Category: children

Children need Sunday school

January 13, 2020 | 19 comments

“It’s about time!” I thought, when reading a recent article written by a professional who works with children and has seen clear evidence that children with religion are much better off mentally than children deprived of faith in a higher

Find the child to love

December 30, 2019 | 27 comments

If you ever have a hard time finding something good in another person who irritates you, look a little deeper. There is an awesome child of God to see there that might not be apparent at surface glance. Here’s a

Practicing Christian Science is not hard

October 24, 2019 | 18 comments

More than once, I’ve heard a person trying to practice Christian Science, but not advancing as fast as they’d like, say, “But it’s so hard!” This belief couldn’t be further from the truth. Practicing Christian Science is a joy. It

Heirs of God

June 20, 2019 | 43 comments

If you didn’t have any human parents, would you still exist? Yes, you would exist the way you’ve always existed, as a perfect spiritual creation in the Mind of God. What appears as a human form is but a minuscule