Boosted courage

November 30, 2023 | 26 comments

Have no fear of challenges looming before you. You can face them with confidence and courage that the Mind of God gives you the understanding you need to surmount any difficulty and rise to higher levels of accomplishment.

As the saying goes, “True courage is like a kite. Contrary winds lift it higher.”

26 thoughts on “Boosted courage”

  1. Yesterday I was searching through some past notes for extra inspiration and came across this sentinel article from 1995…
    Overcoming resistance to healing
    Mary Metzner Trammell . I’m sorry I don’t know how to link this for you all to read but maybe someone can do this ?
    It expands Evan’s thoughts for today beautifully. Thank you Evan for reminding me to rise above seeming toil and worry…with confidence , always.❣️

    1. Un grand merci pour ce très bel article et merci Evan pour ces inspirations quotidiennes qui offre un soutien et une fraîcheur nouvelle chaque jour.

  2. I loved, “… the Mind of God gives you the understanding you need to surmount any difficulty and rise to higher levels of accomplishment.” Good to hear that we don’t have to struggle to “get” the needed understanding but that God, divine Mind is pouring it forth as we humbly listen.

  3. English Translaion:
    Many thanks for this very beautiful article and thank you Evan for these daily inspirations which offer support and new freshness every day.

    1. very grateful to you Pat, for the translation, it’s helpful for the understanding of the gratitude pouring forth..

  4. This boost of courage, inspiration and reading the articles that coincide with
    this message.. Thank you dear Evan, Barbara, (Ginny) and J , set thought in high
    places. It is when we have faith of the angels, that we can fly like a kite,
    because we have no burdens to anchor us down. I noticed in the photo,
    there are no strings, but the kite is as free as a bird to soar above materiality
    into the heights of Spirit… When the wind seems to be against us, if we set
    our thoughts on Godward goals, the heavenly Love, gives us power and
    strength we need to feel and know this divine presence. Also, it is the wind
    that gives uplift to a kite, so the adversities that seem to be, can really be
    the boosts of inspiration that set us free.
    “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
    really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do”…..
    – Eleanor Roosevelt
    God/Spirit/Love gives us this courage and how wonderful for that. A good flying
    day to all!

  5. From the Glossary of Science and Health:
    “Wind. That which indicates the might of omnipotence and the movements of God’s spiritual government, encompassing all things.” page 597

  6. Where the Cherry Blossoms Fly

    Cherry blossoms out
    Sweet smell of rising spirits
    Casting away one’s doubt

    Yet the trade wind blows
    Each petal softly up and down
    Casting many unknowns

    Only the serene can watch
    and know the certainty about
    where the Cherry blossoms fly

    1. This poem seems fresh and new, are you writing poetry now? I love the serene “watch”, and the ‘seeing’ cherry blossoms fly image. It is vitally important to healing vision problems. Gracious and many thanks.

  7. Thank you Carol – very well put. Very observant of you to notice that the kite had no strings
    Thinking about that, the thoughts that came to me were that the the strong winds of evil that
    claim to have the power to harm us, actually have no power at all… Those very winds which would appear to be harmful and destructive, actually breaks us free from those false claims, and so we cannot be tied down any more by them and governed by someone else pulling the strings, and bringing us back down to earth to manipulate us. What seems to be destructive powers in fact force us to work harder at understanding where all the true power lies, and letting that power lift us up right out of the evil claims, to where we gain our true freedom
    in the heavenly kingdom.

    I hope you don’t mind me adding my thoughts to your post that came to me.
    It has been a useful exercise. love, Maggie

    “Blow, winds of God, awake and blow
    The mists of earth away…..”
    Christian Science Hymnal, No. 142:3)

    1. Thank you, dear Maggie, for your additional insights. Please always feel free to add your
      thoughts to my posts. I appreciate it very much. They are now and always are
      very helpful in having us see the angel thoughts that surround us within the heights
      of Mind. That is a great hymn you shared, also. Thank you ..

  8. Thank you for the link to Susan Booth Mack Snipes’ article. Thank you all for this SV. It really hit the spot. Thank you Evan for your inspiring topics which so often are just what we need.

  9. If you are asking me if I mind the additional thoughts to the poem above. Not at all. I am glad that it inspired you to add your thoughts to it and your lines of poetry as well. As in Elijah, God was not in the earthquake, the wind or the fire but in that still small voice of Truth. Those who are able to watch the uncertainty, unaffected by the winds are strong in connection of truth, not having to manipulate it for their own reasons, are confident that which created the wind, created them as well making the viewer and the view one in thought, experience and reality: as in a joyful, harmonious experience.

    We need not see the uncertainty as an unknown frightening event extraneous to us, but participate in what we know to be true. There is one God, many expressions of that one self-existent being.

    1. A boost by any other means would not be as sweet; I though Jose was a new contributor, but Josef surprised me by the new poem offered, not Jose. Instant healing and instant understanding, both together, accomplished clearer vision instantly. Grateful. Thank you.

  10. Thanks to Evan for these spiritual topics to consider and thanks to all the readers here for examples, comments and encouragement on the topics. I especially appreciate the articles that relate and expand the topic. It seems to me that online forums like this are the new place to come in contact with literature based on the divine Science of God. Reading Rooms are not reaching as many people as these online forums. Churches still distribute literature, but again, the online opportunity to reach people who are interested is much bigger than leaving a periodical in a laundromat. The problem is, that the distribution used to be free to the public. Even at the laundromat people got an entire periodical. The churches paid for the literature and Reading Rooms. Now, online, the public is required to pay to read the literature. The only thing available to the public from an official source is a daily lift and one article or podcast a month. Then a paywall is up. That is really a very meager offering. So, any distribution points from other sources like this one are very valuable. Thanks to all who provide and support this venue. .

    1. I agree very much with you, dear Kay … about the outreach of the articles. I appreciate
      very much the sharing here of the entirety of the articles, as often there are others
      related to it or in conjunction with the article I wish to read, but am limited with not
      subscribing, once the “Free content” is used up. To me, it is almost like Jesus charging
      for his sermons. I think it limits the spreading of spiritual information and with the
      economy the way it is, that is unfortunate for those seeking the Truth, for those perhaps
      not having the means to subscribe to the past articles. So, I really do appreciate the
      Shared Content.

  11. Thank you very much, dear Evan, for the strong encouragement you give us to meet and heal chellenges with confidence!
    We can trust God, divine Mind, to give us the right ideas and strength enough to meet the chellenges fearlessly! Also the Bible assures us in this week’s lesson, that God gives us strength enough. ♡

    Am very grateful for the articles, dear “J”! ♡
    Thanks also for your inspiring comments, dear SpiritView friends!♡

  12. Thank you, Evan, for your posts this week of peace. Christian Scientists around the world gave thanks last week for God’s constant care and healing for all of us.
    Is it any wonder hostages – especially children – are being freed in Israel. I am gree as regular to SV fans for each one’s thinking on various topics and sharing articles for deeper study. What a blessing Evan’s posts are for all of us!
    Much love from Waikiki

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