A powerful defense against the coronavirus

April 4, 2020 | 27 comments

I just had an article published by the Christian Science Sentinel online, that equips the thinker with a spiritual response toward any suggestion of threat from the coronavirus. You can find it by clicking on this link,
“You have no power over me.”


27 thoughts on “A powerful defense against the coronavirus”

  1. So grateful this has been published. I have shared it with a friend. Thank you for the simple but powerful thought “You have no power over me”.

  2. Thank you Evan. Such a simple but powerful truth. I am so grateful for God’s protection. Blessings to all.

  3. In two articles
    “There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance
    in personal sense.”

    “The Scientific Statement of Being does not permit
    a personality called me to mask the divine I AM.”

  4. Another article.

    “The Scientific Statement of Being is the vantage
    point from which we live and look out on the

    Science and Health p. 492 22-28 Marginal heading
    “Scientific ultimatum.”
    “The notion that mind and matter commingle in the human illusion as to sin, sickness, and death must eventually submit to the Science of Mind, which denies this notion. God is Mind, and God is infinite; hence all is Mind. On this statement rests the
    Science of being, and the Principle of this Science is divine, demonstrating harmony and immortality.”

    1. Some priceless lines from Mr. Bicknell Young who twice taught the Normal Class

      “We come now to see God and man. By the way, has it ever occurred to you that this is an ambiguous statement, God and man? Might we not as well say God and something else? We have read, and heard, and spoken of God and idea, God and manifestation, of God and man, but we are to see that we cannot accept God as All and still have something else besides. If we are to have man, the only way this can be is for God and the Christ-man, the Christ-consciousness, to be the same, the very same Being. “I and my Father are One.”

      “God literally is All. God constitutes all Being. Now the next question comes, “What is God?” When we think of God as Principle, infinite, eternal, indivisible and omnipresent cause, without beginning and without ending, then we can see without question that a cause must be a cause to something–that something which we call effect. Cause and effect is one, co-eternal, co-existent, and of the same substance.

      “Now we arrive at the Truth that God, as infinite Principle, is the cause of His manifested Being which appears as effect, not separate from each other, but always One. The moment we touch the center within our own being–the divine essence of Being–we contact not only God, but the Life of individual man.

      “The correct treatment from the one standpoint of Spirit or Soul, is to go within to the center of one’s own being. Never take the name or the identity of the patient there. Never take the so-called claim, whether it be called disease, unemployment, insanity or sin. Take nothing there but God, and God is there already. “

  5. Thank you Evan. Also thsnk you to M for your comment about the Scientific Statement of Being and personality.-lovely thought for all situations.

  6. One healing of a claim of discord/disease proves the rule and possibility of all healings, as Mrs.Eddy has said (I paraphrase). One healing is a promise of more. The Great Giver is always supporting creation and supplying its darling ideas with the wherewithal to be “gentle beams of living love” (from one of Mrs.Eddy’s poems). I love this forum and the leaven of love thus shared. The Great Heart of the Universe maintains us all. What a perfect plan!! Gratitude to all !

  7. Thank you for this grand article, and also for recent blogs. What powerful declarations and insights! I am so grateful for the protecting and healing truths shared. Your love for mankind, and generous sharing, have far-reaching benefits for all mankind. Thank you so very much.

  8. Thank you Evan for this wonderful article with your great testimony and for the above lovely Spring foto. It is so refreshing, tks a lot. I am grateful for Tony Loble who posted this article already this morning (European time) on Facebook, where I immediately read it with much gratitude!
    Will enjoy reading it later on another time.
    Yes, because I am meanwhile more aware of the range of the Scientific Statement of Being by Mary Baker Eddy, I love to pray with it often. It is very very important for our healing work.
    Am very thankful for Evan`s healing blog so lovingly presented to us each morning and specially for this article sent even on Saturday.
    Thank you very much for your inspired comments, dear SpiritView friends!

  9. Many times humanity is given the opportunity to prove which is the basis for life, matter or spirit? As Jesus demonstrated and many times those who depend upon spirit have demonstrated, there is really only one good choice. Spirit. To choose the opposite is to collude with our own self destruction, Beyond the logos is the reality of life demonstrated in the spiritual understanding that is harmonious and aligned with that one purpose of celebrating and give gratitude for all that is good.

  10. SH 119: “When we endow matter with vague spiritual power,—that is, when we do so in our theories, for of course we cannot really endow matter with what it does not and cannot possess…”

  11. Thank you Evan ! Wonderful to have first thing in the morning ! I have shared it with loved ones .

  12. A treat for Saturday. Thanks M for your added comment.

    The Annual Meeting of Mother Church is on “Duty to God, our Leader
    And to Mankind” . An article by Charles Ferris entitled” daily Self Defence” in pamphlet Safety is a great how to help .
    Evan you are a sure help. Thanks again

  13. Thank you once again Evan for your inspiration. I love this article and I also love the fact that we can click on it and listen to it. I can do that when I go for a walk. I have shared this with others this morning
    In my neighborhood many are writing inspirational words on the pavement as well as sweet little drawings. One in particular caught my eye. “No germ” and next to it was a drawing of the Coronavirus with a big thick line thru it. It was saying loud and clear, “You have no power over me”
    Thank you to all who contribute to this incredible blog you are also very inspiring!

  14. What a beautiful article Evan. Since this whole thing started, my first thought was, we must eliminate the fear. It is not the virus we need to treat, but the fear of the virus itself. It frustrated me that the world around me, even my coworkers who work at our Christian daycare became afraid. I didn’t know how to help them see that the fear is what needs to be removed. I began to pray for myself and my family. Some of my family urged me to stay home from work , I told them I was not afraid and that everyone in my house would be ok and so would my the kids I work with. Contagion was not going to be a problem. I reached out to a my practitioner for help. We worked on loving unconditionally. What has been beautiful to slowly begin to come out in these last two weeks of corontine, is tr hat many people are posting things and articles which state that it is our fear of getting the virus that makes us open to getting it. And these are not from other Christian scientists. To me I see this as God’s healing work in action. Perfect Love Casteth out fear. As we work to see the unreality of the fear, the false evidence which appears real disappears revealing the truth for all.

  15. One other thought that stood out to me in Evan’s article. Jesus didn’t “take precautions ” He understood so fully the nothingness of error, he didn’t need Pikots help or protection in order to accomplish the resurrection, Jesus knew he needed God’s power and God’s power alone. The absolute belief soly in one power and one power only is what truly makes us immune to error of any kind. I still am a long ways from demonstrating this, and still have to take many practical human footsteps, but every time I see examples of this it makes me stop and think “am I truly having no other Gods before me?” Haha often the answer is no lots to work on.

  16. I love the way this so called disaster ids bringing people together and all the people of all religions are meditating and praying for the world together. Tonight speaking with an art group member who I know is a church-going person but not CS, and he said he too felt that CV was bringing people together but he said he thinks some people are very frightened because they are afraid they will die and then added, “WHY be afraid of death when there is ONLY LIFE..Life and more Life!? Just transition ! What do they think will happen or be”there” when they go? There can only be the great I AM so there is nothing to be afraid of. God is with us here and now and always will be. No time no past no future ..only God’s NOW ness”
    Wow! I thought this was marvellous and quite unexpected from someone of anioher religion as he was “speaking our language” but then the language of Love is the same everywhere. I think we are all praying to see peacefulness and kindness and appreciation of others efforts and realising we are in this unique time in history when the world has an opportunity to change for the better.

  17. Thank you so much. I read SV everyday. U nailed it with this article. Sharing and keeping this one.

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