Category: Mind

How to conduct a successful meeting

January 4, 2018 | 24 comments

If you ever need to meet with people who hold a differing point of view from yours, it’s helpful to know ahead of time that only one Mind will be present at your meeting. God is Mind, the one Mind

Are you listening to divine Mind?

December 28, 2017 | 14 comments

Are you listening to the divine Mind or the human mind today? Your answer determines how much progress you can expect to make. The human mind sees limits and often argues for lack. It believes the world is material and

Catch your thermal for the day

December 21, 2017 | 31 comments

Have you ever noticed how many birds can soar to greater heights in the sky without flapping their wings? They don’t struggle to soar. They don’t furiously flap their wings to work their way higher. They don’t get all stressed

Finding confidence

November 7, 2017 | 19 comments

Sometimes I hear people say, “I need more confidence.” And I often reply, “You always have confidence in something. Be sure that your confidence is in the right thing!” There is no such thing as a lack of confidence. Everyone

Throw out the mental junk mail

October 9, 2017 | 17 comments

Our mailbox is about 500 feet from our house, so it’s a short trek to walk down our long driveway to get the mail and bring it back to the house each day. But I enjoy the stroll. It gives