Quick healing of wasp stings

October 7, 2024 | 25 comments

I share a quick healing I had of multiple wasp stings in this article, “He chose love rather than hate and found the antidote,” published in my local newspaper, the Tri-City Herald, Saturday, October 5, 2024.

25 thoughts on “Quick healing of wasp stings”

  1. I had just done some prayerful work in an email to a friend on the same thoughts that you expressed and then your testimony pops up in my email. What the One Mind does is so amazing. So glad i listened to that still small voice. So love Christian Science and God Almighty. God Bless you Evan.

  2. Thank you for sharing this healing with us through SpiritView and with the community via the local newspaper.

  3. Grateful for this Evan. My husband has a car repair business and has a few old cars stored in a corner of the yard. He opened the door of one to fnd a hornet’s nest and got badly stung. He is not CS and was rushed down to A&E by a colleague. I only found out about it when he got home, so immediately began getting my own thought right about the picture being presented. One thing my husband said was “well it wasn’t their fault, they were just protecting themselves” which was forgiving them, as Evan did. The situation had no adverse effects and I feel the act of forgiving played a big part. Thank you for reminding me of this. X

  4. Love this… how timely it is at so many levels and for so many issues. I’m grateful it is published for the public to read!

  5. Thank you, Evan, for another very powerful and inspiring message. I have seen and experienced many toxic incidents in my life nearly all making me feel victimized. I hated like no one else, but none of that hatred brought healing. It simply reinforced error and, in fact, blocked healing.

    Even today, I have to remind myself not to ruminate about past injustices. Rumination is an engine of mortal mind and offers nothing of God.

  6. Dear Evan, Thank you for this inspiring testimony re: the power of Lover over hate and fear. I had a similar experience years ago when a band of hornets took up residence in my rural mailbox. When I opened the mailbox to get the mail, there they were, ready to sting me. I had just read “Kinship With All Life,” by J. Allen Boone, a remarkable book about our literal kinship with all other forms of life. I decided to love the hornets, which was easy to do. I was not stung. Ever since then, I seem to be “immune” from hornets, wasps and mosquito bites. They just don’t bite me. (Perhaps they know I love them!)

    1. Good work Demaris! That is so cool that ever since the experience you had with loving the hornets, you are no longer stung by insects, even mosquitos. That shows the permanent nature of CS healings.

  7. A little story about wasp that a great hillbilly mentor that I had acidizing water wells in the PA oil fields. He related to me in an earlier employment he was task with another man to take down an oil rig that had deteriorate significantly. When he an his partner started to ascend the rig they noticed that there was a large wasp nest in the structure. He told the other worker not to show fear the wasp. As they removed the strucure a thunderstorm was starting to move in. They both kept from fearing the wasp and neither were stung in the process of taking down the rig. Although this is not a scientific demonstration, it is a demonstration of how christian science works in regard to fear and loving.

  8. That was a great demonstration of healing, Evan – Thank you. I love the healing captures
    (usually not seen), of the wasps. The one within the article looks almost sweet within
    it’s natural environment.
    No need for nature to embellish what it’s – [our] true being is, for in actuality, disguising
    what our spiritual, Real creation is, as humans sometimes try to do in “Playing God”..
    seems to take away our divine origin of who we really are.
    Certain words and mortal mind’s lies can be despised and cringe-worthy
    when assaulted by them and can Seem like real attacks, like a swarm of stinging wasps.
    To me, advertisements of mortal mind tend to bombard us with stings of .. we are not
    good enough the way we are … we need this or that to be seen, appreciated, made
    younger, or noticed. But in Reality, we Are Perfect as God created us spiritually, and
    always will be. What may sometimes seem to be stings, are often just catalysts to get
    us to realize the true power of Love, as the antidote of mortal mind’s supposed realities.

  9. Thank you for this post.
    I had a healing of a wasp sting, just one, some years ago. I felt a pain on my arm which immediately swelled. The swelling went right up my arm, The thought immediately came that ‘all of Gods creatures moving in the harmony of Science, are harmless, useful, indestructible.
    The swelling went down as quick as it came and the pain disappeared immediately.
    S&H 514:28-30
    I am and was very grateful.

    1. Your healing, dear Anne, reminds me of the recent swelling and receding of
      the flood waters in southern states in the US. The belief of all of the destruction,
      homelessness and tragedy appears to be so real, like the stings of wasps. After
      more than a week, I still do not know if my dear friend in Asheville, one of the
      hardest hit places, is humanly okay. Of course, we know that in Spirit, we all are.
      After getting a busy for all this while, yesterday I finally got through to her
      answering machine, left a message, but she has not called back, which is rather
      concerning. But I keep Knowing that her power, along with everyone else’s in
      affected areas (I have a cousin in the path of the newly projected upcoming
      hurricane) are all in the loving care of spiritual Love and existence. Mortal mind
      would have us stinging from these beliefs of suffering and distress, but the love
      and caring of neighbors helping each other in these very trying times, is
      comforting and serve as an oasis of Peace that flows into thought where so
      much anxiety Seems to be.

      1. Holding a good thought Carol for your dear friend to know that she is (and all others in that region as well) as you said, truly in God’s loving care.

        1. Thank you so much, dear Rose for holding a good thought. I did hear
          that my cousin has boarded up their house and evacuated and will be
          visiting others in upper states, so was happy to hear they will be out of “Milton”s path. They have just moved there to retire and get away from
          a city that crime seems to be a major problem, so they were not
          expecting this, but my prayers are for their home to be safe as well as
          others who are our universal neighbors, and even though we don’t know
          how to directly communicate with them, Love’s caring is with us all. .

          1. PS. Wonderful news! I just heard from my friend in Asheville and
            although having gone through struggles, all is well!! I am so happy for her! So grateful! As I thought, she was helping others less fortunate
            throughout all of this, even though she seemed to be struggling herself. Love reflected in Love.

  10. Some years ago while working on our pool, I walked under the slide, unaware that Yellow Jacket wasps had built a nest underneath. As I headed toward the house suddenly, it felt as though I was being shot multiple times in my back! Yanking my teeshirt off–grateful that we had a privacy fence–I ran into the house. I was a ‘newbie’ in CS but as I calmed down,, Gen. 1:31 reminded me that everything that was made was ‘very good’–so that had to mean the wasps were good & could do no harm–the pain of the stings stopped immediately & not even a red spot was to be seen of the attack. What a blessing we have in this Science!

  11. Thank you Evan for sharing this healing with us. I always love thinking about the verse you mentioned in the article from Luke 10:19:
    “I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
    Very powerful to remember that through spiritual understanding of reality we can see and EXERCISE the power and dominion God has given us over any type of error.

  12. I love this. I have had quick healings of strings. And I have learned to love the insects that fly through my garden. I even learned to love poison oak calling it love oak when I see it. And no longer suffering from it. We never need to be afraid. I am so grateful for this and all the comments today.
    I came across the SV of October 2nd and it fits well with this Blog. Thank you so much Evan.♥️.

  13. I can relate to this. About two years ago I was picking blackberries and I moved over to another part of the blackberry patch and started picking when I felt a couple of what felt like stabs on my arms. It was a nest of yellowjackets. I couldn’t be angry since I was encroaching on their home. I prayed and moved over to another area to pick and the pain was gone in 10-15 minutes.
    Thank you for sharing it with the public Evan.

    1. That is great, Kirsten. I once was mowing with a push mower at a customers
      and felt the same type of stabs, as I had stirred up an underground yellow jacket
      nest that the mower had gone over, without knowing they were there. With God’s
      protection, the vehicle I came in, “happened” to be parked a few feet away –
      (normally not parked there), so was able to quickly jump inside, love and eject the
      ones who were just protecting their home – not being angry with them, where their
      stings were healed quickly and I was able to avoid the others who went back to
      their nest, being harmless and carrying on without any more disruption.
      I have had other instances also, coming across hidden nests in bushes and have been protected. I currently have a hornet’s nest on my house, but it is not disturbing
      anyone and was able to easily trim bushes right near it without any bothering my
      work and didn’t even see one coming or going. God’s nature is Good – not harmful
      is what I’ve been learning … ongoing lessons.

  14. Dear Evan, many many thanks for your great testimony. It’s so enlightening and uplifting. It’s heartwarming to choose Love and forgiving lovingly the wasps, as they only want to protect their wasp folk . Am always standing in awe how clear, loving and simple you pray for the scientific healing.
    You mentioned a thought with which you prayed, too, i.e. that the healing Power of Christ is working in you and loving you that moment and neutralising the error. In a moment of trouble I do also pray with these holy truth thought which is very comforting.
    Your wonderful testimonies always give me a lot!
    Much Love to you and all for their so helpful comments!♡♡♡

    1. I also read the book by Allan Boone “Kinship with all Life”. As I heard was Allen Boone a Christian Scientist. This book moved me a lot, special the story with Strongheart, his dog. Animals are lovely creatures of God and express also Love and understanding because they are also the expression of divine Mind, the one eternal Mind.
      Thanks Demaris for mentioning this book. I found it very interesting!:)

      1. In case anyone might still see this…
        Allen Boone also wrote these two books:
        Letters to Strongheart
        The Language of Silence
        Church friends kindly gave these to me just a couple weeks ago since they know I love animals and creatures. (I already had Kinship with all Life.) I’ve started the first few pages and the books are so comforting, moving, inspiring. If you ever have the opportunity to read them….
        These church friends said Allen was a Christian Scientist and a very dear man who helped animals and people.

        Thank you, Even, for this beautiful healing and for the expression of love to the wasps. It really touched my heart.

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