Category: patience

Do you get angry over politics?

August 26, 2020 | 30 comments

So, which comes first; a politician who speaks and acts in ways that get you angry and upset, or a propensity to be angry and upset within yourself before that politician came along? The truth is that another person never

Keep taking progressive steps

August 5, 2020 | 28 comments

With all the government shuts downs, slow-downs, and lock downs, it can be tempting to think that our ability to progress in life is limited. But this isn’t true! Progress always starts with advancement in thought. As thought advances, the

My response to missionaries at my door

July 2, 2020 | 27 comments

I was working in my office early one Saturday morning as I noticed two missionaries walking up our sidewalk. At first, I felt dread, at having to stop my work to deal with them. Our neighborhood is frequented by missionaries

I quit asking the question

June 18, 2020 | 29 comments

My daughter applied for a part-time teaching position that had the potential to take her in a professional direction she found very attractive. The family was excited about its possibilities for her. Whenever we met, we’d ask, “Did you hear