Christian Science is not like astrophysics

September 17, 2020 | 28 comments

Recently, I had a frustrated friend who felt like they were failing in their efforts to successfully apply the healing truths of Christian Science say, “Learning Christian Science feels like learning astrophysics!” He felt like the ideas and truths were far above his understanding and about as impossible to understand as the principles of astrophysics would likely be if he tried to learn them.

I reassured him that there is nothing complicated or difficult about learning Christian Science, that its basic truths are simple and easy to grasp and apply.

Jesus Christ was so sure about the simplicity of Truth that he commended the learning ability of a small child as the ideal to strive for.

The book of Matthew records this interchange of Jesus with his followers:

Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them. Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me” (Matthew 18:3-5, NLT).

As Jesus mentions, it is sin that gets in the way of receiving Truth as a little child and being healed by it. Its sin in the thought of the accuser that makes Christian Science seem difficult to demonstrate. Sins such as pride, self-will, self-righteousness, ignorance, hatred, clinging to a material position, fear, lack of effort or initiative, laziness, and their kin. Sin is to blame, never Truth.

Christian Science is simple. It’s about loving God with your whole heart, turning from sin, and expressing God’s love unconditionally toward one’s neighbor. It’s about being spiritually minded, rather than materially minded.

The childlike thought is soonest receptive to Truth and willing to live its guidance.

You don’t have to be an astrophysicist to demonstrate Christian Science. Having the humility and receptivity of a little child is a perfect qualification!

28 thoughts on “Christian Science is not like astrophysics”

  1. Evan this was so helpful and clear.. you don’t have to be an astrophysicist but you can’t ignore sin ( my need for purity)..
    We do need to “Learn what in thine mentality is unlike the anointed” ( Mis.355:21-22 ).
    It’s so interesting that Mrs Eddy calls the healing of sin the emphatic purpose of Christian Science. And refers to healing physical sickness the smallest part of Christian Science (Rud. 2:23f).
    I hope I can do this work joyfully..and be that child..

    1. What a beautiful collection of thoughts! John’s quote led me to find another I must add … further down the page in Misc. Wr. 355:28. It’s part of Mrs. Eddy’s article, “The Way”. “Hold thy gaze to the light, and the iris of faith, more beautiful than the rainbow seen from my window at the close of a balmy autumnal day, will span thy heavens of thought.”. Regardless what mortal mind tosses at us, we can TURN,, and hold our gaze to that light!!
      Thank you, Evan and everyone.

      1. Annette that is wonderful, thank you. Like many people are dealing with, in my region we have had a lingering smoke that has blown in from wherever. No blue sky or bright sun in days (which I love, love, love). But I have been challenging myself to get beyond the weather, the sun, the blue sky to the real light and beauty that is God, Truth, ever present and always available no matter what material image is in front of us. My joy, happiness, beauty, hope truly cannot be hidden or covered up! Your reference is helpful for me along these lines.

  2. I am so attracted to the clarity of thought and precise explanation of what it takes to practice Christian Science. These are gems to put in our treasure chest—thank you Evan. I am also very appreciative of the Spiritview community and the inspiring contributions throughout the thread of blog conversation—thank you all.

  3. If an erroneous belief is persisting it is so easy to ask oneself ‘what am I not thinking right?’ Or, ‘why is this demonstration not happening?. ‘ We are reminded here that it isn’t brain power we need but the receptiveness of a child , with no preconceptions, no dogma or fear of not evaluating our teaching correctly . We need just pure trust in the Truth of our being and faith that God is imparting good , harmony, peace and health to us, right now. , It makes me think of times when I have said to my sons…’just listen a moment!’
    ‘ Be still and know that I am God ‘
    Thank you Evan❣️

    1. Your comment today was repeated at the service last night, readings presented were on Peace. A testimony clearly related to the healed person asking the exact same questions, the answer which brought healing became, “I need to love that person (idea of God) more, right now. The physical bodily pain disappeared gradually, as more love was expressed toward a slew of people, one by one. Love conquered the pain completely, Love led the way. The love expressed was realized much later, when one of the people encountered the testifier, approaching their reunion with shared love for each other. Thank you for your clarifying comments!!

  4. Having studied many books on Christian Science containing the letter of the work, simply put it amounts to just three important words. “God IS Love”.

    Science and Health page 322:26 – 30
    “The sharp experiences of belief in the suppositious life of matter, as well as our disappointments and ceaseless woes, turn us like tired children to the arms of divine Love. Then we begin to learn Life in divine Science,”

    I know the feeling that the disciples had when clinging to Jesus, having the Messiah to feed, comfort, teach and heal them.
    My experience led me to the arms of a wonderful practitioner who is the same dear light, giving everyday the substance of spiritual reality in contrast to the lies of material laws. This practitioner is not person, but a holy light. These angels are everywhere!
    Indeed it is visible in the faces of little children and all that is good and holy.
    “And a little child shall lead them.”
    Thank you for your reflections on the simple and powerful, “easy to be entreated” truths of Christian Science.

  5. It is the acceptance of the right idea about man and his relationship with God, others and oneself. Thank you, Evan.

  6. I think because children are so pure and innocent, they don’t have to “unlearn” all of the built up misbeliefs that older folks seem to accumulate and just naturally radiate, reflect and absorb goodness, but we are all truly children of God, innately, – no matter – where we are in life’s journey. Today’s photo is precious. We All are precious just like this little one.

  7. A couple years ago I stumbled upon an amazing “Letter from those healed” in Miscellaneous Writings, pgs.463-471.
    Pg. 469 lines 5-22 hit the nail on the head for me regarding the simplicity of Truth. It’s a long paragraph:

    “Truth is, and ever has been, simple; and because of its utter simplicity, we in our pride and selfishness have been looking right over it. We have been keeping our eyes turned toward the sky, scanning the heavens with a far off gaze in search of light, expecting to see the truth blaze forth like some great comet, or in some extraordinary manners; and when, instead of coming in great pomp and splendor, it appears in the simpleness of demonstration, we are staggered at it and refused to accept it; our intellectual pride is shocked,… It was foolishness to the Greeks, who excelled in the worldly wisdom of that day;…”

    All we have to do is get ourselves out of the way and be simple and humble, which to human sense can seem like a huge feat. But once we know that’s the key we can let go, let go, let go of human will and material education.

  8. Each day Evan points us towards a more Spiritual look at our motives, experiences and thoughts.
    Our individual comments show the diversity of our thoughts on the focus for each day. I’m so grateful that another person here can direct me into focusing totally differently from my original reaction. This sharing is surely the impartation of Gods Love , our ever increasing progress. Thank you everyone.

  9. Christly unconditional love & exuberant expectancy of good, looked for in all including ourselves, is our True nature & experience.

    -this True perspective wipes out misconceptions such as false suggestions of accumulated accepted false beliefs, referred to as old age -which can seem manifested at any phase of existence; & obliterates nagging false fears ‘in the most effectual manner’ of any false fears we’re falling for aggressive suggestions from news reporting that there could possibly ever be Anyone outside of Christly Unconditional Love. We ALL Are ALWAYS in the The “Everlasting Arms of LOVE”.

  10. I got up this morning deciding to give up on Christian Science for healing of my mobility and more importantly the mobility of my dog. Not seeing any demonstration after weeks of what I think was treatment I have seen no improvement. After reading Spirit View today I will perservere. Thank you all.

    1. Dear Ruth, I heard something once on a Christian Science podcast and will never forget it:

      “Error screams loudest just before it’s crushed and beaten. Don’t give up, give more, do the opposite of what it’s screaming.”

      Error wants to be left alone. Don’t let it! It can’t defeat you. You are embraced in Love. That’s where you live, free.

  11. “Beloved children, the world has need of you,– and more as children than as men and women: it needs your innocence, unselfishness, faithful affection, uncontaminated lives.”- Mary Baker Eddy, Mis 110
    “When, as little children, we are receptive, become willing to accept the divine Principle and rule of being, as unfolded in divine Science, the interpretation therein will be found to be the Comforter that leadeth into all truth.” Mis 188

    Ask God to give thee skill in comfort’s art
    That thou may’st consecrated be and set apart
    Unto a life of sympathy.
    For heavy is the weight of ill in every heart
    And comforters are needed much of Christlike touch.
    –A. E. Hamilton

    Evan, thank you for providing this sacred place of assembly for students of Truth. It is a prism of light for us and for the world.

  12. Wow, this is so needed by me. Thank you Evan. I often wonder if C.S. makes so much sense to me (and it does) and I don’t fight the Principle and I love the teaching and yet, I struggle to demonstrate it. I end up saying to myself “If I understand it, why do I suffer so much with false beliefs?” I don’t ever say that I cannot grasp what C.S. is saying, so why such a battle with healing? It must be fear because the Truth is simple. Thank you everyone for your helpful comments.

    1. Go after the claim that you struggle to demonstrate. God doesn’t struggle and neither do you as God’s reflection! Principle says you do not struggle to demonstrate it!

  13. Thank you Evan for you SpiritView of today and for the very lovely foto up here!♡
    I always loved what Christ Jesus said about children in the above Matthew verse and what you are writing in your today’s healing SpiritView. I love the innocence and purity through which the Christ Science is grasped
    with certainty, and that is effortless as we are God’s reflection! Through prayer we learn to understand that better and better. ☆☆☆

  14. This was so helpful. I think our study is gradual deepening in consciousness of our understanding of this truth. I have been dealing with something for a while that I know is directly tied to a deepening of my alignment with this Truth. Everyone’s comments are so helpful. Thank you Evan and all

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