Boarding a flight for the New Year

December 31, 2020 | 64 comments

A reader forwarded this flight plan for the New Year to share with you. Enjoy.

Welcome aboard Flight #2021. We are preparing for an on-time departure into the New Year.

Please make sure your Attitude and Actions are secured and locked in an upbeat and upright position.

All self-destructive thoughts should be turned off at this time and remain off forever.

Any negativity, hate, and discouragement must remain completely stowed.

In the unlikely event we lose Altitude while under pressure, simply reach up and pull down a Prayer.

Prayers will automatically activate if you have Faith. With Faith, you will be able to assist other passengers.

There will be NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight.

Now, Captain God has cleared us for takeoff.

Our first destination is Love, with continuing stops at Peace and Joy.

Before you deplane make sure you don’t leave any of your Hopes and Dreams behind. Once these are lost, they cannot be reclaimed.

If there’s anything we can do to make your flight more enjoyable, please do the same by paying it forward.

We wish you a pleasant flight!

Have a Happy New Year❤️

64 thoughts on “Boarding a flight for the New Year”

  1. Yes! All aboard, together, on this flight into the unknown, using our deepest faith, our inner sense of our Higher Power, God, to navigate!
    Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Haha! Perfect, thank you.
    Whenever I am preparing for take off I find the fitst line of a favourite Hymn, “In Atmospher of Love divine, I live and move and breathe” , repeating in my thought.
    With elevated thoughts, in place, we are indeed in a secure and safe position to assist our fellow passengers.
    Wishing all SV’ers an enriching and fulfilling 2021.
    In Scotland we say, “all the best for the bells”
    In Science we know we are always travelling with Love as our pilot.

      1. Dear Angie, The article you forwarded this morning had a very positive effect. I had been challenged for decades with the effects of the past. Now a different perspective has brought a solution.
        Thanks for this incredibe answer.

  3. Wonderful…brought a smile to my face! When you go up in that plane ( pray for more spiritual consciousness) you break through any cloud ( mortal error ) ….for … there’s the sunshine ( Gods plan for you an me.)
    Love and blessings to you and yours Evan. Thank you for all your guidance and support. I’m so looking forward to 2021 with this S V family …always full of helpful loving comments. Happy New Year everyone❣️

  4. This brought me to tears! Tears of joy! I’m ready to board this flight with JOY! Thank you so much to the one who wrote this and to you, Evan, for sharing it!! ❤️

  5. This brought tears to my eyes! Tears of joy! I’m ready to board this flight with you! Many thanks to the one who wrote it and to you, Evan, for sharing it! So happy to be flying with ALL in 2021!❤️ Sarah

  6. Elated! Great way to sour into the heights of Mind. Leaving the old for the new, with wings of unbounded freedom.
    Thank you for this very special flight ticket.
    My Grand Daughters are going to love it!

  7. This is a wonderful way to start the nee year. Thank you Even and to whoever sent it to you. Thank you Angie for sharing that article. It is wonderful.De

  8. That was a fun/lighthearted message. Thanks Evan for passing it along and thanks to everyone in the SV family that contribute so much in all your caring posts.
    A dear friend told me “John you can be deeply in earnest and still spiritually lighthearted.”
    I offer you all around the globe a sincere and lighthearted HAPPY NEW YEAR…

  9. How perfect for the New Year and for every day. Thanks to who wrote this, and Evan for sharing it. So appreciate all the good this blog brings out. Blessings to all.

  10. That is awesome! Thank you so much for your daily posts. I really enjoy them and appreciate the thought provoking guides.

  11. Loved this Fun and inspiring Flight Plan.
    One of the greatest Blessings this year for me has been the introduction to SpiritView, Evan’s inspiring insights, and the supporting, uplifting comments and articles shared by you all.
    Wishing you all a Blessed, Happy, Healthy, Prosperous, Love filled, New Year.

  12. Evan, thanks so much for sharing this!
    Great ideas to live with for the New Year (which always begins with our thinking as each day is the start of a new year in Spirit).

  13. Heavenly uplifts of thought. Thank you and a great way to start off the new year. Each day, hour, minute we can start anew with our outlook and ascend with angel thoughts to heavenly places.

  14. Really great, I will save it! I shared it with my son a United pilot.
    He responded so positively. He’s a good Christian, though not CS.

  15. Happy New Year 2021.Thank you for SpiritView and all its readers.
    Wherever we go we put God and God’s thoughts first

  16. Perfect❣️ Delightful❣️ Joyous & wonderful
    As SpiritView is always
    Thank you Dear Evan
    Thank you, each snd every SpiritViewer
    God is blessing us, everyone, everywhere

  17. This was spot on, thank you! My flight preparation
    is Psalms 139: 9 and 10.
    “If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell
    in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there
    shall thy hand lead me and thy right hand
    shall hold me.”
    This has been a comfort during multiple trips to
    South Africa from Southern California, and any
    flight I am on!

  18. Prepare for lift off!! I can just feel the surge of joy as our flight commences to enter the lofty heights of Mind! The destination of a Happy New Year is assured! Love and blessings to all.

  19. So many of us SV readers rarely have anything to say, but please know that every day all the contributions are deeply appreciated by more people than you can know around the world. We may chuckle at each other’s misprints, sigh over each other’s challenges and wish that we could share hugs. But Evan and contributors, you are loved and respected for your generous affection for us all. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  20. This was a superbly super post. Wishing you all a New Year of Sudden Surprises of Joy and Love.. Yesterday at the beach there was a young woman teaching a male friend how to use her new super-cool hula hoops. I’m sure there are “How to hula hoop” lessons available online. It looked like such fun!! So let’s have a happy, hippy, hoopy New Year with big strides in social justice!!
    Btw, I came across an article I wrote called “New Joys at Christmas” published in the Dec. 17, 2012 CSS. It’s also appropriate for the new year. With love to all…

    1. What a lovely article, Cathryn. And thanks to Tristan for adding the link to it. I got such joy by reading about your sharing the Christ on the beach Christmas day. And how blessed you and many others were!

    2. Cathryn, that was a joy to read and be inspired by. What a treat. I so enjoy the plane ride, Evan. That also was a real treat and will be shared. Happy New Year to all the wonderful contributors to this blog. Blessings abound.

  21. Wow, this is so perfect! Thank you Evan for a marvelous year of inspiration! Thank you too to all of you for your inspired comments and thoughts.

  22. “In heavenly love abiding, no change my heart shall fear” is the beginning of a favorite hymn of mine. May we all look forward to positive changes and increasing our knowledge of, and love for, God, in the New Year. Blessings to ALL!

  23. “Everlasting arms of Love are beneath, around above”….in flying I’d always say this often. I was a former airline hostess for Continental many years ago and enjoyed this thought as I was on a flight!

  24. This message is clever, creative and wise. Please pass on our comments and compliments to the writer and thank you Evan for sharing. It gave me a “lift” and made me smile. Much truth can be shared through humor, which I feel is an offshoot of Joy, a quality of God

    Soaring up and forward (Godward) with the dear SpiritView family, with gratitude and humility. Happy New Year to ALL !!

  25. When the wheels leave the ground there is a momentary rush of freedom from materiality. As a private pilot for many years I felt this spiritual lifting of attitude, the gaining altitude of freedom, a truer sight and sound, a true peace. A newer, truer view! Christian Science can do more than lift us off the ground however! This group of loving, sharing individuals has also lifted many to a clearer view, a brighter outlook, the knowledge of being loved, accepted, cherished and prayed for. Thank you Evan for your continuing gift of lighting our paths. Blessings to all. Ellen

  26. Thank you very much indeed for posting this lovely allegory, dear Evan.And thanks to your reader, who sent it
    It is inspiring and something to ponder! The idea comes “flighing and soaring above dark clouds, leaving all wrongs behind and moving up to Spirit, God!♡

  27. WONDERFUL! I will print this, and have it at my desk to start each day. Better yet, make 2 copies and read it with the lesson each day!

  28. From Marge, Laguna Woods

    Many thanks for including me in this inspiring and practical subject to use and work with during
    the coming year. The simile of the airplane soars above the aggressive suggestions so close
    these days.

  29. What a WONDERFUL way to start the New Year. Love winging it’s way around the world, blessing all.
    Thank you everyone for such beautiful comments.

  30. Brilliant. Love winging it’s way around the world, blessing all with Truth and Love.
    Thank you everyone for all your beautiful words.

  31. This reminds me of the old adage, “If God is your copilot, you’re sitting in the wrong seat.” We certainly don’t need to store any baggage in the overhead compartment.

  32. Hello Evan
    My name is Terry G. Nelson Sr.
    The poem you are referring to was written in 2012. It was originally titled Flight 2012. I am the author of the books Writing The Vision and Let The Children Play. It can also be found in the second version of my book Written The Vision along with Flight 2018

    [email protected]

  33. Hello
    When I wrote this I had no idea it would touch so many. Praise be to God. If anyone is interested in the book it is in it’s called Writing The Vision
    The original poem is Flight 2012. Be blessed.

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