conscious effort. We should not underestimate the power of right spiritual thinking. It is powerful! Keep it up…

5 thoughts on “Your spirituality affects others”

  1. i ditto what Barbara said – “amazing1” and also “very helpful” to us to continue on with our good thoughts!! Positive proof of their substantialness! Thank you thank you Evan!!

  2. Evan’s example is correct but unusual. Hypnotism is used constantly in the news media to shock us out of our spiritual thinking and transfer it to material thinking such as Psychologists explain thinking as material and not spiritual. This kind of thinking we must protect ourselves from if we should succeed in bringing; “PEACE ON EARTH, GOOD WILL TO MEN.”

  3. Thanks Evan, I remember I’ve read this too and now you reminded me on how Truth understood by one is ENOUGH to counter and STOP the mesmerism that seem to be spreading in human consciousness and in the community as flu. One of the commentators in Time4Thinkers said that the “parent” word influenza is an Italian word for influence. This morning as I was praying for the community’s safety from flu it came to me what Mrs. Eddy said: One with God [Truth] is a majority. I also recognized how those who seem not to know the truth or Christian Science are benefited as one sees the Christ in others through the Christ in him. This I have learned from one of your blogs-“the Christ in me sees the Christ in you”.

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