Are you dancing?

August 13, 2013 | 3 comments

Life’s not about waiting for the storm to pass.
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

~ Vivian Greene

3 thoughts on “Are you dancing?”

  1. Thank you Evan for sharing this quotation from Vivian Greene; she is an Inspiration. YES! the cloud is lifting…and I am Dancing!

  2. Thanks Evan. I was just able to read your blogs today and here in the Philippines this is the 4th day of heavy pours of rain. The clouds have always been busy up to now. I live in the mountain area and I’ve always been grateful that we never experience floods here unlike in the lowland areas where flood is always an issue. Yesterday our baby sitter was counting the days it had been raining and I tried to count with her. But this morning I tried to let the Bible Lesson do me and although I’ve kept knowing god always protects His children and all it came to me to also appreciate whatever the good purpose for the continuous rain. I also realized how the children were enjoying swimming in the floods and the TV reporter was mentioning that these children never try to consider about getting sickness from so doing. I realized their childlike trust in Good alone so they continue to dance in the rain.

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