Category: Safety

Responding to road rage

January 11, 2023 | 26 comments

Have you ever been assaulted by road rage when driving out and about? If so, what’s the best way to respond? I tell about the choice I made when faced with a driver who expressed great anger toward me while

Keep thought clean of mortal mind malware

November 3, 2022 | 21 comments

If you’d like events in your life to keep moving along smoothly, be sure to keep the thought governing that life experience clean and free of all mortal mind malware! Mortal mind malware is evil thinking. It’s malicious anger, negative

No infection in reflection

April 20, 2022 | 28 comments

Man is a reflection of God, Christian Science explains. Like an image of a person standing before a mirror is an exact outline of what stands before the mirror, man, the spiritual child of God, reflects the perfection, health, and

What’s never destroyed

April 6, 2022 | 52 comments

Watching missiles destroy civilian targets in Ukraine is heart-wrenching. It is senseless malicious animal magnetism at its height. But I pray to not let my thought remain at a depressing level. I watch many survivors talk about how they will