Month: October 2016

To be mentally tough

October 24, 2016 | 23 comments

Last September, Kathy and I visited Yosemite Park in California. Wow, what an impressive park to visit. To drive and walk through the valley and look up thousands of feet to the high towering canyon walls on both sides inspires

Enjoy the moment you’re in

October 21, 2016 | 22 comments

Much time is wasted by the human mind worrying about tomorrow, regretting the past, fretting over the future and fearing the present. One way to eliminate this type of wearisome burden and live more happily is to enjoy the moment

Let enemies bring out the best in you

October 20, 2016 | 19 comments

“You’re familiar with the old written law, ‘Love your friend,’ and its unwritten companion, ‘Hate your enemy.’ I’m challenging that. I’m telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone

The tares stand out and above the wheat

October 19, 2016 | 15 comments

The tares stand out and above the wheat While walking through farm fields in France last May, I found a perfect scene to illustrate Jesus Christ’s parable of the tares and the wheat. If you aren’t familiar with Jesus’ story,