15 thoughts on “Be honest and do the right thing”

  1. “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
    (Philippians 4:8)
    For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: …
    (Proverbs 23:7 (to :))
    Nor is there a wrong way to do the right thing, for in humility we have the mind and love of Christ, the fulfillment of what we are, in God’s way.

  2. What comes to thought concerning this heading, “Navigation.” Transportation from one place to another has over the ages advanced from following the sun and the stars to the GPS of today.
    Still we haven’t attained the navigable thought process that our Master Jesus had. He boarded a ship and “immediately the ship as at the land wither they went”. See John 6: 17 – 21.
    A “crab course” in navigation is steering away from your destination to allow for currents that would pull you away from you destination. Tides aren’t always visible, but a straight course aimed right at your destination will disappoint you. Allotments must be made in exact calculations so that progress toward your goal is efficient and accurate. The same is true in aviation due to wind’s influence in the flight path.
    Let us not let the currents and winds of mortal mind effect the proper course as our destination is to become perfect, Matthew 5:48, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect”.
    Science and Health page 95: 32 – 3 , “Humanity advances slowly out of sinning sense into spiritual understanding; unwillingness to learn all things rightly binds Christendom with chains.”
    ” There is no right way to do the wrong thing”, gives plenty to consider while navigating through our day. Thanks Evan for showing us the efficient course, so we will arrive at our destination on time as directed.

  3. I have a friend who turns 95 this month. She was born in China and was given away by her parents at age nine as they were unable to feed her.
    How did she survive and not become bitter? By doing the right thing. She always gave her best and never complained.
    When she immigrated to the US she worked in the fields always being grateful. She taught her children to always give thanks and do the right thing.
    This spiritually minded women today loves God and still loves doing her best, caring for others, and she says “never stop learning”…

    1. What a Marvelous example of one person who is a lovely light to all who know her. Thank you for sharing her story. It’s beautiful. Thank goodness we can remember & try to emulate those in our lives who consistently show kindness, express grace and equanimity even through really challenging times. They’re our benchmarks ~ Christ Jesus especially ~ but also every one who follows his unyielding devotion. It’s wonderful to know HOW life can be lived!
      Beginning with gratitude, & continuing with Love

  4. This quote is so true!
    We should find no excuses not to follow our precious teachings from the bible and Science & Health.

    ‘ For we aim for what is honourable not only in the Lords sight but also in the sight of man.’ 11 Cor 8 v21
    Blessings to all❣️

  5. Yes!! The question is, what is wrong-doing?
    I’m finding that the great temptation is to see evil in another, be disturbed by it, and then connive a way to control them or circumstances to fix it. This is malpractice, wrong from the start. There’s no right way to do this wrong thing. Right from the start I must must never identify anyone as evil, but separate it from the individual. I must see the image of omnipotent God ever-present. I must UNSEE the claim of evil’s power to control ANYONE’s thought, including mine, for the only true thought is of Mind, and Mind is God, and no evil ever has, ever can or ever will control God!
    Mary Baker Eddy writes:
    “All mental malpractice arises from ignorance or malice aforethought. It is the injurious action of one mortal mind controlling another from wrong motives, and it is practised either with a mistaken or a wicked purpose.”
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 451:26)
    “When the illusion of sickness or sin tempts you, cling steadfastly to God and His idea. Allow nothing but His likeness to abide in your thought. Let neither fear nor doubt overshadow your clear sense and calm trust, that the recognition of life harmonious — as Life eternally is — can destroy any painful sense of, or belief in, that which Life is not.”
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 495:14–20)

  6. This is a great quote! I loved Rabbi Kushner’s book, “When Bad Things Happen to Good People.” It’s not Christian Science, but at the time neither was I, and though I don’t remember much about it (other than noting some similarities -and some differences – with CS), I do recall it was quite comforting. Inspiration and Divine Truth can be found all around us!

  7. I just finished composing a Christian science article that was in response to a healing that is needed. And therefore is supplied and supported and will be recognized. I was celebrating the demands on me to think and sync with the right way and to do the right thing and be true to the spiritual laws. This blog and peoples’ comments remind me that while I had very quickly affirmed in my thought that whoever found the individual’s envelope with their entire cash and money and access to future money would be “Truth’s honest child of pure and sinless heart, who treadests undefiled in Christly paths apart“… but this reminded me that I also need to know that everyone naturally does and enjoys the process of being honest and doing the right thing. This blog reminded me to pray more deeply about passers by and those who might be near the envelope. It is our very nature and so it is our expectation and our exhilaration to be and feel the joyous freedom of being Truth’s honest child, Love’s loving child. Mind’s mindful right-thinking child.

    I had not even realized the first 15 or whatever hours after I found out about the missing envelope, that it had also included a debit card to her wages and a credit card to get social security. And then I realized that Principle’s integrous child would want to pick up the litter and properly deal with it and would recognize the contents and be inspired by divine Mind to look at the name on the credit and debit cards and then could call those banking institutions or community credit unions and tell them what was found where and ask the institutions to call their customer and alert her and the phone number and address of the person who was holding it safely to give to her. And Truth’s honest child includes the person who was visited in that apartment complex would as divine Mind’s compassionately alert and wise child think rightly to maybe ask a frequent visitor who lives next door and there’s more able to walk to search the parking lot and find it. I coincidentally had a text message from someone who lives close to her and gladly walked through her parking lot searching for it. It was not found, but I found more inspiration. For me to be honest and do the right thing as a Christian Science practitioner, my being honest and conscientious is not enough; I need to honestly hold to there being only one reality — perfect spirit God as all, one Supply/Demand/Activation. No possibility of loss. We can count on or bank on God being honest and doing the right thing, and therefore, all of creation being and doing the same.

  8. I appreciate this so much. Much to my own dismay and surprise, I attempted to knowingly do something the wrong way a while back. Of course personal sense had an excuse for justification in the matter. And of course this false method did not work out and my error was exposed to people involved as well as to myself. Talk about embarrassing, disappointing, and shameful. So I immediately asked how I could make it right and was advised. I changed my method and all was immediately well. I was struck by the gracefulness and quietness of the other parties. They could have reprimanded or scolded me, but they didn’t. They quietly helped me through the situation. I had an hour drive home afterwards and I prayed to God and asked for forgiveness for dishonoring my Father-Mother. I reminded myself to not be hard on others when they make mistakes as I had, and I vowed I would demonstrate my repentance by being honest and forgiving to others. It was a good lesson on many levels. And as much discomfort this causes by putting it out to the world openly, maybe it will help someone else. Even before the incident, “Honest assessment” is something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately in regards to prayer and spiritual growth. I’m so grateful God is gentle with us as we grow in our spiritual understanding of God’s Allness. It’s imperative that we too are gentle and knowing the Truth about our neighbor’s spiritual perfection and only God derived qualities right where it seems like they are doing the wrong thing. Isn’t our atmosphere full of opportunities to do this these days?

  9. There is also the version by Mark Twain, “It’s never wrong to do the right thing”. All throughout the day we seem to be assaulted by news of wrong and evil things going on within families, neighborhoods, cities, country, the world, that appear to be disheartening, depressing, discouraging, etc. But, instead of being distracted by evil, we need to “wake up” and use our spiritual sense (which we all innately have as children of God) and see things from a different perspective. As this article states, “any erroneous situation or condition exists only within the dream of mortality and that we command the situation by not being deceived by its seeming reality.”

    1. J thank you for this article. It is so clear, comforting and absolute in exposing the falsity of the dream of life in matter. Sharing it with us was definitely a “right thing.”

  10. Wow! What a feast! you all chose the right way to do and say the right thing. Thank you for all the examples of God’s goodness expressed. It can only ripple out and cause more honesty in our world. Evan, what a special blog this is!

  11. To listen to God, to be obedient to God and to trust GOD!
    Am thankful for all the wonderful comments her!
    Thank you Evan – it is all so helpful you give us every day with your inspiring spiritual views!♡

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