Category: fear

Have no fear of another’s experience

August 10, 2023 | 33 comments

I’ve heard many people worry about taking on other people’s experiences. For instance, if one has a neighbor who talks on and on about their latest illness and efforts to control it, the listener may soak in what they hear

God will show the way

July 26, 2023 | 28 comments

Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. ~ Psalm 25:4 God always knows the best way to go. You have spiritual sense to hear God’s direction. Shut down all fears, worries and

No missing out with God

July 24, 2023 | 14 comments

If you’re ever afraid of missing out on something good, you can let go of that fear! All good is of God, and eternally ours. Material things come and go. Worldly events come and go. Human relationships are temporal. But