Losing extra weight

November 13, 2019 | 21 comments

Would you like to lose some extra weight? If so, start with losing extra mental weight.

As a creation of God, you have a spiritual individuality that is healthy and fit, light and buoyant, happy and free. Any belief or state of mortal mind that doesn’t feel this healthy, light state, is “extra weight,” to be shed, so that the true fit you can surface and make a full-blown appearance!

For instance, an inordinate love of sweets is a burden to carry in thought because man is already filled with the sweetness of divine Love. One doesn’t need to be on the constant hunt for more sugar to stay happy. God created us happy without the extra sugar!

Feeling down and depressed that leads to the indulgence of bad eating habits, is another weight that can be shed. God did not create man down and depressed. God created man upbeat and inspired. Unending gratitude, generous giving, positive spiritual outlook and the outward looking love of God dispel inner darkness and fill thought with nourishing spiritual light.

Fear of food is another weight to be shed. God gave man dominion over the earth and everything upon it. We have dominion over food, to master what we eat, when we eat, and how much we eat. Food has no power over our eating habits.

Dread of what we see in the body is another weight to shed. We are not victims of the body, but masters of it. As Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “Take possession of your body, and govern its feeling and action”
(Science and Health, p. 393).

Anger, resentment, ill-will, envy, jealousy, or any of their kin, are other heavy weights that are healthy to shed. The lighter you feel in thought with Truth and Love, the lighter you’ll feel in mind and body.

Think light and live light! The body will follow.

21 thoughts on “Losing extra weight”

  1. Right on time, Evan! As usual!! Exactly what I need right now! I love “Think light and live light”. At first, I read light as in light weight. Then after more prayer I also understood it to mean live light as in letting the light of God shine through. Both thoughts help me turn away from the material, mortal view of myself and instead, focus on my (everyone else’s too!) true spiritual being as the perfect child of God. I’m so grateful you take the time to share your clarity and insights everyday. Your posts bring change and are making life better for so many of us. THANK YOU❤️

  2. Last week’s Lesson Sermon had the citation from John 1:4, which was translated in the Message Bible as “What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by.” I just read our Lesson Sermon for this week and enjoyed the references to light further expressed throughout. And now with great delight I read in your message the admonition to fill our thought with “nourishing spiritual light.” How can we feel burdened with the weight of so-called matter when we have this unfathomable Lightness of being to live with and by. Thank you, Evan, for lighting our days with your beautiful thoughts.

  3. Thank you! Like Terra, this comes at the perfect time to help a LOT! I so appreciate your daily nudges! Bless you with all things wonderful!

  4. Most welcome – thanks Evan. Lightness of mind is so important. Reminds me of your muddy truck message a few days ago!

  5. Thank You Evan – Your Comments on weight & light were so helpful this morning and I was truly led to read them by a Divine Voice. Again Thank You for your Blessed work.

  6. Long ago I was naturally healed of alcoholism as I grew in CS. It just fell away. More recently the craving and addiction to sugar has gone.

    Most CSers don’t recognize sugar as an addictive substance. I’m grateful for the “temporary means” I have found to replace refined sugar with non-addicting natural sweeteners I didn’t know existed, as well as the more “eternal means” (see SH 444:9-10) I’m learning more and more about each day, seeking satisfaction in Spirit.

  7. Always be gentle…
    Always be kind…..
    In this way a
    good life you
    will find….
    a good life….

    And the goodness
    you find… becomes
    your atmosphere…

    All who enter
    in grocery store
    lines.. are blessed..
    relieved of worry …
    relieved of pressure..

    And they don’t
    know why….

    We know God…
    So only Blessing
    and goodness
    we bring to All…

    It’s our reality
    It’s our realizing
    It’s our knowing
    By which we
    It’s our breath…

    Let this grow stronger
    which is our natural
    Way… Love waters
    this budding life..
    Now unfolding
    in beautiful, magnificent

  8. Thank you Evan, for yet again a timely message. Was just deciding last night that I needed to curb my appetite for munching after dinner and this will definitely help heal that misplaced desire.

    As always, I am most grateful every morning to find Spiritview in my inbox, for the inspiring messages it holds. And for all the commenters for their insight into the messages, adding their stories or expanding on the idea.

  9. Perhaps 20 years ago I was considered overweight. Was bulging out of military uniform so much a negative comment was made on my evaluations. I didn’t know what to do. Our church sponsored an Evan lecture. He addressed spiritually how he had overcome weight related issues. I examine my lifestyle: quick foods, eating on the run, stress, family issues, always running out of time or being late, thousands of dollars in debt, etc. Desperate, I turned whole heartily to God for direction. Things changed. Not overnight but each imposition was met.

  10. I so needed this. I am a late night muncher and sugar is my weakness. I found that when the cravings hit and I ate natural sugar versus something chemically made( apple versus chocolate bar) that the cravings dissipated. But what I like best is that I feel lighter and free.
    Thank you for this article and giving us a different way of looking at weight.

  11. Thank you, John for your inspiring words. I am awakening to messages of needed change in many areas of my life:. a re-calibration of my piritual study habits, family issues, needed self-control, really addressing a self-focused view. Feels like alot is crashing and crumbling down around me. I am desperately, whole heartedly crying out to God!

  12. All, Thanks I need that!
    Maximo, how loving the verse, gentle power of lovingkindness.
    All words to live by.
    Healed of alcohol use I lost 40 or so pounds. Now with this news this morning will work on sweets as another addition.
    Very grateful for “Daily Lift” this morning, too. The Shepherd leads us continually.

  13. Thank you for this beautiful message this morning. God’s gracious care for each of His/Her ideas can be shown in your article and the responses of others.

  14. Thank you for this beautiful message this morning. God’s gracious care for each of His/Her ideas can be shown in your article and the responses of others.

  15. I lost over 40 lbs by changing my thinking. I feel I have a higher bar of understanding of the truth for more harmony in my life, thus more weight off, and other things.

  16. We must begin, however, with the more simple demonstrations of control, and the sooner we begin the better.
    (SH 429:4–6)
    Hi all, This quote is in our wonderful bible lesson this week. I’ve always had difficulty in interpreting what are ” simple demonstrations of control” ? I’ve only had progress when I get divine messages. Human control seems beyond me.

  17. Thanks Evan. You know I’ve never thought of it like that. I have been battling with sugar and excess weight for some time and this gives me ideas in a whole other direction – thank you so much.

  18. Thank you so very much, dear Evan for the wonderful spiritual view of this matter.
    God is nourishing us with food that satisfies us, also spiritually. “Think light and live light. And the body will follow” Love this truth! Just had the thought: Think light and live light in the light of our loving God. Am very grateful for the daily spiritual bread you give us so freely. This “bread” makes us fit, healthy and beautiful!

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