Category: vlog

Seek the things of Spirit

May 26, 2021 | 15 comments

What’s are the most important things to have in life? Is it money, things, status, or fame? Or is it something much deeper and more substantial? In this video, I share my quest for happiness over the decades, and how

The waiter with the orange eyes

May 20, 2021 | 24 comments

Have you ever been tempted to judge another person by their physical appearance? It’s not the best way to get to know that person, for there is so much more to see than the eye can reveal. But when a

Set spiritual goals

May 12, 2021 | 19 comments

If you want to be successful in whatever you do, set spiritual goals. Nobody can stop you from reaching your spiritual goals. Material goals may be wrong-headed and lead down a dead-end. But spiritual goals are always attainable. I explain

Fill your day with inspiration

May 5, 2021 | 17 comments

Is there bounce in your step? Are you feeling buoyancy and joy in whatever you’re doing? If not, here are some ideas on how to find joy in what you do and how to walk with inspiration along the way.

What about Soul?

April 28, 2021 | 22 comments

What is Soul? Do you understand it? Learn how to unleash your potential by understanding God as Soul. With God as your Soul, you have unlimited abilities and capacities to claim and reflect. This video was filmed in the Valley