Clean out any brood of evil

May 9, 2024 | 21 comments

If mortals would keep proper ward over mortal mind, the brood of evils which infest it would be cleared out.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 234

The phrase “brood of evils,” sounds ominous, but it is critical to remember that you are not mortal mind.  The brood of evils found in mortal mind are not your creation or content to carry around and live out.

As a child of God, divine Mind is your Mind, and it’s filled with God’s goodness, spiritual inspiration and heavenly truth.

Jesus faced mortal mind’s “brood of evils,” in the form of hatred, jealousy, malice and contempt aimed at him, but never able to reach him, because he knew his reality with God in Spirit.  He mastered mortal mind’s “brood of evils,” with his final ascension to pure spiritual reality.

We can do the same.  We have Truth to master any apparent evil of mortal mind.  

Mortal mind is not a power to fear.  It’s an error to be uncovered as seen as such.

Side with divine Mind, and master mortal mind.  “Clean house” with spiritual truth—keep your mental house clean and pure.  Cast out any suggestion of evil and prosper with Truth.

21 thoughts on “Clean out any brood of evil”

  1. muy buen tema para reflexionar, la Mente Mortal nos intenta arrebatar lo bueno, la bendición de que somos hijos de Dios, y reflejo del bien infinito, que nuestra experiencia está llena de Armonía y Alegría, Limpiar la casa, que es nuestra conciencia nos ayuda a vivir esa bendición a plenitud, porque aunque nos dejemos engañar por las falsas ideas de la mente Mortal , siempre tenemos a mano la solución para liberarnos de toda mentira a cerca de nuestra verdadera identidad. por eso limpiar, nuestro pensamiento nos trae libertad. saludos para todos

    1. A translation
      very good topic to reflect on, the Mortal Mind tries to take away the good from us, the blessing that we are children of God, and a reflection of infinite good, that our experience is full of Harmony and Joy, Cleaning the house, which is our conscience helps us to live that blessing to the fullest, because even if we allow ourselves to be deceived by the false ideas of the Mortal mind, we always have at hand the solution to free ourselves from all lies about our true identity. That’s why cleaning, our thinking brings us freedom. greetings to all

    2. Source text
      559 / 5,000

      Translation result
      very good topic to reflect on, the Mortal Mind tries to take away the good from us, the blessing that we are children of God, and a reflection of infinite good, that our experience is full of Harmony and Joy, Cleaning the house, which is our conscience helps us to live that blessing to the fullest, because even if we allow ourselves to be deceived by the false ideas of the Mortal mind, we always have at hand the solution to free ourselves from all lies about our true identity. That’s why cleaning, our thinking brings us freedom. greetings to all

  2. Once again, Evan, another wonderfully inspired message and one that we all need to be mindful of and obedient toward as we go through our daily routines. Thanks so much for this.

  3. It is interesting, the word brood, being used by Mrs. Eddy in two separate
    ways – the one above in more of a negative connotation, but yet in Hymn #30,
    the poem she had so beautifully written, on Love, came immediately to mind:
    “Brood o’er us with Thy sheltering wing, ‘Neath which our spirits blend . . .
    Like brother birds, that soar and sing, And on the same branch bend.
    The arrow that doth wound the dove Darts not from those who watch and love.
    If thou the bending reed wouldst break By thought or word unkind, . . .
    Pray that his spirit you partake, Who loved and healed mankind:
    Seek holy thoughts and heavenly strain, That make men one in love remain…”
    The brood in this way is positive, like a bird gently taking care for it’s little ones,
    patiently sitting on the nest, feeding and caring for them …. as God cares for
    all of us. Lovely.

  4. In New England, the spring bulbs and flowering trees show nature’s evidence of dependable beauty.
    But the beautiful evidence of Mind’s knowing never fades, is always present – full and inevitable.

    Thank you Evan, for sharing your inspiration.

  5. May 9, 2024 at 2:35 am
    Hi Uta….this is Albis comment in English….not that I speak Spanish but that I copied..translate..and paste..from the toolbar!…
    Very good topic to reflect on, the Mortal Mind tries to take away the good, the blessing that we are children of God, and a reflection of the infinite good, that our experience is full of Harmony and Joy, Cleaning the house, which is our consciousness helps us to live that blessing to the fullest, because even if we let ourselves be deceived by the false ideas of the Mortal Mind, we always have at hand the solution to free ourselves from all lies about our true identity. that’s why to clean, our thought brings us freedom. greetings to all

    1. very much, Barbara for the translation!♡

      Thank you very much, Evan for your today’s important message in your healing SpiritView Blog. I love what you say there because I need those inspirations very much. I often say this, but to study our weekly lesson helps me to clean my mental household. Above all these healing Bible Lessons lead everyday to the understanding of our total Spirituality. This divine Truth does so good. Thank you all for your nicely inspiring comments. We are all so blessed by our all loving Father-Mother God!♡

  6. Excellent topic today Evan ,so thank you so much .
    I laughed at the ‘cleaner’…looking so happy that the ‘ house’ is clean! Our reward in our consciousness is just as full of joy when we know we’ve attended to Gods thoughts for us and not mortal minds value less dreams❣️

  7. Gracias to Albi and BarbarsUK for great thoughts which we can understand in either language. SpiritView captures important ideas and provides a lovely way to understand and apply to our own lives and to share with our fellow travelers. Mind sends continuous messages directly to each of us. Mind is truly reliable and totally MAGNIFICO!!! Thank you Evan and thanks for sharing you all. Joy! Nancy in Washington DC

    1. Hi Nancy, thanks for “Mind sends continuous messages directly to each of us and is truly reliable and totally MAGNIFICO!”

      I would surely love to be as Joyful as the gentleman in the photo when I am cleaning my home! But if our home is our spiritual consciousness, where we truly dwell (in the secret place of the Most High- Psalm 91), then it can be a joy to see that it is already pure and spotless, waiting for us to recognize this fact.

      Also here’s a link to Daniel Jensen’s ‘Beginning Rightly’ which was mentioned by several people on yesterday’s SV.

  8. It’s funny – I already associate Christian Science strongly with cleaning, as I listen to Sentinel podcasts when I clean the house. It’s great to know there’s also a spiritual meaning in cleaning. Love the pic!

  9. Thanks Evan and all. The photo made me smile. : ) So happy to be cleaning.
    I can use that inspiration around here, but in a way, we do have inspiration
    like that, with helping to keep our thoughts clear and spiritual right here, right
    Fittingly to the topic, yesterday I heard a pop and then a loud crash. A shelf
    bracket had pulled away from the wall and it’s contents came tumbling down.
    Perhaps a sign that it is time to take some more stuff to the thrift shop? Have
    been concentrating on outdoor chores, some, that actually I enjoy doing better.
    But today’s message is very helpful in keeping our spiritual house in order, too,
    so thank you!

  10. As always I deeply appreciated this morning’s SpiritView and loved the photo of the happy kitchen cleaner. A little later in the morning, without consciously thinking about those things, I happily went about doing some kitchen cleaning that was not planned but was very fruitful. One never knows what blessings will unfold from Evan’s shared inspiration!

  11. I have been pondering the bottom of page 240 in S&H where MBE writes, “In trying to undo the errors of sense one must pay fully and fairly the utmost farthing, until all error is finally brought into subjection to Truth. The divine method of paying sin’s wages involves unwinding one’s snarls, and learning from experience how to divide between sense and Soul.” I am going to go to JSH-Online to see if there are any articles that contain the phrase “paying sin’s wages”.

  12. Thank you Evan…It really opened my eyes when I read the sentence….” because he knew his reality with God in Spirit”.

    I was thinking of myself being stuck in a situation and resenting it and this idea freed me up!

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