Work for God
November 30, 2017 | 26 comments
Are you looking for a job that allows you to be happier, put to better use, more creative or fulfilled? Look no further. You can find it right where you are. Your #1 job in life is to express God’s
November 30, 2017 | 26 comments
Are you looking for a job that allows you to be happier, put to better use, more creative or fulfilled? Look no further. You can find it right where you are. Your #1 job in life is to express God’s
November 29, 2017 | 24 comments
Prayer is measured by depth, not length. ~ Unknown Shallow prayers are words without meaning, repeated verses without understanding, hours of study without transformation. Deep prayers quiet the human mind, still mortal fears, shut down mortal mind arguments, reform character
November 28, 2017 | 14 comments
The highest knowledge is knowledge of God. People often spend a substantial portion of their time in a seeking mode. They seek knowledge of how to operate their smart phones, how to earn money, master a software program, please their
November 24, 2017 | 19 comments
“The time is never right to do a wrong thing.” ~ Unknown